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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I know that we've all heard from a lot of other people including Leo himself who have said that most of the people in the world who are in top 1% of wealth and success are not really happy people. However, l honestly don't totally buy that. I mean, I get that generally they aren't as happy as higher conscious and more fulfilled people, but aren't the wealthiest and most successful in the world still happier than most people in the world who have to deal with the constant burden of either being forced to work hard everyday just to live a mediocre life or are unable to survive at all?
  2. Okay, so around 500k/year is pretty much what I thought is the estimated top 1% of wealthy people in the US. I don't think I would care about paying more taxes if I was rich. In fact, nobody who is rich ever should. Even if a rich person pays high taxes, he or she would still have way more than enough money to do what he or she needs or wants to do. Not to mention that if that person became wealthy through his own hard work and talent, then they can recreate the same amount they earned if not more. What kind of money would I exactly run into if I became rich through legitimate means? Well, I'd like to believe that I would be able to create great value in a way that would make me financially successful, but I am skeptical about that because I honestly am not sure if I have that talent or if I was born with the natural ability to do so. Also, don't you have to be really lucky enough to have the right connections at the right time with the right people who will be able to support your goals financially?
  3. Yeah, it's true that there a lot of fun and enjoyable things that one can do without paying a lot of money. However, if you are not wealthy then the things you will have to constantly deal with for the rest of your life will include: 1. Job security, unless you are over 65 years old and were fortunate enough to have enough money saved up for your retirement. From what I understand your social security, pension, or any retirement plan you have like a 401k cannot really guarantee you a financially comfortable life when you become a senior citizen. 2. The financial cost of enrolling in any college and/or university program you want due to the ridiculous ever increasing costs of all college and university tuitions. Yes, you can always take out student loans, but doing so would come with the great long-term cost of having to deal with a financial burden of great debt for numerous years your life. 3. Never being able to have your own successful business, company, or project that you've always wanted or dreamed of because of the massive financial costs required to achieve such a fulfillment, let alone sustain it for long. 4. Never having the luxury to be a prolific artist, creative architect, film director, actor, etc. 5. Great limitation in choosing where you can live and what kind of living place you can get. 6. The psychological distress of having to pay your taxes, credit card and debit card payments, bills, costs of children, etc. Actually, I think you're right about 1% not being super rich. According to the Knight Frank 2021 Wealth Report, "An individual in the US needs a net wealth of $4.4 million to be among the richest 1% in the world." Though according to Forbes in 2019, the 1% of net worth $10,374,030.10. I am not sure which is accurate. So, then why did Leo become a millionaire and why did he say "Exhaust stage Orange by diving deep into it by pursuing material success. Work on improving your material lifestyle until you realize that it will not make you fulfilled. Then you'll be ready for Green"?
  4. So then, how does a homeless person ever get out of being poor through no fault of his/her own?
  5. Okay, so I just finished watching the whole video about a few of times over, and I largely agree with what he said. However, the people within the top 1% of success and wealth have been able to experience the most exciting things in the world unlike the other 99% of the people in this world. Also, those who were able to achieve the 1% of success and/or wealth by their own incredible work ethic are absolutely confident that they will never ever have to worry again about affording whatever resources they need for themselves or for their own life purpose. Those self-made magnates know absolutely 100% that they got the power to do whatever the 99% of the people in the world will never ever be able to do no matter what they may do or hard they try. Furthermore, unlike most people, those 1% people are able to easily move on to a higher level of actualization because from what I understand, is that you will never be ready to work on enlightenment until you either become rich or highly successful or you are one of those unusual people who truly has that rare true desire within yourself to become a monk or yogi or something similar to either one of those kinds of being. Am I wrong?
  6. Yeah, but what doesn't add up to me still is that the most successful and wealthiest people in the world have proven themselves to truly be capable of being to do practically anything as long as they put their mind to it whereas everyone else who is below them have shown themselves to be able to do only so much. So, how is being in 1% of success in anything not a happier place to be in compared to someone who has an average or below average life?
  7. I got mine about a couple weeks ago. I felt the side effects of it several hours after I received the shot and it felt brutal for about 2 days. I couldn't sleep at all at night. However, I felt totally fine afterward after those two days.
  8. Eventually yes, imo. I mean I am not saying that calisthenics for the lower body and hips are totally useless. In fact, someone who is a complete newbie or is totally untrained and out of shape should definitely start out just doing a good full body calisthenics workout program. However, I don't think that calisthenics alone is going to get you far in the long-run with building muscle mass and strength in the hips and lower body.
  9. Yeah, I am cautiously optimistic that the Biden administration will end up doing a god job at handling this immigration problem and will be better than trump administration with handling immigration overall in the long-run. Btw, the Biden administration wants to pass a big infrastructure bill for overhauling and upgrading America’s physical infrastructure. Do you think it will get passed?
