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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Well because you say that you are God. So, everything that you say must be taken literally as the Word of God. jk In all seriousness, I do value your opinions highly, but don't believe that I necessarily need your opinions all the time. I am just trying to understand them as best as I can because I find them to be very useful.
  2. hmm.....yeah, it can be very compelling to get sucked into their kind of worldview. Though, you've said before that Progressive YTers have better political analysis than mainstream news channels do. So, while progressive YTers have more accurate assessments than news channels do on the political situations going on in our country, the progressive analysts are still too pessimistic, complain too much, and blame the mainstream media and centre to center-left Democrats, right?
  3. Then, what are some positive things about him?
  4. I know. Neither D.C. nor Puerto Rico will gain statehood anytime soon. In any case, what's your take on progressive analysts who've already been saying stuff like "He hasn't been hitting the ground running when he should've been, especially given the crises our country is still in," "Biden doesn't seem like he's going to be like FDR like he led us to believe during his 2020 presidential campaign," "he's not going to get much done for our country," "he turning out to be another predictable corporate establishment Dem," "he is living in a dream world by thinking that he is going to unite country or create effective bipartisanship in Washington," "Bernie would've been a stronger and more aggressive president than Biden," etc.?
  5. Sorry. It's just that people like him really enraged me. To me, there's nothing good about people like him
  6. Like Trump, he also needs to be eliminated from existence.
  7. Ah, this totally makes sense because I was about to say that having a loving family or having a loving group of people you consider to be family is essential for everyone's psychology, even though mental health experts and therapists have always mentioned how necessary it is to not need validation, approval, or sexual/romantic love from others to complete you as a person.
  8. How about making both Puerto Rico and D.C. official states? Democrats would really be happy with that.
  9. I am actually very glad about this. Mike Lindell is another right-wing conman freak
  10. This is why I wish mainstream schools provided mandatory education on how to men and women can understand each other. That way a lot more people would have happier romantic relationships and be more at peace with each other.
  11. Well, I hope that the voter turnout for 2024 will end up being at least as high as it was for the 2020 election. Btw, I think that the USA would be a better place, if most conservatives in the country were eliminated from existence.
  12. I pray that you're right. However, I still hope that next Republican nominees are at least not as dumb or dumber than Bush jr. was and at least not as devious or more devious than Trump was.
  13. Progressives such as TYT, Krystal Ball, and AOC don’t seem very happy with what Biden and establishment Dems have done so far.
  14. I am really worried that Biden and the Dems in Congress have not been off to a good enough start. They seem to be negotiating too much with the Republicans in Congress, which could put the Democrats in Congress in danger of giving too much of their power away to the Republicans in Congress by allowing the establishment Republicans to constantly obstruct everything the Dems want to get done or passed. I fear that if this continues to happen then the Democratic Party could very well end up letting our country down, even during this terrible crisis period we are in. This of course could also lead to the Democrats to losing the either or both chambers of Congress and/or the presidency in the next 4 years.
  15. That's crazy! So would flashing your dick to women in public be considered a form of confidence?
  16. It's okay. As much of a cliche as this sounds, nobody can get everything right. Besides, these senate races were very hard to predict considering how close they ended up being. Btw, I have to say that I was really impressed with your final prediction on the 2020 presidential election results. You probably turned out to be one of the very few people out there in the US who got it all right (with the exception of North Carolina and Georgia being the only states you had in reverse or backwards of the actual outcome). Yeah, I honestly got really worried and even felt depressed when he thought that the Dems would lose, given how accurate Leo's predictions were for both the 2020 democratic primaries and the 2020 general election. Though, I am going to honest with you all. I had a gut feeling that both Ossoff and Warnock were very likely to win given how much shit Trump did to fuck up both Loeffler's and Perdue's chance of getting re-election combined with how much of a killer job political activists like Stacey Abrams did to tremendously boost Democrat voter turnout in Georgia. God bless her. I also think that McConnell made a mistake for himself and all of his GOP senators by blocking the $2,000 stimulus checks from being passed. I really think that that also cost him his leadership position as Senate Majority leader. It's also possible that progressive Congressmen like Bernie Sanders who did play hardball with the Republican senators over the stimulus checks and the defense bill last December also helped Ossoff and Warnock win their races.
  17. Hey guys, so I know we are getting really sick and tired of the ongoing 2020 election races. However, tomorrow will be the Election Day/Night of the Georgia Senate runoffs, which have become extremely crucial for both the Democrats and Republicans because of how high the political stakes have become for both sides. Needless to say, if both Ossoff and Warnock, who are the democratic candidates, win their races then the Democratic Party will have ultimately regained control of the US Senate chamber. However, if even one of the democratic candidates loses their race, then the Republican Party will ultimately retain control of the US Senate chamber. Now, things seems to be really looking up for both Ossoff and Warnock according to both the most recent polls and unprecedented amount of early voting that has occurred. Also, Biden/Harris did win the state of Georgia for the presidential election which in a way makes it another good sign for the Dems. Also, some political experts have been saying that Trump has been constantly jeopardizing the chances of both Loeffler and Perdue getting re-elected. Yet, Georgia has still always been a very red state and Perdue and Loeffler, who are the republican candidates, are unfortunately the incumbents. I know that a lot of political analysts are still saying that they still don't truly know who are really going to win the senatorial races, but because we are now only day away from them I was wondering if any of you have any predictions or bets on who you think will win those two seats?
