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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/pennsylvania-texas-supreme-court-trump-election-2020-b1769664.html This is getting scary. Are any of you afraid of the consequences of this or no?
  2. So, does that also mean that sociopaths don't even trust themselves?
  3. Great news everybody! First off, according to New York Times as well as several other seemingly legit news organizations, Biden got both New Jersey yesterday and Hawaii today certified for him. Biden now has ALL of the states that he won 100% certified for him, which of course means that he now has finally received the entire grand total of 306 certified electoral votes! Also, FYI, the NYT also shows that Trump also got Missouri certified for him today, which consequently totally completes the certification for each state throughout the entire country that Trump won. Needless to say, but that obviously that means that Trump now finally received his entire grand total of 232 certified electoral votes. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/20/us/politics/2020-election-certification-tracker.html Second of all, is that SCOTUS just annihilated the Trump team and their GOP allies' request for a hearing! As a matter of fact, none of the Justices made any noted or public dissents in rejecting the possible lawsuit! Third of all, from what I understand, now all of the states that Biden won have been 100% certified before the safe harbor deadline (which is today), along with the fact that In a one-sentence order, the US Supreme Court today "refused to overturn election results that had already been certified and submitted" according to NYT, that means that the US Congress by law, on January 6, must count all of the states that Biden won with 100% certification for each of them. Am I right?
  4. No, they will have to leave. That's why Biden/Harris have been picking for their upcoming administration a whole new set of cabinets members and new white house staff.
  5. So, we know how much of a disaster Trump has been during the past 4 years, especially during this whole calendar year. Now, throughout Trump's whole term he has had a great number of people within his administration who were not only unqualified for the specific positions they were given, but also were totally spineless bootlickers to him. My question is, what or how exactly did all of these unfit lackeys of Trump do to negatively contribute to causing great harm to the entire US?
  6. Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, who has only an A.A. degree. Rex Tillerson, CEO of ExxonMobil, was Secretary of State for Trump before he was fired. Rick Perry, Former United States Secretary of Energy. Former Governor of Texas, and has absolutely no credentials for dealing with Energy resources. Danny Ray Brouillette, current US Secretary of Energy, has mediocre level credentials for the job. Betsy Devos, Secretary of Education. Religious freak, with no credentials at all for Education related matters. Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to the President and White House Director of Speechwriting, Promoted white supremacy and conspiracy theories relating to voter fraud. Steve Bannon, White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the President. A former Navy lieutenant, investment banker, and executive chairman of Breitbart News, Bannon assumed the role of chief executive of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign in August 2016, and followed the newly elected president to the White House. Sebastian Gorka, Deputy Assistant to the President, A former editor for Breitbart News known for his extreme views of Islam and ties to the alt-right and frequent commentator on Fox News, Gorka styled himself as a counterterrorism expert. Jared Kushner, Senior Advisor to the President (Jan. 20, 2017 – present) During the presidential transition, Trump reportedly requested top-secret security clearance for Kushner so that he could join the Presidential Daily Briefings on intelligence along with retired General and National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, a highly unusual move for someone with no national security experience. Later, when career officials rejected Kushner (and his wife) for top-secret clearance due to concerns about potential foreign influence and conflicts of interest, the decision was overruled by the White House. Michael Flynn, National Security Adviser (Jan. 22, 2017 – Feb. 13, 2017), lynn resigned after less than a month after revelations that he misled Vice President Mike Pence and others in the White House over conversations he had before Trump took office with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. Flynn pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to the FBI in connection with the Mueller investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Many more explained on here: https://www.justsecurity.org/73226/loyalty-above-all-the-shallow-state-of-the-trump-administration/
  7. In case you guys didn't know yet, Biden now has a total of 288 electoral votes certified for him. So, that obviously means that he already more than enough pledged electors he needs to be voted in as the next president of the US. The only states left that have not been certified yet for Biden are New Jersey and Hawaii, both of which Biden won and 99.99% will be certified for him either tomorrow (12/7) or the day after tomorrow (12/8). December 8th is the deadline date for both Hawaii and New Jersey and is also the "safe harbor" certification deadline for generally all states and D.C. The only state left that has not been certified yet for Trump is Missouri. That's state certification deadline date is also on 12/8, so there is time for Biden and his team of lawyers to actually delay that state's certification of the election results pass the deadline. If the Biden campaign succeeds with that, then they would have a good chance to convince the state legislatures, Secretary of State, Governor of Missouri, Missouri board election officials, and all other election officials of that state to appoint a slate of electors for Biden. That would given Biden an extra 10 electoral votes to add to his entire total of electoral votes he won
  8. This whole thing has become incredibly frustrating. ?? Also, notice how these two meatheads couldn't even spell the word legal right.
  9. Oh goodie! Btw, I forgot to mention in my previous message that Trump is now essentially repeating the same stupid whiny message about the election on and on and on like a broken record.
