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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Yeah, I know that, but why is doing that not creepy? Like why is it not creepy for movies and tv shows to show all of those pornographic scenes and why is not creepy, weird, or a turn off when tons of rappers talk super dirty about sex?
  2. Okay, but then why has been it considered okay and completely mainstream for ads, tv shows, movies, music and what have you to portray very graphic sexual content and strong sexual language to the point of being borderline pornographic? Also, why are there more and more people out there saying that you should be sex positive?
  3. I see. I guess that isn't the worst. You think that maybe businesses will force their employees to get vaccinated?
  4. I totally agree with you. However, how likely do you think that most if not all of the group C people in the country will be ultimately persuaded to take the vaccine after much education and push for it?
  5. How concerned are you that about a quarter to a third of all of the individuals in the US so far have either made it clear that they will never take the vaccine or are inclined not take it?
  6. Speaking of populism, are all progressives populists?
  7. You know guys, I am getting worried about the fact that according to most polls, about a quarter to a third of the US population does not want to take the vaccine. If several millions of those of minds do not change, then I fear that we will not reach the minimum threshold needed to reach herd immunity within our entire country.
  8. Chauvin found guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter! https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/national-international/verdict-reached-in-chauvin-trial/2577696/ https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/04/20/us/derek-chauvin-verdict-george-floyd Justice has been finally delivered!
  9. I am not so sure about this. I don't like to keep bragging about my looks, but in all honesty tons of people throughout my life have told me that I look like a high end male model or movie star. So, I used to think that I would get significant special treatment from others because of my looks, but according to my experience rarely if ever did that turn out to be the case, whether it be at school, work, friends, girls, family members. The only thing that my great looks got me was a lot of compliments on my looks from other people including a lot of girls during my middle school and high school years. After my high school years, I began to get somewhat less compliments from other including girls on my looks than I did before even though I still looked highly attractive and was getting even more toned. In fact, after I graduated college when I was 22, that's when I began to rarely received more compliments from others on my physical appearance. Even after putting on about 15-20 lbs. of real solid muscle on me and becoming even more shredded I didn't actually receive much more attention from others including other girls. I only got more compliments on my body from my family members, close friends of mine, a few other random people on instagram, and the small amount of girls I made out with or had sex with. Quite frankly, I am really starting to think that good looks are useless if you don't have much status or popularity.
  10. I am still very skeptical about the existence of outer space aliens. I am not saying that I 100% believe that don't exist or that there aren't any kinds of sentient beings on other planets, but until we have enough concrete evidence, I am still going to consider the existence of alien UFOs as a conspiracy theory.
  11. The Biden Administration first achieved it's original goal of having 100 million vaccines administered within his first 100 days in office after his 58th day in office. Immediately afterwards, his administration doubled that goal to 200 million vaccines to be administered within his first 100 days in office. Now, as of yesterday, the administration reached that new goal!
  12. There is no best diet out there in the world. If any body tells you that the paleo diet or the keto diet or the Atkins diet or whatever diet they tell you is the best then they are just being too fanatical or too proud about following that specific regimen they follow. Eat moderate amounts of protein, moderate amounts of healthy fats (with a minimal amount of saturated fat), moderate amount of carbs (with a minimal amount of sugar, only have alcohol occasionally or never at all, don't smoke, eat minimal amounts of processed foods, eat lots free range non-corn fed animal products, eat fish or seafood about 1-2 times a week, eat 7-11 different kinds of fruits and vegetables a day, drink about etc. That's what I follow on a daily and weekly basis. Also, if you need to lose weight then cut down on your caloric intake by 250-500 calories per week for about 2-4 weeks. If that's still not enough then cut down on your caloric intake by another 250-500 calories per week for about another 2-4 weeks. Keep cutting down by the same number of calories about every 2-4 weeks until you get to your desired level of bodyweight. Also, make sure that the hormones in your body pertaining to your metabolism such as your thyroid hormones, insulin, etc. are in check because if they aren't functioning normally or adequately then it's going to be extremely difficult if not impossible to make truly significants changes to your bodyweight.
  13. lol. How? By squirting piss and shit out of this tool kit on the ground and plants??
  14. Most women these days don't know how to be a high value girlfriend or wife. They are not cooperative enough with men.
  15. So, I know that Leo and a lot of experts on dating have mentioned that approaching like James Bond does not actually work well in general. I don't fully understand why that is. I mean if you come off as sexy and socially savvy like him then you already project a masculine dominant and sexual frame towards women and they perceive you as a cool with high social status whom they would feel okay to sleep with. So why isn't that enough for a guy to have a success lay rate with women?
  16. I largely agree with that. However, isn't also important to understand the how and why of keys concept pertaining to cold approaching, dating, and relationships as much as possible? Yes, I very much agree with that. Every man should ultimately project themselves as their own authentic unique selves. I am also all for mass approaching various women and getting used to failing with women along the way as I am learning and practicing. However, I believe that when are starting off learning how to become sexually appealing they need to look up to certain men (whether they be fictional or non-fictional) who exemplify traits that are sexually attractive to women. That's true. Though, what I was trying to say is that you don't necessarily have to be funny or make jokes to get laid right? Perhaps it more so being Half James Bond and half entertainer in either a comedic way or dramatic way or musical way or other kind of performance arts way or artsy way or what have you? Also, why does being playful turn women on sexually?
  17. I see what you’re saying, but what I am really wondering is why is playfulness the number #1 key to gaming women? Also, you say that’s its best to be half clown when trying to seduce women, but what about all of those male musicians, athletes, and actors out there who come off totally humorless during their performances, but still get tons and tons of women who get crazy horny for them?
  18. No, I know that just being passive and waiting for girls to give choosing signals or approach you rarely ever work for guys. Also, yes, getting rejected by tons of girls will always be par for the course no matter how good your game is or how hot you are or even how popular you are. However, what I am asking is what if after each time you actively approach a girl you come off dominant, emotionally detached, socially savvy, have a sexy and well-groomed appearance, and flirt with girls like the way James Bond does?
  19. Do you think that our government and legal system will find ways to reduce the occurrence of these kinds of mistakes over time?
  20. Yeah don’t touch his nuts anymore. ?
  21. Yeah, it's a stupid belief that too many people in this world have. I wish that a lot of women would approach me.
  22. Yeah, but I wonder how likely it would be that most Americans will try to attack the government one day.
  23. You mean all conservatives? They deserve to be demonized until they evolve into more developed beings. Yeah, I think these are all valid points.
  24. Democrats such as Manchin, Sinema, and Biden are still insisting that Democrats and Republicans in Congress and throughout the entire nation need to come together in order to heal the nation from the extreme partisanship we've been experiencing for years now, particularly after the disastrous Trump era. How worrisome is it that the politics in the US continue to be increasingly unstable and divisive? Also, do you guy think that the country will ever return to having the levels of bipartisanship that we had before the new millennium?