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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. What you are looking for truly is an alpha male with a few beta traits. Women won’t want total alpha males who are always uncompromising, always dominant, and never emotionally connecting with women on a truly deep level. Yes, generally women by nature want a dominant man who stands on his square and is great at handling his own emotions, but eventually when she becomes her girlfriend or wife then she will want a man who will be willing to allow her to finally make some decisions that she wants to make, will be willing fulfill some of her demands that she wants from him, and exude some of his feminine side and come off as more human to her. Furthermore, women will eventually want their boyfriends or husbands to financially support them. Basically, went it comes to wanting a long term relationship with a guy you’re truly sexually/romantic attracted to, you wanted him to start out as a 100% sexual alpha male and then gradually transition down the line to becoming ultimately approximately 75% sexual alpha male and approximately 25% beta male provider when he becomes your boyfriend or husband.
  2. Sorry, I failed to grasp that. I recognize that what you’re saying pertains to some kind of enlightenment concept. I mean you can argue for instance that a serial killer isn’t evil because your own opinions or beliefs about that person are that he or she is a very misunderstood individual who has some good things that you like. Yet, no matter how you look at it, you have to accept the fact that that serial killer is an evil monster who deserves worst kind of punishment possible, whether it be death or imprisonment for life.
  3. This mayor is a prime example of Republicans and Conservatives who are growing more angry over the fact that they will not be able to stop the growing size of our government and the increasing need by them for more regulations in our country in the long-run. They also are getting more and more frightened that their party is dying a slow painful death. In the end, the right-wingers will ultimately lose.
  4. They say that Biden is making a costly mistake by deciding not to allow significant student loan forgiveness:
  5. Ah okay, so it's not just making up lies about what your sexual/romantic intentions are with her, it also about how much you may end up affect other areas of her life by not caring about her plans for other important things she has going on.
  6. Why is it not wise to wish the death of evil toxic beings? I remember George W. Bush, despite being one of the worst US presidents ever, publicly stated that the world would be a better place without Saddam Hussein. Also, how is wishing others death worse than a good soldier who kill enemies in battle or who assassinate evil men like that Navy Seal who killed Osama Bin Laden?
  7. This guy may be a democrat, but he's actually a conservative democrat who according to wikipedia has "broken ranks with his party before, most notably in his endorsement of Republican candidates George Pataki for governor in 1994, George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump for president." So, even though it might be very possible that Cuomo is culpable for the nursing home issue, I don't think that I would trust what this Dov guy is saying about Cuomo.
  8. Could you please give me an example of the kind of subtle manipulation and assertion that you're talking about that real assholes who totally don't care about a girl's feelings do?
  9. His death should be recognized as another monumental moment of relief for all of us.
  10. You guys should read Alan Roger Currie's on the 4 archetypes of men. According to him, the type of men most women truly want is an alpha male with a few beta traits. Read this article in depth, click on each of the categories on there and read each one of those in depth, and let me know what you guys think: http://directapproachdating.com/2016/02/25/alpha-vs-beta-attributes-examining-the-four-archetypes-of-men/
  11. Then how come Trump, who is the greatest pathological lair compared to any other politician in US history, lost the 2020 presidential election to Biden and how come he even lost the national popular vote to Hillary in the 2016 election by a significant amount? How come Obama who obviously has great integrity has also always far exceeded Trump in popularity?
  12. Ok guys, here's a heated debate over honesty vs. honesty in the world of pickup and dating with Steve "The Dean" Williams and AMS (w/ Oshay Duke Jackson listening on the conversation) AMS says on here that flaking on and lying to women is more necessary these days given how many more options women have and because women lie too. So, fuck all of that "moral bullshit." Steve "The Dean" Williams says that if you have to lie to women to get pussy then you are a weak ass bitch who has to resort to lying to get same results as a real man who knows how to get and keep any kind of women he wants by telling it like it is. If all you care about is doing whatever it takes get in between her legs, then that shows that you are truly a desperate beta male instead of a sexual alpha male.
  13. So, the more you insult women and the more you lie to them, the more girls you will be able to bang? I thought that women are more turned on by an authentic man who has a real spine.
  14. Ah, I see. Fair enough. Yeah, that's why I actually want to work on both cold and warm approaches and meet women in all kinds of venues in all kinds of situations.
  15. So, are you totally against cold approaching? Do you think it's bad or are you just not into guys who cold approach you?
  16. Even if you do it like in the Dan Cilley vids I just showed on this thread?
  17. I thought he said that the phone should only last a couple of min. at most because it's just for setting up the date. No guy ever gets 100%. Not even the most seductive man in the world can. Btw, you should write it in your profile "I am looking for a woman who doesn't argue with me and treats me like a king."
  18. Well, it would bring me clarity on the female mind.
  19. Yeah sadly, he has no social awareness. However, I feel bad for guys like him because at least he was really trying his hardest and it took a lot of confidence to do all of that.
  20. Here's an example of a guy who really doesn't give a fuck with women: Even though this guy approached countless women without caring at all what people think, he obviously came off as the city creep. It's very sad.
  21. Oh cool! Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.
  22. Yeah, that's largely true. However, if you don't have enough of an intuitive understanding on seducing and/or are on the autism spectrum like I am, then I think that practice itself will only get you so far. That's what I think according to my experiences
  23. This is getting outrageous. There's this is one guy whom I've known for several years who recently told me that the guy in the image I attached down below was secretly a member of Antifa who disguised himself as a MAGA rioter. Yet, if you look on the official Antifa website, you would see that that guy in the image is or was actually one of racists that Antifa targeted. It's really scary and infuriating how many more people are showing themselves to be not as smart as I hoped or expected them to be.
  24. Ah, so practicing cold approach, dating, and managing relationships teaches you how to amplify both of your masculine and feminine energies. However, men need to still have their own masculine energy dominant over their own feminine energies in order to be successful with women, correct?
  25. Ah I see. So it's not just about exhibiting masculine traits that attracts women. It's also about standing out in a cool and emotionally inspiring way as opposed to a socially awkward and logical boring way. So, does that mean that men have to also be more feminine in order to be illogical, brash, confident, emotional, charismatic, playful, and socially attuned?