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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Hmm, I see. So, if corporate lobbying contributes to getting in the way of all progress, then how were Democrats ever able to pass any liberal legislation such as raising the taxes on the wealthy and other laws that would benefit the middle class during Clinton's first presidential term in the 90s or pass both the ACA and Dodd Frank act during Obama's first term?
  2. Sadly, the reconciliation bill will no longer have the following provisions: Free community college Medical leave Paid family leave Medicare Expansion Clean Electricity The reasons these provisions will no longer be in the bill is because of the corrupt asshole, Manchin. He said that the clean ectricity provision will ruin the coal industry in West Virginia, including his precious coal company. Regarding both the paid leave and medical leave provisions as well as the Medicare Expansion, he says that we can't afford to pay for those things because our Medicare system "needs to be stabilized first," our country has too great of a national debt, and they may risk worsening the current inflation problem going on in our country. As for why he's not for free community college, he says that " free tuition for the first two years might not help students get through college and instead suggested making student loans for that period forgivable." 'Let them earn it. Don't give it on the front end. Let them earn it on the back end,' Manchin said." Furthermore, because of the corporate donor whore, Sinema doesn't want corporate tax hikes, there will be no corporate tax hikes at all. Only a corporate minimum tax rate 15%. Btw, the bipartisan infrastructure bill which the Senate already approved of through a bipartisan 69-to-30 vote, now needs to pass the House of Representatives chamber. Progressives have been saying for months that if that bill gets passed by the House, then Pelosi sends that bill to Biden’s desk, and he signs it into law, then it will allow the development of hard physical infrastructure throughout the whole country to be privatized, which would be terrible for the middle and lower class people of America. Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer have already been accused by progressives as being too weak given how much they constantly concede to all of the corporate Dems in Congress. This reconciliation bill was the one and only chance Biden and the Democrats had to get any truly transformative legislation passed through Congress and it was very likely the one and only chance Biden will ever have for his entire presidency to get any progressive legislation passed! Now, it looks Biden may not ever get any meaningful change made for this country. What would the heroic legendary presidents of modern US History FDR and LBJ would do to make this right?
  3. So, then why not skip Blue unless you're in the military, the police, some kind of religious organization, or in a 2nd or 3rd world country? Why does Leo say that you can't forgo the stage Red or stage Blue work values? Why not just skip to the stage Orange work values?
  4. I know that stage Red, stage Blue, and Stage Orange each involve the idea of having a strong work ethic. Stage Red has the values of action, hard work, willpower, ambition, pragmatism, and taking initiative & ownership. Stage Blue has the values of hard work, discipline, duty, structure, rules, and order. Stage Orange seems to have all of the values of both Red and Blue including action, hard work, discipline, duty, obsessive desire for achievement and success, determination, pragmatism, and independence & sovereignty, structure, rules, and order. Is this correct?
  5. So are you saying that without lobbying then the Democratic and liberal independents would be able to easily get enough Republicans in the country to to vote for passing something like a constitutional amendment that would abolish the electoral college or a law that would allow reform or expansion of the Supreme Court?
  6. But I thought that it was mostly the conservatives and Republicans throughout the entire country who are getting in the way of eliminating the electoral college, gerrymandering, and voter suppression even if they weren’t lobbied by any corporations. Don’t we definitely need at least half of all Republicans in the entire country to agree with every Democrat and left leaning Independent throughout the whole country to pass a major constitutional amendment that would permanently abolish the electoral college? I kinda wish Biden and every single Democrat in the Senate all decided to vote for eliminating the filibuster in order to get voting rights passed, Supreme Court reform, and much much more. However if they eliminate the filibuster completely then wouldn’t that put the entire country at great risk of going through radical reversals of major legislation? Mitch McConnell has already warned Democrats that if they do it then one day when the Republicans regain control of the whole government trifecta again then they will repeal all kinds of liberal legislation that had been passed throughout all of US history including all civil and voting rights acts, all of the federal abortion rights acts, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc. What do you think about that? Yeah...I am so depressed that Manchin ruined the whole Build Back Better bill. If Biden doesn’t get any more passed then couldn’t the Democrats end up in great jeopardy?
