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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Damn it! This is not looking good for gov. Cuomo. You know what’s crazy about all of this? If a Republican candidate wins the next NY gubernatorial election next year because of Cuomo’s scandals, then that future Republican governor would probably pardon all of Trump’s state level crimes and offenses.?
  2. Dating coaches charged ridiculously high fees. You would have to be either rich enough to be able to afford wasting thousands of dollars down the drain on a dating coaches without any guarantee that it will work or get very lucky to get a free one-on-one coaching session on a consistent basis. However, if you want to prove me wrong, then be my guest. I honestly would like to be proven wrong.
  3. Ah, so the men and women in that vid gave that more tips were she had bigger boobs mostly because of how nice and sexy the shape of them were. Not so much the size of them. Bigger boobs aren’t always automatically better looking than small or smaller ones. It’s that people, especially straight guys and lesbian/bisexual women are more likely to like women with bigger boobs, because bigger ones tend to make their bust look better. Correct?
  4. Yeah, a lot of big boobs are really gross, particularly if they get too large to the point of looking ridiculously fake and weird. Also yes, shape of breasts do definitely matter. So, I do agree that different guys actually like different size tits. Yet, why do a lot of strippers and pornstars get breasts augmentations and why do girl with bigger boobs still get paid more like in that MythBusters vid you showed me before?
  5. You’re welcome guys. You guys can PM me if you want to find out how to get lost in mental masturbation on a whole other level that you have never seen or experienced before.
  6. Yeah, I know. Though I wonder why Taylor Swift keeps losing boyfriends? lol So, then what do you think Leo is saying?
  7. Your points are totally valid. However, people like Leo say that porn is a part of most guys' lives, regardless of how much sex he has had and that bigger breasts are always more appealing on women. Also, why do women with bigger boobs or bigger butts get more tips than girls who have smaller boobs and/or butts?
  8. While, I am sure that there is some inherent racism within the royal family, my parents and I think that Meghan Markle is really blowing this issue way out of proportion. She's probably lying for the most part because she just wants more attention.
  9. So, the most advanced countries in the world like Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Scandanavian countries, and what have you have the least amount of religious people per capita?
  10. How so? I am saying that it's so ironic that Joe Rogan totally believes in having structure, rules, and discipline for yourself in order to survive and succeed with what you want, but at the same time seems to believe in the libertarian idea of society not having much regulation, rules, and mandates from the government.
  11. Even, Joe Rogan says that he totally believes in the idea that discipline equals freedom.
  12. Yeah, de-loading is definitely necessary sometimes in order to facilitate greater recovery of your nervous system. That's why programs like Starting Strength or Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 or whatever, have you take deload weeks accordingly.
  13. Well first off, I can't believe that you would be turned off by dicks. jk. lol Yes, of course looks and attraction are subjective. However, most men really aren't really turned on by women who look like beanpoles even if they have pretty faces, particularly if they look too boyish. I know I am not. Also, I rarely ever get off to or have an orgasm from visualizing or looking at pics of hot female celebrities like Jessica Alba or Taylor Swift who are skinny and have small boobs and butts. I wonder what guys like Leo think.
  14. Yeah, that's all true. I actually wonder why are we behind countries such as the Western and Northern European ones, Australia, and Canada. Is it because we have a lot more stupid and evil people in the US than European countries, Australia, and Canada have?
  15. Yeah, I honestly was never turned on by any of those skinny runway model girls and I really don’t see why most men would either. I guess it’s just like how most women aren’t actually turned on by men who look like bodybuilder freaks. So then, does that also mean that even more feminine looking attractive mainstream female celebs who are broadly recognized around the world as gorgeous like Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner who don’t have big tits and/or don’t have big round asses are actually not as hot as most of the top female pornstars and playmate models?
  16. I see. So, it's not really clear as to where on the left–right political spectrum the country is at overall. Therefore, it's kinda up to one's own opinion on where we are. Though, why is it that democratic presidential candidates have always gotten more popular votes than republican presidential candidates do ever since the 90s (except in 2004 when it was Bush vs. Kerry)? Also, why is it that people like you have said that "The only reason Democrats lose is because they have a huge demographic disadvantage with the electoral college and the senate system"? Then again, why have we had for many years way more Republican state legislatures than Democratic state legislatures and more Republican governors than Democratic governors throughout the US ?
  17. @Leo Gura so, are all off those skinny runway model women who have flat chests and flat asses a great actually not as physically attractive as female celebs and supermodels who are busty and have a sexy bubblebutts?
  18. That’s actually true. Unless, he’s one of those rare guys who has had enough of his fill with women and finally just wants to settle down with one woman and/or is a truly devout man.
  19. That's really surprising that women tipped even more for women with bigger tits. So, then women with nice big booties would also get more tips from both men and women? Also, does this mean that all of those skinny runway model women who have flat chests and flat asses are actually not as physically attractive as female celebs and supermodels who are busty and have a sexy bubblebutts?
  20. Yeah, but heavy metal toxicity can't just be the sole factor that causes most criminals to commit crimes. Genetics, the way they were raised by their parents, trauma they may have incurred, addictions to certain vices, the socioeconomic background of the neighborhood they grew up, etc. are all factors that can cause one to be a criminal.
  21. That's really surprising that women tipped even more. So, then women with nice big booties would also get more tips from both men and women? Also, does this mean that all of those skinny runway model women who have flat chests and flat asses are actually not as physically attractive as female celebs and supermodels who are busty and have a sexy bubblebutts?
  22. I now more concerned about the sexual harassment charges on Cuomo.
  23. My mom has had thyroid issues too and also saw an endocrinologist/thyroidologist before too for meds. Considering the fact that she is somewhat underweight, if she gained about 10 lbs. on then I think that her thyroid would function better overall. Is your mom of healthy weight?
  24. Oh okay. That's good she did that. Yeah, I would then follow what Leo just said above as I believe he has experience dealing with thyroid issues himself.
  25. Has your mom been seeing a medical specialist like an endocrinologist or thyroidologist?