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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Here's some more lunacy from Trump, which is also incredibly laughable: https://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-biden-can-only-enter-white-house-president-if-he-can-prove-ridiculous-80000000-votes-1550836
  2. Hey, this is for Tim Pool, https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/27/politics/trump-pennsylvania-lawsuit-appeal/index.html
  3. Breaking News from Tim Pool! Judge BLOCKS PA Certification, HUGE Win For Trump, w/ Jack Murphy! This is laughable, right?
  4. Pennsylvania and Nevada have now been certified for Biden!
  5. I like your certainty on that. Though why are legal experts and commentators such as these worried about it? In fact, Cenk appeared to be freaking out about all of this. Perhaps, I am misunderstanding all of this or I am missing something here.
  6. Unless Trump actually does end up stealing the election by successfully persuading GOP state legislatures in key states like PA, MI, WI, GA, and AZ to appoint electors who will essentially give the number of electoral votes Trump needs to overturn the results of the election. I am worried about this even though they say that it's extremely unlikely to happen. What do you guys think?
  7. Guys, Biden just won the recount for Georgia! Now that the recounted has been completed, AP has finally officially called the state for Biden! Also, I forgot to mention before that I actually ended up being right when I said last week on Friday that there was a 99.99% chance that most of the mainstream media organization would officially call it for Biden on the following day (Saturday). However, the Trump campaign technically is unfortunately entitled to pay for another recount, which they probably will do.
  8. Hey guys, I've been hearing recently about how many superstars including celebrity actors, musicians, Youtube sensations, etc. in various fields worked extremely hard to get to where they are at because of how ambitious they all have been. However, is it actually true that ALL superstar icons have incredible work ethic, or are there actually a lot of them who got the wealth, fame, success, and status mostly by luck?
  9. Yeah, see now I am kinda getting contradictory advice because Leo is saying that it's virtually impossible to become a celebrity unless you work incredibly hard, yet guys like you and Aurum are saying that it's not necessarily true, because of how many factors/variable that are needed to be accounted for that are required for mega-success to occur. Also, like @IAmReallyImportant said, there have been A LOT of celebrities that got to where they are in only a few short years (e.g. Taylor Swift who got famous within not even a decade of practice with her work). Also, what about the Kardashians?
  10. Well, now I am confused because actually every Democrat, including even James Carville himself, have lately been saying that Trump lost the election. Yet, I doesn't look like Biden is going to be able to win the election by more than 5 points nationally with the popular vote. Also, Cenk Uygur from TYT even said himself too that with Amy Coney Barrett in as the new conservative Justice of the US Supreme Court, the US Supreme Court can and will very likely rule in favor of Trump to steal the election if Biden doesn't win the election by more than 4-5 points. Cenk starts mentioning it in the above video at time mark 28:10.
  11. Btw guys, James said before that Biden needs to win by more than 5 point nationally in order for his victory to not be stolen by Trump through the courts. What do you guys think?
  12. Actually, it's generally a narrow majority of people that do vote. However, the 2020 election turned out to be quite the exception. It's really is astonishing that very close to 2/3 of all eligible voting adults in the US actually voted.
  13. Yeah, I agree. It looks like Trump is going to get NC according to Decision Desk HQ. Oh well. Besides, that state no longer really matters at all for Biden. As for Georgia, the New York Times already mentioned before they officially called Arizona for Biden that he seems even more likely to win Georgia. In fact, not only is Biden currently 14,149 votes ahead of Trump, but also the current trajectory continues to show that the more groups of votes get counted the more Biden's lead in that state continues to increases. There are now very few votes left to count for that state and from what I understand they should even be done with the whole recount of all the votes by tomorrow. Therefore, Biden has a 99.99% probability of winning Georgia tomorrow.
  14. Folks, Biden finally officially won Arizona for sure now! https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/results-arizona.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/12/us/biden-wins-arizona.html?action=click&module=ELEX_results&pgtype=Interactive&region=ReporterUpdates Even, CNN, ABC, and NBC finally projected Biden as the winner of Arizona. So, now he undoubtedly won a total of 290 electoral votes.
  15. Do you think Kamala has a lot of potential for improving her level of charisma?
  16. So, do you guys think that Biden will still win Arizona? lol
  17. Sorry, if I am posting disinformation. I only post information on here that I either have a question on or that's disconcerting to me.
  18. Btw guys, you still think that Biden will win Arizona? What about North Carolina?
  19. I wish this country would provide free health care like they do in countries like Sweden, but it's not gonna happen anytime soon.
  20. I am very happy that the news media outlets and many prominent politicians have already officially acknowledged and announced Biden's and Harris's victory! However, Biden so far only won by a narrow margin not just for the entire election, but also won by relatively narrow margins for each state. Now, didn't some people on this forum say that if Biden wins by a narrow margin (especially if he barely wins each of the states he needs to legitimately win at least 270 electoral votes) then Trump would be able to easily take this to SCOTUS to have the conservative majority rule in his favor, thereby ultimately allowing his to steal the election?