  7. Yes, they do have a tremendous amount of Green in them, but don't they also have a lot of Orange and even some Blue in them? After all, in terms of Orange, they all have had a solid, disciplined, work ethic and have been running a successful business of their own. Hell, they even have way more YT subscribers than Leo does. Also, Cenk graduated from a top law school and top undergrad business school and Ana got both her Bachelor's and Master's degree and started teaching at a university in her late 20s. Furthermore, unlike a lot of other toxic green people out there, the TYT people understand and accept the importance and need of having law and order, military, and police which are all Blue values. Cenk never denied the Armenian genocide: Also, Leo said that even though every progressive media outlet has a significant degree of bias, it still has better political analysis than any of the mainstream media news outlets. Ana is hot, but I'll admit that she is really making feel depressed about the world.
  8. Manchin killed the current version of the build back better bill. Now, they're saying that Biden's legacy may be in serious jeopardy. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/biden-faces-legacy-defining-challenge-salvaging-his-build-back-better-n1286534
  9. Yeah, that's what I am saying. Yeah, I wonder about that too. Though this source says that the pill will be available at no cost: https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/covid-19/fda-pfizer-antiviral-pill
  10. I know that each of them are mainly stage Blue countries. However, why do these countries need strong autocrats if they are not poor or weak nations at all? They are after all the two most powerful countries in the world after the USA. Russia has the second most powerful military in the world and China has the third most powerful military in the world. Russia apparently has the 11th largest economy in the world and is ranked 6th in the world for GDP (PPP). China has the 2nd largest economy in the world and is ranked 1st in the world for GDP (PPP). Also, these countries have had some of the most brilliant intellectuals in history. According to wikipedia, Russia has actually been ranked as "very high" in the Human Development Index. So, why on earth are these countries still ruled by dictators? Why the hell is China still one of the most authoritarian countries in the world? Could it be that Russia and China have been lying about how successful their countries and that the living conditions of the vast majority of people in China and the vast majority of people in Russia are really not anywhere near as good as their respective leaders say they are? Could it also be possible that both Putin and Jinping have been lying about how powerful each of their militaries are?
  11. So, then how come India has a democracy even though it's much poorer than both Russia and China, has much worse quality of infrastructure than both Russia and China, and have many more religious people in its country than both Russia and China have in each of their countries?
  12. Okay, I see what you guys are saying. I didn't know about the Treaty of Versailles and how and why fascism was not able to take over in countries such as the U.K. and US. After you guys mentioned those things I did some reading on Wikipedia on both the Treaty of Versailles and fascism that occurred in both Europe and the US during the 1920-1930s. Now I understand a lot more as to why a dictator never came to power in either the US or the U.K. during that era. Thanks guys.
  13. As we all know, the Great Depression of the 1930s was the longest, worst, and most widespread economic downturn throughout the entire world that ever happened since the very beginning of the 20th century. It was one of if not the main reason as to why countries such as Germany and Italy became extremely nationalistic and allowed two of the worst fascist dictators ever in the 20th century to not only take over their respective countries as fascist, but also expand the size of their empires as much as possible. This of course caused both Germany and Italy to have severe democratic backsliding to the point of having 100% authoritarian regimes in each of their countries. Yet, the sort of opposite happened in the US and the UK didn’t suffer from any degree of autocratization at all during or after the 1930s Great Depression. Why is this?
  14. I remember Leo saying in his Stage Red video that one good thing about Red traits is that “it allows unification of squabbling tribes” for creating a cohesive nation. Obviously this has worked and states, provinces, countries, etc. will continue to hold together as they are for probably centuries longer. However, why did empires such as the British Empire, French empire, Spanish empire, Roman Empire or other empire throughout history never lasted for long?
