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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. So, now how much will voter suppression do you guys think will happen in this election, especially now That ACB as of today will become the new US Supreme Court Justice?
  2. Hey guys, here's the link for the 2nd/final 2020 Presidential Debate between Biden and Trump: It will start in about a half-hour. Btw, in case you didn't know, both of the candidates will have their mics muted during portions of this debate. Let me know what your reactions, thoughts, feelings, etc. are about it all.
  3. Yeah, that's what Leo was saying. However, these undecided voters do sound like they have been following politics. I heard one of them talk about Biden being against TPP and other issues that have been on the news for a long time. Am I wrong?
  4. Btw guys, how likely is it that Kanye West's run for president will affect Biden's chances of winning?
  5. Well, then it's like why don't the rest of the undecided voters throughout the whole country think this way too?
  6. You mean because if he did suffer a really bout of sickness like Johnson throughout the rest of the month of October and lost the election, then his supporters will then be like "Man, Trump lost because he didn't get the chance to finish campaigning for himself during the last month before the election. If he didn't get sick, then he really would've won! This is totally unfair!" Yeah? lol
  7. This is why I wish that Trump was suffering from COVID at least as much as and as long as Prime Minister Boris Johnson did. He absolutely deserves that and more.
  8. I can't believe that the majority of this group of undecided voters said that they are now leaning towards Trump and that they thought Trump came off more presidential than Biden did during this debate.
  9. She was not bad. Though, what I don't get is why Trump still wasn't muted enough during this debate.
  10. Btw, do any of you guys think that voter turnout is going to be greater or lesser than it was in 2016? Will there be a lot more people who want to vote this year for both the presidential and congressional elections compared to the amount who actually voted in 2016?
  11. This speech was truly inspirational. I really miss him as our active president. I think that this speech had to significantly help Biden in some way.
  12. I guess the Ralph Smart thread took too much attention away from my thread.
  13. Yeah, I mean obviously I have a certain degree of bias towards Biden, but I agree that Trump pretty much blew it again with this debate. Neither stood out phenomenally well with regard to optics; however, I really thought had better optics than Trump because he not only had much stronger argumentative points with regard to policy, substance, and sound logic, but also because Biden seemed much more rational, measured, and believable than Trump. Also, I think that Biden had a lot more effective counterpoints than Trump had.
  14. I see. I guess neither one particularly stood out over the other in terms of engagement and frame control. However, Trump as usual and unlike Biden, spewed about tons of lies with faulty logic.
  15. Oh yeah, he definitely does. Now, what do you think about how Biden and Trump are doing from an optics or charisma point of view?
  16. True. I guess that's because the commission forced them to be.
  17. So, I am guessing that this debate doesn't really matter to anyone.
  18. Oh yeah, I see what you mean. Actually, I think that's what both the TYT and The Hill/Rising political analysts, pundits, and commentators were saying regarding Trump's tremendous losses in both female suburban voters and white voters.
  19. I see. So, a very large sample may not matter much if it isn't relevant enough to what you're trying to forecast. You're also saying that it doesn't sound like his methodology has been peer-reviewed well enough. Correct? Btw, in relation to blacks for Trump, it seems that Trump has been gaining more support from blacks than he did for the 2016 election. It's the same thing that going on with the increase in Latino support that Trump has gotten compared to the last election. This why I am actually concerned that Biden hasn't been getting as much support from both African-Americans and Latinos nationwide, especially amongst young or younger African-Americans and Latinos nationwide.
  20. Recently, it seems that Trump has increased his support from minorities, including both black and latino voters, after working very hard on influencing a significant number of them to support and vote for him. For example, Trump pardoned that African-American female criminal justice reform advocate Alice Johnson after she served 21 years in prison. On the other hand, they say that Biden’s average leads with both black and latinos are significantly lower than Clinton’s around this time four years ago. How much do you guys think this matters for Biden? Does he have enough support from minorities?
  21. Yeah, you make a valid point. Though, what about Stantic saying that his lab’s analysis has a significantly larger sample size than any of the opinion polls?