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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. True. Some Historians have said that Genghis Kahn had one of the highest body counts ever when it came to both sex and murder. Yeah, I suppose that's sadly true. So, would you say that creeping out tons of women would also be another kind of polarization that would actually increase your results with girls overall? Yeah, that's largely true. That's why legendary pickup artists Gunwitch say that being too quiet or boring like James Bond is not the best for getting laid. Though wouldn't you say that ambiversion would be the most ideal for seducing women, because it has the best characteristics of both an extravert and introvert?
  2. So, I see that Leo locked the thread I created "Why do some women get offended when I talk about porn and others don't?" Everyone else who commented on my thread thought that what I have been doing on that Wakie app has been very creepy. I kinda get why they all thought that and Leo of course reserves the right to lock the thread, but I feel really bad because I never fully understood why just talking about porn with random female strangers is very threatening. Also, I've really been taking massive action consistently for years to improve my skills with women, which is what people like Leo have been saying is one of the most crucial elements for achieving success with women and improving your social and seduction skills. I've even mentioned in previous posts I've made on this forum, that I've tried almost every possible way for years to improve my game with women both online and offline, but I am still struggling. I am not asking for pity on here. I just want people on here to understand how serious I've been with trying to improve myself with women and that I am sorry that I made a low quality post on this forum. By the way, how can I make sure that I don't end making another low quality post again?
  3. While I am not great with women, I believe that not all men who are extroverted have an attractive personality. In fact, some men are so obnoxious or talk too much to the point of were you’re like “shut the hell up!” or you just want to smack them. Hell, I am sure that there a lot of women can’t stand or are turned off by arrogant loud mouthed schmucks like Trump. Also, they say that women are a lot of time appealed by a man who conveys a certain kind of quiet confidence that exudes an alluring mysteriousness to them and is good at listening like James Bond or Don Draper from Mad men. Then again, if you are too quiet and don’t emotionally stimulate women enough then they will feel like you’re too boring, which would tend to cause them to lose interest in you. That’s why I believe ambiverts or those who act and speak like someone who has a good balance of extravert and introvert traits have the greatest potential with women and with people in general too.
  4. Yeah, I mean technically my ability to read another person's non-verbal cues wasn't exactly the worse during my childhood years, but it was to some extent below average overall compared to others. Though, I think I keep getting better at reading people's reactions as I keep getting older, even with regard to flirting and sexual IOIs, Nevertheless, I still a bit behind overall in reading social cues. It's always been one of the burdens I've had to bear throughout my entire life. So, you think that my best bet is that I just have to keep talking to new people including new girls and continuously work hard to learn from my own mistakes I make in reading social cues? Btw, so if bringing up porn upon first meeting girls is creepy then how come there have Guys in Youtube vids who have been able to get away with interviewing dozens of random girls out in public areas on whether or not they watch porn and what kind of porn they watch?
  5. I believe that needs to be a 50/50 balance between capitalism and socialism. Socialism itself is almost as bad communism, but I believe that capitalism itself can get really out of hand when it is not regulated well enough. This is one reason why in my opinion I believe that the Democratic Party, particularly those who are a part of New Democratic Coalition (Clintonian Democrats such as the Clintons, Obama, and Biden), is the most effective political party we have had in the US since the early 1900s. The Democratic Party, especially those from the New Democratic Coalition and other centrist Democrats, have been the best at being socially liberal, fiscally responsible, and making positive progress for our country.
  6. Well, during my childhood I use to troll my classmates a lot and had trouble getting along with others even though I would have a few friends. Also, I sadly have a mild form of Asperger's. Oddly enough though, I actually did begin to be semi popular by my junior year of high school, and by my senior year I became the most I had ever been within any school. In fact, during my senior year, I almost became Homecoming King (I ended becoming Homecoming senior Prince). Furthermore, a lot of girls starting in my middle school years all the way up to my college years in UCLA really came on to me without me even trying. A few girls during my high school and college years even asked me to be their girlfriend (even though I respectfully declined to them because I wasn't attracted to any of them and only saw them as a friend or friends). Also, I've been good at being funny, if not really hilarious. Plus, people have considered me to be empathetic towards others, especially towards those who are underprivileged and those who have any kind of particular mental of physical disability. In terms of social experience during my college and grad school years, I became more socially involved with others than I did before I was about 18 and a half years old. Furthermore, I did party usually during special occasions and when I went to the clubs on the weekends when I was about 26-28 years old. Furthermore, as I've said in some of my previous posts before I've cold approach hundreds of girls in my life and have been on dates with a lot of different girls, some casual sex encounters with a few girls, and had a girlfriend for almost 3 years until she broke up with me about a month ago. I wish I knew how much more social experience I need and what kind of experiences I would need to take my skills to the next level. I always try my best in putting myself in other people's shoes, but I still end up making mistakes like I did by bringing up porn or pornstars to random girls I just met on Wakie. I mean, yours and other people's points about how creepy, socially awkward, and threatening it can be to ask any random girl you just met if they watch porn or know any pornstar. Yet, I didn't fully realize that because I thought that porn has become such a much normal thing to talk about lately and pornstars are people who work hard at their job and that sex has also become a much more normal thing for people discuss these days, unless you live in a very backwards third world country.
