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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. You know, it's really infuriating how dangerous of an influence people like Joe Rogan can be. Listen to how completely asinine and idiotic Rogan sounds regarding his take on the vaccine along with the well due criticism on his opinion:
  2. The Biden Administration is really struggling with handling the southern border crisis: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-first-100-days-immigration-policy/
  3. Conservative Democrats such as Manchin and Sinema don't want to eliminate or weaken the filibuster no matter what, and Manchin doesn't support using budget reconciliation, which would allow all of the Democratic senate pass spending related bills through a simple majority. Also corporate lobbyists and donors continue to of course get in the way of important laws that need to be enacted for the greater good of our country. Plus, our country has become more polarized than ever before from a political standpoint. So, will Congress and the Biden administration be able to pass any new legislation such as ones for raising the capital gains tax and corporate tax or other ones such as the infrastructure bill or HR 1? Or are we doomed to having no new beneficial laws being passed for the foreseeable future because there is too much gridlock?
  4. What exactly do you consider to be an example of differences between attraction, rapport, and seduction? Also, don't girls give last minute resistance sometimes because she was just not really in the right headspace either due to feeling too insecure or got too emotional?
  5. According this Pew Research article, "For years, public trust in the federal government has hovered at near-record lows. That remains the case today, as the United States struggles with a pandemic and economic recession. Just 20% of U.S. adults say they trust the government in Washington to “do the right thing” just about always or most of the time." https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/09/14/americans-views-of-government-low-trust-but-some-positive-performance-ratings/ Should Americans be worried about this?
  6. Do you think it’s okay to flirt with a girl you just met or just randomly approached? Or will she be creeped out by that because it will make her think “this stranger wants to have sex with me”?
  7. Now, I get that mentioning right off the bat to a girl you just met for the first time that you want to have sex with her is obviously super thirsty and creepy. I also know that several people on this forum have told me that talking about very sexual stuff like porn, very sexual jokes, or what have you with girls I just met or barely know me is also creepy and makes me seem too desperate for sex. However, what about doing a direct cold approach on a random girl where I right away start off the conversation by immediately being clear or direct about my true intentions with her. For example, let's say that I see out in the street during the daytime, a random girl I find physically attractive. I walk up to her and open with "Hey, how are you?" Let's then assume that she doesn't walk off or at least seem interested enough in some way to want to stop for moment to know what I want from her. So, she'd say "Hi. I am good. How are you?" Now what if afterwards, I'd be like "I am good. Listen, I know this is a little random, but I thought you look attractive and so I wanted to come say hi"? I know many dating experts/coaches have advocated for something like this, but do you guys think that this would make me come off as being too thirsty or being too sexual with a girl too early?
  8. Right, but why does it seem okay to go up to a girl you just met and say “I know this is a little random, but I thought you look attractive and so I wanted to come say hi" whereas talking about porn with a girl you just met comes off too thirsty or too creepy?
  9. What I don’t totally get is why saying something like that’s doesn’t make her immediately think or feel like “oh, this guy is really hitting on me. So, he wants to get into my pants instead of just starting out as friends”?
  10. “I am good. Listen, I know this is a little random, but I thought you look attractive and so I wanted to come say hi"? Does that make her think that you have a sexual agenda with her? Why or not?
  11. You need to have a minimum salary of $1 million to be qualified for pickup in Vegas. ?
  12. Before my late twenties, I used to not be comfortable with talking about porn with anyone else because I used to be very shy and actually thought it was very weird to even talk about with anyone, even with those you are close with. However, westernized societies for decades, have become increasingly sexually liberated and entertainment industries including the tv/film industries, music industries, Internet, media, advertisement agencies, etc. in westernized societies keep pushing the envelope on sexual expression. In fact ever since around the beginning of the new millennium, a lot of ads, tv shows, movies, music and what have you have been portraying very graphic sexual content and strong sexual language to the point of being borderline pornographic. Given the current trend of this situation, it seems that this situation only going to keep being more prevalent and intense over time. The porn industry of course keeps making increasingly more hardcore sex material. Also, generally all men watch porn frequently and the majority of women watch porn. Also, most teens and adults in westernized countries have become increasingly more open with talking about sex with their friends and many of their family members. Therefore, I decided in my late twenties to become sexually open and not be ashamed about it anymore. Yet for some reason, talking about porn with someone you don't know or barely know is considered creepy in most instances even with acquaintances you are on good terms with. Why is that?
  13. Okay, so why do so many female fans not find those sexual lyrics creepy?
  14. So, how are they able to project the image/or a fantasy which supports their sexual lyrics without it popping the bubble? How are they able to express their sexuality without sounding creepy?
  15. Okay that's pretty much true. Though why are there millions upon millions of female fans around the world who are appealed by the hardcore sexual content made by all of those rappers and rockers? Why aren't they instead disgusted and turned off by all those lewd lyrics, especially when sung or rapped by many of those rappers and rockstars who are physically repulsive?
  16. Happy Birthday Leo! Thank you for everything you've done. Your content and forum really changed my life positively in many ways.
  17. I'd like to discuss about the different kinds of genres of porn, the specific pornstars, and the specific scenes they watch and I watch. I also like to talk both which scenes and pornstars we think are the best, like how they have the AVN awards that judge which adult actresses and scenes are the best ones of the year.
  18. Oh yeah, I watched entire series of it of course. It's probably the most brutal series I've ever watched given the intense amount violence, gore, and sex in it. Yet, it's ironically super popular and okay to talk about with most people.
  19. Then that means that many of those rappers and rock musicians show an abnormal pattern of not observing etiquette and give off a strong impression of being inclined to threaten women's boundaries and must make countless women feel afraid that they do not control their sexual impulses. Yet, those same rappers and rockstars have slept with tons of women, including a lot of hot women, without paying them for sex. That's what I don't totally get.
  20. So, would talking about violent stuff like bloody wars, brutal battles, guns, boxing, MMA, hurting, or killing someone also be things that most people aren't very comfortable talking about with others because of how intense those reactions create?
  21. True. Porn is also in the context of entertainment or something illusory, not something real, right? So why not talk about it with anyone?
  22. True. Though, do you think that peer pressure will be enough to influence the estimated 33% of the population who are against taking the vaccines to change their minds? I am getting worried about our country not being able to reach herd immunity soon enough.
  23. I am not talking about the producers. I am asking why most consumers or customers are not turned off by the very crude sexual language mentioned in music such as those rap songs made by Cardi B or Lil Wayne or those borderline porn scenes shown in a lot of movies/tv shows?
  24. So, do you think that all of the estimated 1/3 of the people in the US who don't want the vaccine will inevitably be forced to take it?