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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Inflation is happening now: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/13/upshot/inflation-is-here-what-now.html
  2. Wait, but on my thread called "How much do women get turned on by a man's looks?" Leo said: My response to that was: Leo then said back to me: So, my question is that if the saying "If you think you are attractive, you are; if you think you don't, you don't" is true, then why did someone like Leo basically suggest to me that just because I think that I am attractive doesn't mean that I really am?
  3. You have a good point. Even though dating is competitive to an extent, almost everyone around has been able to be in some kind of relationship with another. You know, you seem to know a lot about dating, romance, and sex. Are you a dating expert?
  4. Why is someone like Caitlyn Jenner a Republican conservative when she is a rich and famous transgender? I remember you saying in your “how society evolves” vid on YouTube that’s conservatives are the way they are because they are old fashioned and have more of a survival mentality.
  5. I would try my best to approach at least 30-40 girls per week, if not 20 girls per day/night, every week as those such as Leo have suggested. However, what if after approaching 1000s of them in a row none of them find no chemistry with me even if I truly gave it my best shot and talked a really good game with each one of them?
  6. As a resident of California, I will be very upset if she does become my new governor. She would be a total disaster for our state. She's also another idiot who fell for Trump's con. Also, why is she a conservative Republican when she also obviously is a major supporter of transgender rights and the LGBTQ+ community?
  7. Yeah, but how does one know that they will ever be a match with anyone? I get that it's better to be positive, but at the same time one has to be realistic as well.
  8. Sounds like Donald Trump who also speaks his mind. lol
  9. There is more bad news now. Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/03/health/covid-herd-immunity-vaccine.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage Very sad and worrisome. Also, the coronavirus cases and related deaths are now skyrocketing in big countries like Brazil and India
  10. Yeah, centrists are somewhat fence sitters. However, you can't get anything done if you are a radical left, radical right, or even as a radical centrist. Btw, here's what James Carville said recently: https://www.vox.com/22338417/james-carville-democratic-party-biden-100-days
  11. I keep hearing from progressives like Cenk Uygur saying that most Democrats, especially the corporate Democrats don't know how to fight back or don't fight back aggressively enough, whereas Republicans do. They also say that Republicans are generally better at branding their proposals or messages than Democrats are. What do you guys think?
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/29/politics/border-patrol-unaccompanied-minors/index.html https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/551109-biden-on-influx-of-migrants-at-the-southern-border-weve-now-gotten https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/one-god-awful-mess-biden-lays-border-crisis-trump-admin-n1265908 There you go.
  13. Yeah, I totally agree. Also guys, the Biden administration was finally able to get the southern border crisis situation under control by the very end of his first 100 days of office.
  14. Yeah, it is odd. All of his content in each of his videos have been brilliant. While I am skeptical about his advocacy of psychedelics, I still think that each of one his videos are chock-full of vital knowledge and wisdom. They all deserve at least several million of views.
  15. It would be fantastic if this got passed by Congress, but I skeptical about it because of the fact that conservative Dems like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who don't want to eliminate or weaken the filibuster and Manchin is not inclined to use budget reconciliation again. I think he has done very well overall. He's so far really cleaned house within his entire executive branch given how inefficient, disordered, and corrupt it became under Trump's administration. Also, according to sources such as The Washington Post, "President Biden’s government transition, initially delayed by Donald Trump’s refusal to concede, early disputes over who would control Senate committees, and Trump’s second impeachment trial, has made up ground in comparison with his predecessors’ transitions. In March, Biden moved ahead of Trump and Barack Obama, who both waited more than a month longer to completely fill their Cabinet secretary slots. Biden is the first president in decades to secure those picks without a failed nominee, despite an evenly divided Senate." Plus, in comparison to his predecessors, even though Biden wasn't able to get nearly as many appointees confirmed by the senate as Obama did during his first 100 days in office, he still ended up surpassing both Trump's and W. Bush's total number of appointees that they each got confirmed by the senate during each of their first 100 days in office. Bill Clinton got a total of 45 of his appointees confirmed by the senate within his first 100 days of office, whereas Biden got a total of 44 appointees his appointees confirmed by the senate within his first 100 days of office. So Biden definitely got close to Clinton's record. Obama had 68 of his appointees confirmed by the senate within his first 100 days, but Bush had only 33 of his appointees confirmed by the senate within his first 100 days, and Trump only had 25 of his appointees confirmed by the senate within his first 100 days.
  16. Would she try to fix an Incel murderer or rapist?
  17. You know, it's really infuriating how dangerous of an influence people like Joe Rogan can be. Listen to how completely asinine and idiotic Rogan sounds regarding his take on the vaccine along with the well due criticism on his opinion:
  18. The Biden Administration is really struggling with handling the southern border crisis: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-first-100-days-immigration-policy/
  19. Conservative Democrats such as Manchin and Sinema don't want to eliminate or weaken the filibuster no matter what, and Manchin doesn't support using budget reconciliation, which would allow all of the Democratic senate pass spending related bills through a simple majority. Also corporate lobbyists and donors continue to of course get in the way of important laws that need to be enacted for the greater good of our country. Plus, our country has become more polarized than ever before from a political standpoint. So, will Congress and the Biden administration be able to pass any new legislation such as ones for raising the capital gains tax and corporate tax or other ones such as the infrastructure bill or HR 1? Or are we doomed to having no new beneficial laws being passed for the foreseeable future because there is too much gridlock?
  20. What exactly do you consider to be an example of differences between attraction, rapport, and seduction? Also, don't girls give last minute resistance sometimes because she was just not really in the right headspace either due to feeling too insecure or got too emotional?
  21. According this Pew Research article, "For years, public trust in the federal government has hovered at near-record lows. That remains the case today, as the United States struggles with a pandemic and economic recession. Just 20% of U.S. adults say they trust the government in Washington to “do the right thing” just about always or most of the time." https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/09/14/americans-views-of-government-low-trust-but-some-positive-performance-ratings/ Should Americans be worried about this?
  22. Do you think it’s okay to flirt with a girl you just met or just randomly approached? Or will she be creeped out by that because it will make her think “this stranger wants to have sex with me”?