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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Yeah, it really pisses me off that he's been promoting that kind of bullshit.
  2. No, they weren't 100% certain about that at first. The Pfizer and Moderna, which were the only two companies that finally achieved success with creating vaccines for people about a month before Trump's term ended, both said that they in no way allowed the Trump's administration to pressure or influence them to speed up the development of their vaccines. Pfizer and Moderna wanted to take as much time as they needed according to how comfortable they felt and thought because they knew that simply rushing the vaccine making process would more than likely significantly increase the risk of making serious mistakes with their vaccines.
  3. Dude, the medical experts did not lie about the masks. They at first weren't sure and didn't know much about the virus considering how novel and unusual of a disease it was back then. Also, much of science is trial and error and experimentation when dealing with a whole new situation or developing a brand new concept or method for something.
  4. This senator has become a terrible liability for both the Democratic Party and for the entire country. He keep obstructing almost ever essential bill or proposal that Biden and the Democrats in Congress are trying to pass. It as if he doesn't want to get anything done for anybody. No elimination of the filibuster. No $15 minimum wage. No Abortion rights. No packing the US Supreme Court. No Medicare for All or any practical alternative to that. No bills or proposals for improving climate issues. He doesn't even seem to want to do what the people within his state, West Virginia, are demanding and begging for such as the $15 minimum wage. In fact what good has Manchin gotten done for the country or even for his own state?
  5. I don't think that 95% of hot girls have a hot boyfriend. Otherwise, why would pickup artist experts and dating coaches bother doing daytime?
  6. Well, I don't totally envy him because he does have bipolar disorder and he has suffered a lot of from both sex, drug, and alcohol addiction.
  7. TYT and all of the other progressives out there throughout the entire USA are pleading for as many people asssible to help Bernie Sanders fight for the $15 minimum wage. Please watch this whole video and seriously consider whether or not you will take part in helping all the progressives with making this highly crucial decision for the greater good of the country.
  8. His level of education isn’t great.
  9. yeah, she has to earn that right after about several of dating and having sex with her.
  10. Yeah, I agree that left-wing progressives are probably generally the most morally developed politicians, political activists and advocates, and journalists throughout the entire country. However, I am not so sure about them being the most cognitively developed. After all, you even said it yourself Leo that progressives generally are more unrealistic compared to centrist Democrats. Also, one big problem with progressives is that they are not as good as centrist Democrats with managing economic matters. Jimmy Carter, who was arguably the most left-wing progressive President our country has ever had did a poor job with handling the economy because his ideas were too liberal, particularly for those days. That's one of the main reasons why he lost his presidency to Reagan. AOC, who is a super progressive, seems to have a great lack of understanding of how the economy and the stock market works. She made a dumb mistake when she was strongly advocating left-wing progressives to try to screw Wall Street over with that whole GameStop Stock Market debacle. Additionally, while I do have a degree of respect for some progressives, the most prominent progressive figures such as Warren, Sanders, and especially AOC keep putting the Democratic Party at risk of losing crucial future elections by being so divisive even amongst many others within their entire party. That's one of the big reasons why Hillary Clinton lost the presidency. Sanders and other progressives back then inadvertently influenced many progressive Democratic voters throughout the whole country not to vote for Hillary.
  11. He needs to be replaced by a more liberal moderate democrat like Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, the Clintons, and Biden. As far as I am concerned conservative Democrats are very useless for the democratic party.
  12. It still put our relations with Iran in great jeopardy. Trump was almost as bad as Bush jr. when it came dealing with military/foreign policies. Trump also was always incredibly antagonistic towards almost every foreign in the world. Also, practically all social science experts and intellectuals have already declared Trump as the worst president ever in modern US history. Furthermore, he's way more of crook than Nixon was.
  13. Yeah, I agree. He doesn't seem like the king of guy who just wants to become rich and famous. I also agree that people like him are needed to counter the brainwashed trumpsters and selfish neoliberals. Oh yeah, Yellow includes Green, Orange, Blue, Red, Purple, and Beige, correct? Btw, since all progressives are true believers in making real progress for our country do you think that all progressive politicians are the most honest and least hypocritical politicians we have throughout the entire US?
