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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. What you guys have said is very much true. So, then So, then why aren't nerds or other guys who are on the Autism spectrum not successful with women, even though those with autism exhibit masculine traits such as lack of expressed empathy towards others, pre-occupation with success, arrogance, and disregard for all social norms?
  2. So, then why are guys who are on the Autism spectrum not successful with women, even though those with autism exhibit masculine traits such as lack of expressed empathy towards others, pre-occupation with success, arrogance, and disregard for all social norms?
  3. I wonder if you guys think that women are sexually attracted to men in the military and law enforcement or men who are fire fighters, EMT guys, or any kind of professional rescuer. They all exhibit significant levels of bravery, mental and physical strength, confidence, aggression, pride, discipline, drive for success, and leadership qualities. Those are all attractive inner and outer masculine traits. Also, most of them have a real strong sense of honor, justice, structure/order, commitment, and respect for others. All of those characteristics are truly what women want and need in a man for a long term partner. What are your thoughts on this?
  4. That’s why I said in my post right above yours, that women are attracted to a man they see as a hero or savior to them and to everyone who knows him.
  5. So, then Rich Cooper in that vid I posted on that thread I made "Do all men truly need to have muscular and fit bodies?" is right. Women must be sexually attracted to men who have a masculine physique or look like a Greek God. That's why in all seriousness, I believe that women truly want a man who is more like a true hero or a savior. Someone who neither a "nice guy" or a bad guy, but is a good man who is able to lead and protect his woman (or women), his children, and everyone within his community who depend on him. Someone who is an inspirational ally to good and a nightmarish danger to evil.
  6. Ah yeah, that's true. Yeah, I actually learned that from my dad. He said after Reagan was no longer president, that's when the Republican party became the most evil it has ever been, which of course still has been to this day. So, it's not so much that Reagan did a job with governing the country during his years as president, it's the unintended negative consequences of of what he did that caused the Republican Party to become an even greater liability to our country than ever before. Damn Reagonomics! I guess, the War On Drugs further promoted more racism within our country. Though it is also true that while Democrats and liberals become increasingly progressive Republicans and conservatives continue to essentially stay the way they are in their political views and beliefs. Hence, this has overtime contributed to an ever increasing divide between the people who are Democrats and liberals and those who are Republicans and conservatives throughout our entire country.
  7. I am not putting people into one box for comparison. I am just trying to find out who is right and who is wrong and which is right and which is wrong. That’s all. Unfortunately, it appears that I am still receiving responses that contradict each other. Confusing
  8. Yeah, but Nixon and Reagan did not put our country in danger like Bush and Reagan did. As a matter of fact with Reagan, many historians have considered him to be one of the best presidents ever. I don’t personally agree he was that great, but I don’t see how Reagan did a bad job overall as president.
  9. That’s why I definitely think that it will be better if we had some sort of commission that would screened crazy and/dumb candidates. I mean, how the hell did our country end up having two Republican presidents in a row who both turned out to be the worst presidents ever in US history ? Before the beginning of the new millennium, no Republican president was ever as incompetent or dangerous as either George W. Bush or Trump, except for Warren G. Harding in the early 1920s. Even the Republican crook, Richard Nixon, was still a competent president who wasn’t a danger to the American people like Trump or Bush was.
  10. Well, then let's keeping hoping that Biden keeping doing well as President. Yeah, I am still worry about the possible negative consequences of Trump's second acquittal. However, the Twitter company has already made it very clear that even if Trump were to run and win the 2024 presidential election, he would still be permanently banned from ever using Twitter again. Indeed, it's truly disgusting and abominable how much criminal activity Trump has been able to get away with. I also really hope that all of these right-wing conspiracy theorists will not be emboldened by Trump's acquittal. The GOP absolutely needs to be destroyed and the Dems need take some kind of ferocious revenge on them. It doesn't look like he will run a third party of his own according to sources such as this one: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-republican-party/ However, some sources have said that there is a good chance that Trump might ruin the GOP's chances of winning any more big elections in the future: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/01/trump-third-party-patriot-party-mcconnell-gop.html
  11. Who here is worried about Trump being able to run again in 2024?
  12. Trump just got acquitted for the second time. Of course that was the expect result, but it’s still very sad.
  13. Yeah, I largely agree with all of that. So, then why do you think people like Leo have said that men are definitely hornier than women? That's very true what you're saying. So, then why are there a lot more women these days who have been having high lay counts (besides those who are prostitutes or escorts)? I've always wondered what it would be like to have sex with one.