  15. Ahhh, I see. Okay that make sense to me. So, it’s because of a number of things including some of he reasons that you just mentioned now up above that have caused empires throughout history to fail. You’re saying that one of the reasons that empires in previous history didn’t work in the past was because those empires such as the British empire had rulers or leaders that neither had a higher vision nor the interest to establish a widespread democratic system throughout their own entire empires. Another reason you’re saying as to why empires in previous times like the British empire couldn’t work for long was because each of those empires had too many different kind of societies that were too different from each other in terms of the development that each of the societies were at. The reason a country has always worked and still works to this day is because everyone within a particular is close enough to each other in the level of development they are all at. The third reason you gave was because for millennia most people throughout the world have been too attached to the belief of nationalism which also prevents benevolent evolved empires from happening. You say though that perhaps the only exception or the possible time throughout all of history that an empire may not have failed was the formation of the EU. Thank you, Leo. That really helped me a lot to understand better how societies work and develop. So, do you think that given how divided the US has gotten, that the US will split apart inevitably?
  16. True. Empires are or were indeed exploitative. However, let’s take the British empire as an example for the point I am trying to make. Instead of having that empire break apart, why couldn’t that entire empire turn into a democratic empire throughout the whole world just like how the entire country of Great Britain changed from being a country governed by monarchy to that being governed by democracy instead of breaking apart into various different tribes? Am I wrong? I am open to seeing my understanding as being possibly incorrect.
  17. Ah Okay, I see why. Thank you for your response. Actually, I just rewatched Leo vid on "How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey" and basically explained what you just said up above. I also already added more info. about this on my thread "Why do Russia and China still have authoritarian political systems?" Thanks again.
  18. Actually, after having rewatched Leo's vid on "How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey," I am now starting to understand why both Russia and China still have authoritarian regimes. It's because even though both of them have the 2nd and 3rd militaries in the world, have the 11th and 2nd largest economies in the world respectively, and have the 6th largest GDP (PPP) and the 1st largest GDP (PPP) in the world respectively, the GDP (nominal) per capita and GDP (PPP) per capita in each of those countries are much lower than any of westernized countries, island nations, city states, mini states, etc.. Also, both Russia and China are still behind all of the westernized societies with the regard to the secularization process.
  19. People like Joe Rogan and Barack Obama have some Blue traits, some Orange traits, some Green traits and some Yellow traits in them because of how relatively open-minded they are to many different kinds of perspectives and to all different kinds of political parties. Then wouldn't center-left Democratic politicians and voters also be stage Yellow people? After all, they are liberals who have a lot of good blue values, good blue values, and good green values unlike the progressives who don't have very little to no Blue values in them. Plus, the centre-left Dems are more reasonable with Republicans than progressives are with them, and definitely more moderate and pragmatic than progressives are about getting any liberal policies enacted for our society.
  20. Yeah, I understand that argument. Yes, he was corrupted by corporate lobbyists including the military industrial complex. However, Leo said here on the thread "Tulsi Gabbard Joins The Forever War Machine On Tucker's Fox News Show": Now, I am not just agreeing with Leo just because I always take his word as gospel. I agree with what he's saying about that because from a both holistic viewpoint and practical standpoint drone strikes are the best thing that the US can do, for the time being, to protect the US and its allies from their enemies within Middle East.
  21. Then how did Obama get elected President even though he has a lot of stage Yellow and became the first black US president ever in history?
  22. Okay, I read everyone's responses and studied as much as I could on the first post on your systems thinking thread @Carl-Richard. I think I get what you are all saying and I think I see why now centre-left Dems probably aren't stage Yellow beings after all. So, even if centre-left Dems aren't solid Yellow people, then perhaps they still have some Yellow traits in them because not only are still more open-minded than Republicans, Conservative Dems, and Progressives are, but also they have always been the most effective in bringing about actual significant progress socially and economically for the country.
  23. As if the situation with Omicron wasn't bad enough news, top economist Larry Summer says that given the situation with inflation, it looks like the US will having another recession either during sometime next year, if not the year after. He was one of the few economists out there who predicted that inflation would last than compared to other economists and the Fed who believed that inflation was transitory. Summers doesn't think that the Fed has been doing enough to tame inflation and that the Omicron variant is now adding more uncertainty to the fate of the economy. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/summers-says-fed-will-struggle-to-engineer-soft-landing-as-he-frets-about-spontaneous-deflating-in-markets-11639561649 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/16/lawrence-summers-fed-inflation/
  24. Yeah, but why is it still so tough there? If you could, please take a look at what I wrote in this thread that I created: