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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Yeah, I see your point. In that case, would it be feasible to replace Manchin with a Democrat who is more liberal, but not all the way progressive like a Clintonian moderate Democrat such as Obama, the Clintons, or Biden or an old guard Democrat that's more of a progressive-leaning moderate such as Biden, Pelosi, or Schumer? Also, what do you think what Cenk said in the vid in my original post here when he said that he's going persistently make as many Rebellion PAC attack ads on Manchin until Manchin says "Okay, I give up. I'll vote for the $15 minimum wage"?
  2. Oh God! That would be disastrous. Progressives of course want to replace Manchin with a much more liberal democrat.
  3. Then why didn't he just become a Republican? Yeah, though I wonder what kind of deal would he make with McConnell. I didn't know that. He's even more disgusting that I even realized.
  4. So, then why can't the government give out direct checks of $10,000 to everyone within the country?
  5. Ah I see. Okay, that makes sense and seems reasonable. Alright, I’ll definitely start giving this a try from now on and see how this goes. Thank you?
  6. Over the past year, I've been failing non-stop with finding and keeping ANY kind of job that exists in this world. I've with researched countless jobs throughout the entire web online, I've asked countless people I know and people I don't know for any available jobs, my parents even tried everything they could to help me find any kind of job that will pay me any amount, I applied to hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of jobs, etc., etc. Yet, I got turned down by all of jobs I applied for, and not one person has been able to offer me a job of any kind at all. The only exception was just one minimum wage job that I lucked up at Macy's. Unfortunately, I lost that job after working there for only 3 weeks, because of the coronavirus pandemic. Talk about horrible luck. I've tried revising my resumes over and over and over again and actually got a lot of help from numerous people on how improve it for various kinds of jobs, but none ended up helping me land any job. I've even tried going to a Toastmasters club that's near where I live in order to improve my overall charisma and speaking skills, and I've been consistently going to that club now for almost a full year. I thought that this would help me perform better with job interviews and have been making significant progress over the past several months in my overall communication skills, confidence, charm, spontaneity, persuasiveness, etc. Yet, my major long-term improvement in those skills still have not helped me improve my chances with succeeding in persuading anyone that I would be a good fit for any of the jobs I've applied to. Hell, I even tried consistently applying for months in earnest many of the tips and pieces of advice I got from a group of qualified panelists at a virtual seminar I watched and listened to months ago on how to improve Networking skills, Boosting Your Confidence, making a good or great lasting impression at any job interview. Sadly, none of it worked to improve my chances with getting any kind of job at all. I know. Some of you here may be thinking that I must be trolling because how ridiculous all of this is sounding considering everything that I've tried. I can't even get a job as a basic grocery bagger or food delivery man. I know the job economy has still not been good, but I honestly have never felt this hopeless about getting ANY kind of job let alone keeping one. Quite frankly, I am getting really scared that I may not be able to literally survive for long in the future.
  7. Yeah, I personally don’t think what Biden’s order to bomb the Syrian border was the worst. I just hope that he and his administration don’t get too hawkish during these next few years.
  8. But I mean how do I get out this toxic, negative, victim mindset I am in without being over-optimistic?
  9. A lot of Democrats and Republicans think that the Biden administration made a costly mistake with those 3 middle eastern countries.
  10. Okay, I’ll try doing the positive visualization exercises everyday from now on. Though how do I do without always living in a fantasy world or constantly having pipe dreams?
  11. Poor guy. I feel terrible for them. It sounds like he At least he's trying his very best and not complaining about it unlike most men who sit at and feel sorry for themselves for not even trying. You know what else? This is why I actually hate most PUA coaches and dating experts because they are like most politicians who are full of shit by selling poor male victims false promises of being able to make truly positive changes in their dating lives only to end up letting them down. This is largely true, regardless of how hard their clients seriously work to try to better themselves with dating, sex, and romance. Also, the vast majority of the dating and pickup advice given on YouTube vids by these so called dating/pickup gurus are really ineffective and fail to explain how they are supposed to be used properly. It's truly a sorry sight.
  12. I wish I could believe that things will be looking up soon. I don't know how you are able to keep hope alive in yourself. Aren't you also worried about being homeless yourself?
  13. I understand your suspicions. However, I am telling you that I am being as honest as I can about everything that I am saying. If you had paid attention to what I said in my very first on this thread, I already heavily implied that I did as much re-grouping and figuring out on what it is that I've been doing wrong as much as humanely possible. I've even mentioned before that I gotten so much help on revising my resume from numerous people. My resume is certainly not the best in the world, but it certainly has become very immaculate, 100% professional, and typo-free. I got help from my parents, friends, my sister, brother-in-law, people on this forum, career experts/coaches from webinars and Youtube vids, etc., etc. I even already paid a pro resume expert well over $100 to look at my resume and took that person's advice to the letter to tailor them to the keywords in job postings that employers are looking for and in a way that's totally authentic and unique to me. Btw, I am a good looking and fit guy with an athletic build that's pretty close to looking like that of a fitness model. Plus, I've always been told that I have excellent fashion sense and a lot of people have told me that I have a relatively deep masculine voice. I don't get why looks, fashion style, and voice have not been helping me out at all. Yeah, you must've gotten totally lucky, man. I would do anything to get an interview for 1 in 4 jobs that I applied for and get pass half of the interviews I get.
  14. I thank you for your kind and uplifting words. However, it's not just the lack of jobs available that's been the issue for me. It's also that other candidates that apply for the same exact positions that I applied for always beat me. So, even if employers will hire a lot more people for more jobs, I don't think that I will ever be able to compete well enough for any of them. It's like no employer really cares about me and all of them probably must think that I am a worthless loser. That's also why I feel like my self-esteem and confidence as a worker has become almost non existent.
  15. It's kinda stupid to worry about a girl being "easy" because it's still always hard for guys to get free sex easily from any girl, regardless of how sexually liberated any of girls you want to sleep with are. This of course is particularly true if you are a newbie with seduction or suck at dating as a guy.
  16. I pray that Trump will pay for all his crimes. Though, they say that the clock is ticking with the Trump cases. I am worried about the possibility that all of these criminal investigations on him may take so long to the point where they end up passing their statutes of limitations. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-tax-documents-are-new-york-prosecutors-clock-ticking-ncna1258998
  17. I know......it's a national tragedy that the average consciousness in the US is indeed too low. Yeah, there are way too many MAGA zombies that live in our country. So, how would "bleeding them to death" work?
  18. Something drastic needs to be done to these monsters. For years, they've been destroying the foundation of our country's democracy, even as we speak.
  19. I tried applying to tons of jobs myself, and I only got one minimum wage job offer.
  20. Probably. Though, I got a feeling that Ted Cruz's wife beats him up and Melania Trump probably beats her hubby too.
  21. So, then why are so many girls these days who just use men for sex and then ditch them or ghost them even though the guy wanted to see her again?
  22. I know! I thought about making a thread here about this myself, but I wasn't sure if anybody here would really care about it. Trump made another asinine speech at the CPAC today about how the presidential election was stolen. I pray that he does fuck the GOP's chances of winning the midterm elections next year.
  23. So, you think it's primarily just the way women's brain's have been hardwired since the day they were born? Yeah, but I am not just talking about the very moment you and her have clearly agreed to have sex. I am also talking about when you first met or first get to know her up to moment you might have sex with her (depending on how well the interaction goes with her).
  24. So, then why are there a lot of promiscuous women these days who have had casual sex with lots of guys? There even been times were I've had sex with a chick on either my first or second date with them and I wanted to see them again, but instead they left me and I never heard from them again.