  10. Oh God! How tragic! I am truly sorry for your loss. I can’t even begin to imagine how painful this must be for you and your family. Feel free to reach out to me through PM if you need someone to talk to.
  11. Bodyweight training and calisthenics definitely can built significant muscle mass especially when done in very challenging positions with good form and full ROM. However, you are going to need at least some kind of equipment that will be conducive to building considerable muscle mass and strength. Watch gymnasts and others like those barstarzz trainees: However, I think that the most effective way to build solid muscle in your legs, hips, and lower back is through moderate to heavy barbell or dumbbell training such as any of the barbell or dumbbell squat variations, any barbell or dumbbell deadlift variations, any of the barbell or dumbbell lunge variations, etc.
  12. You need need about 1g per lbs. of bodweight at the most. Consuming anymore protein than that for myself will only be useless for our body. Even the the top athletes and fitness models in the world rarely if ever need to consume more 1g of protein per lbs. of bodweight. In fact, consuming more than that might put your kidneys and liver at risk of being damaged. Plus, a lot of excess protein usually gets converted and stored as fat in the body. The only individuals in the world who may need to consume way more than that for their own bodies would possibly be those who are truly desiring to achieve monstrous or freakish levels of muscle mass and strength like those pro bodybuilders or the strongest heavyweight to super heavy weight competitors in pro strongman competitions, elite level olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, etc. Usually eat low sugar cereal or oatmeal everyday for breakfast, a flax muffin. For lunch, I usually have some pieces of some kind of lean meat or turkey like along with one or two pieces of fruit and low saturated fat and low sugar yogurt. For dinner, I sometimes have chicken, fish, pasta, whole foods. For dessert, I usually have low fat yogurt or sugar free popsicles. Before the COVID pandemic, I used to buy nuts at grocery that were very low in saturated fat and very low in sugars, but pretty high in unsaturated fats with moderate levels of protein. Also, I like to eat another bowl of cereal at night.
  13. So, then why are there more people in the US these days who are actually for culturally liberal issues and liberal judges (which are both stage Green if I am not mistaken)? Also, why have conservatives lost the popular vote in almost every presidential election since 1992? Furthermore, why are more people in our country in support of Democratic US senators (stage Orange/Green people if I am correct) than Republican US senators (stage Blue/Orange people if I am correct)?
  14. Leo, why weren't the Spartans also stage Blue? I get why you say that they are strong examples of stage Red, but the Spartans were totally militaristic (stage Blue trait), incredibly disciplined (stage Blue trait), had a well-ordered society (stage Blue trait), heavily emphasized loyalty to one another (stage Blue trait), highly religious (stage blue trait), and completely devoted and sacrificed their entire lives for the greater good of their state (stage blue trait). Also, according to History.com the world Spartan literally means "self-restrained, simple, frugal and austere," all of which obviously typify stage Blue. Do you agree?
  15. So, do you think that our country has more liberals or more conservatives?
  16. You really want to subject yourself to such danger?
  17. Well, I guess we don't need to fret about it. At least not yet for a long while. Democrats and Liberals will indeed continue to keep on fighting for people's rights and hopefully continue to improve their campaign strategies over time. Other than that, let's see what happens in the future. Thanks guys.
  18. I wonder how long humans will continue to exist for.
  19. I agree with that. However, how do you think these new sweep voting restrictions will affect the elections coming up this year or the mid-term elections next year or the 2024 general election?
  20. Why did they need to modify that? You've always had to give your license ID number, which they carefully process through the government's system.
  21. There isn't exactly one sport activity or specific type of training regimen that would be the best at improving all of those physical abilities together. However, I would personally recommend you join any martial arts class, program, style that's physically demanding like Karate, Taekwondo, Shaolin Kung-fu, Hapkido, boxing, kicking boxing, BJJ, etc. Styles of martial arts like train speed of movements, power, fast metabolism, joint and body flexibility, and your overall energy systems to the max. They also build some degree of raw strength, but usually not to a sufficient level. That's why you still need to lift moderate to heavy weights to really build above average strength and solid muscle mass. Also, no exercise regimen itself will ever be enough to effectively improve both your metabolism and your management of your bodyweight. That's why nutrition is at least half the battle.
  22. lol. The shape and size of each of your toes are due to your own genetics. The only thing that can be done to change any of them is surgery.
  23. You know, I've never thought about that because I actually don't really watch soccer games. Though, if I was forced to choose, then I guess it would have to be David Beckham. IDK. Sorry. lol
  24. I am totally with you on everything you said OP. That's why I've always rarely drank alcohol. That's also why I a lot wish alcohol was illegal. Unfortunately, according to US history, prohibiting alcohol doesn't or didn't work in America because there were way too many people who ended up opposing the prohibition law. This is why the same things is happening with the decriminalization of marijuana.