  14. Cenk always talks about how most politicians don't want make meaningful changes for our country because of the money and the people they need to support them and yet Cenk himself apparently won't make any more meaningful changes for himself because of the money and the people he needs to support him. Oh the irony..... Oh, well maybe I don't know of him well enough. I assumed he was primarily in stage Green because of a few of his clips I listened to on his political views.
  15. Progressives right now have become very upset that Biden and conservative democrats such as Manchin have now blocked $1400 stimulus check for about 17 million Americans after tightening income eligibility. I get that Progressive Democrats want the government to be as charitable as possible to every US citizen out there who has been suffering from the COVID pandemic; however, what they are not taking into account is how much the $1.9 trillion stimulus package is already going to raise the national debt significantly. So, if the government gave even way more money than that to several million around the country then obviously the national debt would get even worse. Also, another thing that progressives are not realizing is that, according to the mainstream news, most people who already got the first two previous stimulus checks didn't even end up spending theirs on anything because it turns out that most people who've received stimulus checks before actually didn't really need them in order to survive. So, while I generally don't like conservative democrats like Joe Manchin, I actually think that he made a valid point when he said that wants the stimulus checks targeted as much as possible in order to make sure that the government doesn't waste it's money on those who don't need it.
  16. This is why I am seriously considering moving to somewhere within Los Angeles in about 6 months to a year from now. I live about a couple of hours away from there and I have a few months left before I am done with my school program.
  17. Oh I see. Yeah, hopefully he wouldn't be freaking out around them or be like "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Corporate Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians are evil!" or "Why are you saying all of this?! I know why! You're all part of establishment media that trying to brainwash me into believing that everyone else who is not a progressive are good people! You all make me sick!"
  18. Bret Weinstein seems too judgmental and too much of a political progressive left to be a stage Yellow-level thinker. I see him as more of a stage Green thinker.
  19. Even evolving to stage Turquoise which entails the most sophisticated level of communal support wouldn't work for someone like Cenk?
  20. Well, I wonder what he would be like if he moved up to stage Yellow. In fact, I really wonder what would happen to our world if a lot more people in stage Green evolved to stage Yellow.
  21. I see. Yeah, I definitely believe that he is a genuinely good person who wants to do the right thing as much as possible for the greater good of our country and even for the rest of the world. He also is certainly a highly intelligent and highly educated man, particularly with matters pertaining to politics, business, and law. I don't think that he's too crazy either. Though he does get manic sometimes and I guess he a lot of times gets too impatient and unrealistic with the progress that has been made within the US. He also is very judgmental towards anyone else who is not a progressive like himself. So, given all of the above mentioned traits he has, I suppose that he's the kind of person who would mostly be in stage green with regard to spiral dynamics? Perhaps he does have that. lol. A lot of foreign men in the US project their own kind of arrogance.
  22. So, if you're mildly sexually attracted to someone, then you start off liking them only as a friend, at that point? Like at that point, you'd be thinking and feeling "Hey, he seems cool or interesting to talk to" or "he seems charming so far" or "he right now seem to be a kind of guy whom I'd like to hangout with, grab a drink with or watch a movie or tv show with or play board or video games/computer games with or sports games with or go hiking with or talk about fun stories or make funny jokes with or what have you......."?
  23. Ok, so then what do you feel and think when you are sexually attracted to someone versus when you are sexually aroused to someone?
  24. Progressives and the majority of US citizens around the country are super pissed about the $15 minimum wage issue now. A lot of democrats, especially progressives are getting really worried that if the $15 federal minimum wage does not gets passed then the Democratic Party will be in grave jeopardy of losing a lot of seats in both the House and Senate after the 2022 midterm election.
  25. I see. Yeah, I guess things would get out of control throughout the entire world if women were turned on as fast and as easily as men are. So, do woman not feel any sort of sexual attraction to guys (or girls for those who are either lesbians or bisexuals) they are just checking out?