  14. Oh wow. Yeah, I feel that way too. I feel like this place has really helped me improve my perspective on many areas of life and the world we live in. I also feel like this forum has been one of the only places that has certain on here people that understand me.
  15. Maybe in order to first make it fun for him to approach women, he can start doing pranks on, them? Like "Hey, you wanna suck on my jolly rancher?" Then pull the jolly rancher out from your pocket and show it to them. You and the girls are bound to laugh. Watch the jolly rancher video made by trollmunchies on Youtube.
  16. Damn! Well then you are already way ahead of most guys in the game. You've been able to sleep with a lot more girls than the average guy ever has in his entire lifetime without ever having to pay for sex. Also, it seems like you have gotten with who are at least reasonably attractive you, which also good. You should now work on trying to get with 9s and 10s.
  17. So, you never slept with any hookers or call girls? How many of the girls were attractive to you?
  18. Oh wow! That's a lot! Were any of them prostitutes or escorts? Also, how many of them were hot or at least above average looking? I think it's also good that you got a decent amount of girlfriend experience. My first and only long-term girlfriend I've ever had broke up with me over a month ago, and I am 33 years old. We were together for almost 3 years. Mine ended up becoming dysfunctional as well after she became increasingly insecure and controlling over me.
  19. I see what you mean. Though I am worried about the possibility of Trump supporters getting even more outraged than they already have been by the government and media for constantly attacking Trump. After Trump gets acquitted, the MAGA zombies are probably going to be like "This is some f****ing bull****! President Trump has done nothing wrong, but the government and the mainstream media keep targeting him over and over and over again! We've had it!" Afterwards, countless Trump supporters may start another violent protest or riot of some kind at the US capitol again or at any of the state-level capitols in the country or at any government building throughout the country. Maybe I am just catastrophizing too much? Even if the Trump supporters don't riot or violently protest again, wouldn't Trump's second acquittal still further reinforce the narrative that the left NEVER accepted trump as president or even as a political candidate from the beginning, the government and the mainstream media are filled with the some of the most corrupt people in the world who keep continuing the greatest witch hunt ever in the history of US politics on Trump? Yeah, that's true what you're saying. It's indeed going to be almost impossible for Trump to ever get any good lawyer to represent him. Judges are not politicians. They really are professionally obligated to be much more impartial and neutral in their decision making than politicians do. Though what illicit deals can Trump get away with making with any of the judges he appointed?
  20. Yeah dating, approaching and talking to women, and dealing with women in relationships can be really painful, especially for a newbie. If you have seen some of the posts I've made on the forum, you see how much I still struggle with the dating game even after years of research and practice with hundreds of women. It's still so frustrating for me. At least I've made some degree of progress with my dating life overall even though I am still not happy with my results. It sounds like you have also made some progress with your dating life. Have you lost your V-card yet? Have you ever had a girlfriend that you were in a serious relationship with?
  21. Yeah, come on. That was totally normal what Biden said. He asked her if she was a freshman, which is appropriate. Then he gave her an appropriate gracious compliment about how nurses such as herself and whether they be male of female are a like angels. I don't see how anything he said was weird or even socially awkward at all.
  22. Yeah, but if she block him then he could be in such a world of pain. You don't think that he would retaliate in some way or try to stalk him, right?
  23. I know! This whole impeachment trial is a complete waste of Time! It's practically a guarantee that Trump will be acquitted. Also, this trial is unnecessarily slowing down the agenda of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer, and all of the other good democratic politicians in Congress. The Biden administration and the senate are behind with confirming the rest of Biden's cabinet picks. That's true. Though is it possible that the Trump appointed judges can and will be able to protect Trump from being punished by exonerating him?
  24. I would tell him that you have a boyfriend and tell him that you don't like it when you said many text messages in a row like how he's been doing it to you. That way you at least are straight up with him about how you are feeling. It also will help with giving each other proper closure.