  10. Okay, I got it now. Yeah, actually what you are all saying are what political experts like Michael Moore, the The Hill/Rising, and Professor Lichtman were saying, which is essentially that it's primarily Trump's fault that he lost this election. He didn't want to take enough serious, legit responsibility as President of our country just as he never taken enough serious, legit responsibility as business owner of both his own family conglomerate, Trump Organization, and the ridiculous business side ventures he had. So, then you may be asking "well, if you already knew the answer, then why did you bother asking us, Hardkill?" Well, I still was curious to know or learn if the Biden campaign really did better than either Hillary or Trump campaigns did. However, I guess what you guys are saying is that you can't really evaluate whose campaign was better or the best because neither of them were great, 2020 was too different from 2016, and in the end it mainly came down to Trump who ultimately ruined his own career as President and perhaps his entire life. Yeah, I actually am inclined to agree with you. I mean yes, Hillary would have been more qualified to President than Biden is because she is much smarter and more competent of a politician than he is and she never would have been negatively judged as Biden has been for being over-aged because when she ran against Trump in 2016 she was 1-2 years short of being 70 years old.
  11. So guys, now that the results of the 2020 election are getting close to coming to an end do any of you think that actually the Biden/Harris campaign team ran a better campaign than the Hillary/Kaine campaign team did in 2016? Or did Biden/Harris truly only won by pure luck due to the various unusual circumstances that occurred during this election season which automatically set them up to win simply by default?
  12. You're totally right. What Trump was saying in that vid really does sound convincing to a lot of people out there. Hell, I hate to admit it, but a lot of times I immediately take what he says with consideration and seriously begin to question if maybe what he is saying is actually right. His ability to gaslight people really is very strong. However, each time I contemplate what he says, I realize how full of s**t and moronic he really is. Btw, what he presented as 'evidence' with that graph on the change of the vote margins over time for states like Pennsylvania was so idiotic. I mean, how would that graph by itself prove that their was massive fraud? Just because it showed at first that you were leading in that said state and then it eventually switched to Biden leading, and ultimately lead to Biden winning it? Like dude, changes like that happen all the time in every kind of election before they get officially called by election officials, vote counters, statisticians, Secretary of States, Governors, the major legit media organizations, etc. Also, everyone throughout the entire country who is involved in officially conducting a totally legitimate election, including all of the above mentioned professionals I just named, talked openly and honestly to the public for several weeks or months before the election that they all totally expected to receive such a unprecedented amount of early votes (including early mail-votes) during and after election night. Therefore, they also made it very very clear to the public way before night before that they will very likely be weeks after election night that they will be done with counting all of the votes made throughout the entire nation not just for the Presidential election, but also for all of the U.S. House of Representatives races and all of the Senatorial races throughout the entire country due to the nationwide influence of the COVID pandemic and national political unrest. No legit professional any where in every city/town/village, in every county, in every state within the whole U.S.A. involved in counting, calculating, announcing, and certifying the election results for every single race for the entire 2020 general election were 100% straight up with the public about all of this way in advance before election night. Yeah, he could've easily become one of the most corrupt religious leaders ever in history like the Borgias pope from the Renaissance era.
  13. So, then would you say that it was primarily Trump who blew his chances of winning this election?
  14. Yeah, I guess there are too many factors to compared between those occurred in 2016 and those in 2020. Okay, so now would you say that the Biden campaign actually better than the Trump campaign did or did Biden/Harris win only by 100% luck?
  15. Hey guys, have you seen this? https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/12/01/parnell-kelly-act-72-appeal-scotus/
  16. You know, I was actually thinking along those lines, but the way you said it was hilarious.
  17. Arizona, Wisconsin, Colorado, Connecticut, and Rhode Island all got certified for Biden today. I actually was expecting that Wisconsin would be certified for Biden tomorrow because it's certification deadline is actually tomorrow, so I am pleasantly surprised that state got it done today. Trump's failure to prevent Wisconsin from being certified before its state deadline I think is good news for Biden because after Arizona got certified earlier today, Wisconsin became the very last possible KEY battleground state that Trump could've possibly stop from being certified for Biden. So now, it seems at this point, it's almost impossible for Trump to overturn any of them for himself, legally through the courts. In fact, there has never been any of point in history where a state took back its certification of the results.
  18. Yeah, that was really good that 60 minutes did this interview.
  19. Yeah, actually that's what I was wondering too. Alright, well that sounds reassuring. That's true with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling and yes both the Trump media/campaign and Trump legal teams actually bungled a lot of it themselves. However, after about 4 days ago when Cenk said that Trump is finally finished after Penn got certified for Biden, he now is back to saying that Republicans in PA actually has a possibility of being able to steal the election. He says that the Republicans lawmakers in PA are now going for the steal and that they have about a 5% chance of being able to pull it off by overturning the certified win for Biden and awarding their electoral votes to Biden. From what I also understand, it sounds like Cenk is also strongly implying that this kind of problem could as well happen in the other battleground states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, etc.
  20. Ah, I see now. So, it was really to help rally up as many Dems as possible. You think that Biden/Harris got enough cushion? What about some of those state legislatures in PA who as of yesterday decided to make some kind of resolution to overturn the election results in their state?
  21. So guys, there's still one thing that nagging in my head, which is that if there is 100% no way that Trump can overturn the election through the courts, then why did political and legal experts like Carville and Cenk from TYT say before election night that Biden needs to win the election by more than 5 points nationally in order to protect his legitimate win from being taken away by Trump through the courts, including SCOTUS, which are primarily controlled by the republicans/conservatives throughout the whole U.S.?
  22. Yeah, a nursery or kindergarten school is definitely a fitting place for him.