  7. So, I've actually been using Wakie for over 4 year nows. In case you guys don't know what Wakie is, it is an app that not only lets strangers (from anywhere around the world) wake you up but also it is a social app for phone calls where you set a topic and get to have a phone call with someone interested in your topic. It also has a message section where you can send DMs to anybody like how you can DM anyone on Instagram. The app additionally allows you to respond via text messages to any topics posted by anyone on there like a message thread. Lastly, there are clubs you can join on there or create your own club where you can have make or participate in voice club calls, share messages in clubs' chats and discuss hot topics with members of the club. I've chatted with all kinds of guys and girls on there over the past 4 years now. A lot of times, after I politely introduce myself to a new random girl (who is 18 years older or older) on phone calls, DM chats, in clubs, topic threads, etc. I would get right into asking them about porn and pornstars. A lot of them would say me that I asked such a weird random question or say that I made feel uncomfortable or tell me to fuck off and then immediately hang up on me or block me or report me. However, I have had several other girls who didn't at all mind me asking me about porn or pornstar right away. In fact, some of those girls who were okay with it got very sexual with me to the point where we would have phone sex. Also, some girls blocked me when I DM'd them porn pics and links to porn vids, while other girls didn't block me for doing any of that. Some of those girls actually didn't mind watching the porn vids I sent them. There have actually been a couple of girls I talked to on the phone who watched porn with me. What do you guys think about all of this?
  8. Okay, I get that this is all sounding very creepy, but a lot of girls actually watch porn and thought that these days people including girls have become a lot more sexually liberated and open to talking about sex and porn. I mean, people are saying that porn is becoming more and more mainstream. Also, isn't porn a form of art? Maybe we just still aren't there yet?
  9. Well, I am glad that Biden has so far been doing well overall. However, what about the fact that all members of Congress have become more divided than ever before? What about the fact that our country has been more political divided than ever before? Also, what about the fact that the Senate will be holding Trump's second impeachment trial beginning this coming Tuesday for an indefinite amount of days or perhaps weeks? Do you guys think those issues may end up slowing the Biden administration's agenda so much to the point of not being able to make any real progress for the country within the next 4-8 years? I ask because that's what some liberal political experts are have been worried about lately.
  10. Hey guys, so recently I've been trying to hit up girls on Facebook to at least have kind of practice in my conversation and seduction skills with women in some safe way without risking getting COVID. So lately I hit up this one girl on Facebook who I first became acquainted with during my 3rd third year as an undergraduate at UCLA and this is how it went: Me: hey xxxxx. Idk if u remember me, but I believe that u went to UCLA to study as a math major. We met when I was a junior and u were a sophmore. In any case, I just wanted to say hi. Her: Hey there! That does sound like me lol Me: So, have u been an airplane pilot for a while? Her: I've been flying for 7 years, but getting paid to do it for about 4. What have you been up to? Me: Oh right on. So, you've been practicing it for a while. I am in grad school studying for my degree in education. Btw, do u always take part in the mile high clubs? After I sent that last message to her she blocked me. I don't totally get it. I mean, I thought that I made a funny sexual joke. What's your take on this guys?
  11. Yeah, I am glad that they are going through with that. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been any way that the bill for the 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package would have passed through a bipartisan agreement in the senate.
  12. Okay, I think I am now getting what everybody on here has been saying. Thank you all very much for all of your help.
  13. I remember reading on this one too from Sam Vaknin. Yes, Obama has somewhat above average amount of narcissism. After all, he has always been a typical politician who has grandiose beliefs of himself and of course extreme levels of ambition for power, fame, money, and adulation. However, I believe and I think that most mental health experts would say that Obama has genuine empathy and compassionate for others. Also, he’s not as manipulative like many other politicians such as Joe Manchin and Donald Trump and most of the GOP politicians are. He also, not once ever caused any scandal. He’s certainly not perfect by any means and some of his decisions did end up causing the lost of some lives in foreign places such as Afghanistan. However, I believe that has always been an honorable man.