  18. I know that Biden and many Democrats, including those in both chambers of Congress, want to try to get along with Republicans by making bipartisan deals. This is what Bill Clinton tried to during his presidency and this also what Obama tried to do during his presidency. However, from what I understand, neither Clinton nor Obama were able to really make that happen. Also, I keep hearing from progressive political pundits and commentators that Democrats keep making the same mistake over and over again with trying to "play patty cake" with the Republicans, which has constantly led to the Democrats not getting many new essential laws passed, even when they are officially in control of either chamber of Congress or both chambers of Congress or have the presidency or have control of one chamber of Congress and have the presidency or even when they have the whole government trifecta. Whenever the Republicans have any such control of the government, they never return the favor of really wanting to make bipartisan deals with Democrats. Instead they just disregard the Dems and unilaterally get the legislation they want passed or the executive orders they want done. Biden and his press secretary have already been saying a number of times that he wants bipartisanship. Chuck Schumer, who is the newest majority leader has now been letting McConnell pressure him to give what the Republicans want. It also looks like the Schumer and the other democratic senators don't want to nuke the filibuster when they should. I am really worried about what this is going to mean for our country. Are the Dems not going to end getting much done because they are simply going to let the Republicans push them around or maybe because the Democrats are being too nice or too naive?
  19. We are not trying to disrespect woman at all. We men are trying to figure out how to improve our social and seduction skills to get better with women. Btw, it may not seem like on the surface, but women also tend to treat men like objects in their own ways. Men see women more as beauty object, whereas women see men as success/status objects. Also, you know that women treat male strippers as pieces of meat in male strip clubs, right? How about all of the female groupies at all of those music concerts? Let's also not forget that tons of everyday women scheme with each other on how to get certain guys they want. One more thing....I had girls during my middle school and high school years who would sometimes make me feel uncomfortable at times when they came on to me by slapping my butt in the hallway when it was totally unsolicited, asking me out of the blue to be their boyfriend, telling me that I have buns of steel, or what have you. There was actually this one time during the summer before my senior year of high school where I was training to be a lifeguard and we were practicing saving someone using a water rescue spine board with straps. I volunteered to pretend to be the victim that would be saved and another fellow trainee of mine who was a sophomore high school girl would practice on me by strapping me on the spine board tight. As she was finishing strapping me on tight she said "you know, if no one else was around then I would rape you."
  20. Yeah, I agree with that. What a damn shame Clinton did by having sex with Monica Lewinski. If he hadn't done that stupid shit, then Gore would have been our President instead of Bush back then. We also might of had Hillary as our President instead of Trump.
  21. I see. Well, I am not whining anymore about the unfairness women have or that even some other guys have. However, I am telling you that from my own personal experiences as a guy who myself arguably has top 1% looks (again, I am not trying to brag) and from dating gurus like those guys in those Mr. Locario and Ollie Pearce (who btw have both worked as models before) that just being a good looking guy will not automatically make you online dating easier. It really the quality of each of your photos including how well-dressed and stylish the clothes you wear in your photos work, how good your haircut is and how clean shaven your face (or how stylish and rugged your facial hair is on you if you are going with facial hair), how clear and crisp your photos are, how congruent the background is with you in each of the photos, how cool and interesting the lifestyle you project in each of your photos are, the kind of personality you project in each of your photos by your body language and facial expressions you make in each of your photos, the way you stand or sit in each of your photos, what kind of accessories you may or may not wear and show in each of your photos such as rings, necklaces, earrings, hats, scarves, etc. Your pictures essentially need to look like they are out of a professional magazine in order to get best responses from women online, especially if you want to get the hottest girls available on there. Also, yes, what is said in your profile should indeed because short and sweet and to the point. Actually one of the best lines to put on your Tinder or Bumble profile or what have you should have what you do for a living, where you went to school, your most passionate hobby, and then a very short message that says something like "I am looking where things go while having the best experience possible." If you are in a polyamorous relationship or are wanting to be in a one, then you could say something like "I am non-monogamous and in an open relationship, but don't let your fear stop you fro having the best experience." Of course, only mention you are in an open relationship if you actually are. Furthermore, it's always going to be a number games times ten compared to offline cold approaching and dating, no matter how hot you look and/or how good your online dating profile is and/or how good your dating game is. Btw, you guys gotta check this out:
  22. Btw, as crazy as this sounds Michael Cohen now thinks that Trump may have already pardoned himself, his children, and Rudy Guiliani preemptively by doing what's he has called a 'pocket pardon,' whereby he already has prepared pardons in hand in case he, Rudy, and/or any of his children get indicted.
  23. So, getting totally naked like the guy in these vids did does or doesn't work?