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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. OMG! What happened yesterday at the Capitol Hill was surreal! However, I have to say that I knew that something like this was going to happened. I was worried that the law enforcement would end up not adequately securing the building and every Congressmen in there against any possible serious threats made by any of the protestors. The military and the police didn’t even do a good enough job with controlling the protesting that happened outside of and around the building. Also, where the hell were the large groups of policemen and the national guard before this crazy shit got totally out of control? Did you guys also see the pics of everyone who vandalized the entire building? Unbelievable!
  2. All of the mainstream media organizations have now finally called it for Ossoff! Also, he's now definitely out of the recount territory! Yeah, I've been hearing from progressives like Cenk lately that Dems should in general be winning these kinds of elections, but they instead have most of time been feckless. Though, I still don't fully understand why they suck at framing and branding compared to the Republicans and why they negotiate too much with them. This is why I made that thread "Do Republicans actually campaign better than Democrats?" If you don't mind, could you help me understand why this is? Oh yeah, there's no way that the USA is overall even close to solid Green or beyond. Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the country largely range from being Red to Orange? Yeah, the rural areas and the privileged yuppies areas (where I grew up in and have lived in for almost my entire life) have always been the most politically regressed parts of the country. Though, I would still say that the rural folks are in general not as evolved as the rich yuppies because the rich yuppie areas are have much greater highly educated per capita than the rural folk areas do.
  3. Warnock will be totally safe from any recount possibility because he already won his election by a 1.2 percentage point margin when it was called for him. In fact, it looks like his margin of victory will continue to grow ever so slightly even with approximately 1-1.5% of the votes left to report for Warnock and Loeffler. "According to Georgia law, if two candidates are within a 0.5 percentage point margin or less, either one is able to request a recount." https://www.vox.com/22216363/georgia-senate-runoff-recount-rules. So that race is done. Now as for Ossoff even if the results of the Georgia Regular Senate Runoff Election (which is the one between Ossoff and Perdue) determine that the results ended up being within the recount territory, it will still be extremely unlikely that a recount will ultimately change the outcome of that race, given how much ahead Ossoff is over Perdue now. The difference in total votes between Ossoff and Perdue right is about 18,423. The initial count where Biden defeated Trump in Georgia was by around 14,000 votes. This was before the state of Georgia did the two completely thorough recounts for that state's presidential election results, including one hand recount followed by the machine recount. After both of those recounts were 100% completed, Biden ultimately won the state by 11,779 votes. Furthermore, if I recall correctly, according to the history of all U.S. elections, recounts very rarely if ever change the outcome of any election when the difference in votes ends up being around 5,000+ votes.
  4. It is very sad. I have to say, that I am frankly ashamed that this has been happening to our country. Even more so is that I am worried about what the long-term ramifications will be for America.
  5. Dude, being tasered is much less damaging to anyone than Being tasered is much less damaging to one's body compared to the damage anyone would receive from a shot from any kind of gun or even compared to getting hit really hard with a billy club by any trained cop.
  6. You know, I could be wrong, but it looks like there may not even be a total of a million Trump protestors out there by the end of the day.
  7. So, you know how Leo had already mentioned a while back one of his threads titled "Rising - Getting Worse and Worse"? Well, I now believe that entrepreneurs like Corey Wayne who is a life, business, and relationship coach, over the past few years have been showing serious signs of them being true believers of the toxic right-wing conspiracy theories. When I first learned about Corey Wayne over 6 years ago, I first had a lot of respect for him and his coaching despite how harsh and raw they were. However, ever since about 4 years when he made a video on why Donald Trump won, that's when I became very disappointed by him. Even 4 years later he really believes that Trump was great for our country for many reasons and now really believes that there really was widespread voter fraud. He also is a big believer and owner of guns. Overall he has become a typical example of right wing libertarians that have recently been on the rise. Other right-wing libertarian entrepreneurs like Corey Wayne who also support and have voted for Trump include Jason Blaha from Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness and John Sonmez from Bulldog Mindset. Hell, I really had even greater respect for John than I ever did for Corey. Yet, he recently said that he not only voted for Trump, but also believe that Trump is a unique authentic alpha male US president. He also said that he too is suspicious about how the entire election was conduct due to the unprecedented amount of mail in votes there were thoughout the entire country. I also had a lot of respect for both Jason and John before I found out that they were in Trump's camp. Now, I am not sure if I or even anyone else for that matter should ever continuing follow these kinds of people again. I worry that people like them are really contributing to the widespread poisoning of people's mind.
  8. Btw, I am considering this great victory along with the final seal of the presidential election results made by the US Congress to be my birthday gift for today. Today is my birthday.?
  9. As far as I am concerned the entire GOP shouldn't EVER have a future in politics anymore. I said it before on this forum and I am gonna say it again, the right-wing ideologies are virtually dead!
  10. VICTORY FOR THE DEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of the media finally called it for Warnock for the Senate Special Runoff! Decision Desk HQ finally called it for Ossoff for his Senate race! All that's left is for the rest of the media to formally declare Ossoff as the official victor of the Regular Senate Runoff election!
  11. Yeah! I pray the Kentucky Demon Lord of the Senate goes down!
  12. Decision Desk HQ called Warnock, the winner of his race! Ossoff is super close!
  13. Why do the Dems play nice and share power with Republicans and not the other way around?
  14. Damn. So, then what will Biden be able to get done without the Senate majority?
  15. Why would it still be an an almost insurmountable obstacle even if the Dems do end up winning both seats in Georgia?
  16. Shit. So, you guys have no idea how this going to go. I am really worried about what will happen with the Biden administration if the Dems don't regain the Senate control.
  17. Yeah, that's true. So, then is Trump really a litmus test for devils and fools or were you actually joking about that?
  18. Nothing is impossible. You don't know until you try to actually help him You're sounding useless.
  19. Not helping, dude. Besides, how has that been working for you?
  20. It is absolutely despicable what Trump is doing. Also, if I were Raffensperger, I would feel like I am not just being bullied by Trump, I'd also feel like I am being totally harassed by him. I mean don't you guys think that what Trump is doing is very stalkerish?
  21. Where is proof that the leftists do that? Also, what you’re educational background? Furthermore, what hate group do you belong to and what conspiracy theories do u believe in? Are you a QAnon member?
  22. Ah, I see. Yeah, I actually agree with you on that.
  23. I care because I think it's very worrisome to see that there appears to be many more people in my country than I thought before who are not as smart as they appear to be. They also are influencing people to believe in the very dangerous and toxic right-wing conservative theories and ideas especially those that have been heavily propagated by the alt-right media. Also, as Leo just said again, Trump has become a litmus test for fools and devils. So think about what that says about guys like Corey, or other popular entrepreneurs like John Sonmez and Jason Blaha?
  24. OF COURSE!!!! Lmao Well, that's too bad. I like TYT more than Rising and others like Kyle. I mean I definitely agree that a lot of these progressive YT channels out there are really bashing the mainstream media too hard. However, I feel like TYT is more fair and reasonable in their opinions about the mainstream media than other progressives like Krystal and Kyle are. Am I wrong or do you disagree with that?