  14. Well, I mean at least they are stroking their own mushroom tips. They've been makin' alllllll kinds of gainz. They were also kind enough to provide that discount codes: Chinesevirus, whiteprivilege, Falsey (in reference to Fauci), sellout, etc. for all kinds of Hodgetwins products!
  15. I don't know. I really am not sure. I am not trying to troll.
  16. Yeah, I know that there's no magic or magic lines that make any women want to sleep with you. However, I still a lot of times don't get how or when get sexual or more sexual with women. Make it more innocent and cute how without getting into the friend zone? I thought that sexual attraction can be built up through text, like how women get turned on by reading those erotic books. I know I will get rejected a lot and I have already been reject by countless more women, certainly WAY WAY than most men ever have within each of their entire lives. Some of the rejections were indeed HARD. That's why even after all of the therapy I've gotten and trying different ways to cope with all of the rejection I've gotten I still feel like my ego has been scarred for life and I may never be the same again.
  17. I get the safety, but I thought that if you play it too safe then she won't be excited. She will see you as a boring guy who has no balls. Hmm, okay I think I understand this. I wonder if others on here would agree with this. Not trying to argue. Just trying to get a consensus. Yeah, I guess you're right. Well, I've tried researching and reading up on everything I can on how to read for the right cues and I've even tried practicing on hundreds of women IRL (which is way more than most men would even dare try) and I've even tried practicing on countless on all kinds of online dating sites and apps. It's struggle for me to truly understand it. I even received so much coaching from various dating coaches to help me out and almost all of them had let me down. For over a decade, I've given virtually everything I got to try to understand women and improve my skills on how to attract and yet I still feel so inadequate and a lot of times hopeless.
  18. I see what you're saying, but the problem with doing everything that you are suggesting would put me in the friend zone. Even Leo has said that you have to start out sexual right away with any girl you're trying to seduce so that she immediately perceives you as a sexual alpha male and not some nice guy who gives of the needy vibe of "I hope she likes me." No, I honestly wouldn't have blocked myself if I were her, in my opinion.
  19. Okay, I see what you guys are saying, but I still don't totally get it. Why is it only okay with girls you are friends with or have already done the didily with them? Also, How come it's okay when comedians on stage or on camera make all kinds of crude sexual jokes to a massive audience of people who are all complete strangers to them? I at least met the girl who blocked me on Facebook and she remembered as a decent looking guy who is cool. As for congruence, I thought that women aren't logical and get stimulated by emotional inspirations. Even Leo said that girls are turned on by dumb playful words you say than by logical typical words. Yeah, it still doesn't make sense to me yet.
  20. Yeah, sadly feminism has had the side effect of emasculating men. That's one major reason why most women don't have respect for men including their boyfriends and husbands like they did in the older days. Also, feminism in a lot of ways has made most women these days not relationship material because most women are acting and speaking too much in a masculine way and haven't learned how to follow and cooperate with the men they are dating or in a relationship with. When it comes to dating, sex, and romance women are supposed to be more attuned to their feelings, have the ability to emotionally express, be spontaneously creative, intuitive, love, be compassionate, go with the flow, be compliant. Men on the other hand need to be able to demonstrate more on the ability to give direction to themselves and women, provide practical support for themselves and women, provide structure and stability for themselves and women, be on their purpose and give purpose for women, take initiative for themselves and be the ones to initiate and end any kind of relations they have with women, be decisive, have a commanding presence, be more in the present when need be, and have tranquillity and stillness. Neither of these masculine traits nor any of these feminine traits are superior to one another. They instead are supposed to complement each other like yin and yang. Also, both men and women have at least a minimal level of each and every masculine and feminine trait I just mentioned above. However, when it comes to dating, sex, and relationships men need to predominantly exude the above mentioned masculine traits around women, whereas women need to predominantly exude the above mentioned feminine traits around men. Women are to be like water or a waterfall that's flowing with beauty and emotion while men are to be like the rocks or the earth around the water or waterfall that provide the guidance and structure for the water or waterfall. I suppose the exception to all of this might be with those who are homosexual.
  21. Hey guys, this is what the conservative twins have to say about AOC's experience of the capitol riot: You guys think that any of their points are valid?
  22. Exactly. MAGA should indeed nuke states like Mississippi and Alabama also because of the people there who commit incest.
  23. Maybe the US country should go back to being split in two states, like how there used to be the United States of America and the Confederate states America during the American Civil War. IDK
  24. This is why I think that some drastic has to be done to most conservatives in our country. They really are the political pandemic in the US that needs to be purified somehow. I am not suggesting killing them, but I mean can you imagine how much better our country would be without them?