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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Big corporate donors and other kind of major lobbyists have such a major influence over politicians when it comes to them pushing for all kinds of right-wing legislation such as bigger tax cuts (for the wealthy) and small government (aka BIG corporate sector) with fewer regulations on the powers of big business. So, does mean that these dominating lobbyists and donors actually make politicians like the President and members of Congress make almost any law they want come to fruition? Also, do they have the power to influence politicians to repeal major laws?
  2. Yeah, guys like Leo and Anon are right. While is exercising is definitely important to for losing fat (or for gaining weight by building muscle depending on your training regimen), diet is always the primary determining factor for your weight. In my opinion, getting into enough of a caloric deficit for your own body would be the first main thing to work on for losing weight. Then, when you get down to only being just slightly overweight, that's when you can focus more on cutting out the great excess of refined carbs, saturated fats, cholesterol, etc. that you eat in your diet. Also, make sure that you 100% eliminate any foods with trans fat in them. It's okay and actually healthy to eat a modicum of saturated fats, cholesterol, and refined carbs (sugars) in your daily diet; however, trans fats are an absolutely bad for anyone. They are essentially manmade poisonous fats that no person was ever designed to consume. Trans fats are the most deleterious fats for your body's internal organs and hormone levels. Plus, it takes weeks for your body to eliminate even 1g of trans fat out of your body.
  3. I can’t even begin to comprehend how he must feel. Truly horrific and traumatic. Something drastic must be done to stop Hamas once and for all.
  4. But if you insult her or make her cry then she will not want to sleep with you.
  5. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-calls-latest-jobs-report-great-news-claims/story?id=78084482 The US unemployment rate dropped to 5.8%, which is indeed a new pandemic low record. Also, he says that no other major economy in the world is growing as fast or gaining jobs as fast as the US economy is now. Plus, he says that the stimulus checks he got for the people drastically reduced millions of people's anxiety, depression, and overall distress levels. Also, the number of starving people have gone down dramatically. He claims that much of it is due to the success of his economic recovery plan. I do believe that his administration's plan has been helping significantly. What do you guys think?
  6. FYI, I am 5'9.5". Though most people tend to perceive me as taller than that because of my posture, long arms, long arms, and broad shoulders. I got a few lays from online dating/apps and got a girlfriend from cold approaching after being rejected by hundreds of girls for over 3 years. It used to be when I started off that I came off as way too needy with my texts. Also, I would sometimes talk about sex too early. My ex-girlfriend broke up with me about 5 months ago after we were together for almost 3 years.
  7. I already hit the gym like crazy for over 7-8 years and I close to having the body of a fitness model and did martial arts with solid dedication and commitment for over 13 years. I've also done long distance running training consistently for over 3 years now.
  8. Honestly, it's because I get easily demoralized after getting constantly rejected by countless women from everywhere. It often makes me question whether I will be able to improve my skills with women to a significant degree or will I will always just have to rely on luck to hopefully get another girl who has chemistry with me.
  9. Oh, so you're saying that it possible that you may come across 100 guys in a row whom you wouldn't feel compatible with, but that possibility would still be very unlikely, yeah?
  10. Chris Cuomo says that our way of life throughout the entire country is at great risk now because of these constant Trump related conspiracy theories:
  11. Yeah, it's a national tragedy. I know that Leo says that it's only a matter of time before we become more democratic like the UK, Ireland, Scandanavian, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, etc. He also is still optimistic about the US becoming more of a developed healthy Stage Green society like those same above mentioned countries. I want to believe that he is very likely right. However, I honestly don't see how this is ever going to happen for US considering that it seems that our country has now reached a point where we are now in this terrible perpetual political deadlock that we may never get out of until the end of time.
  12. Many people in this country, including myself, are getting very frustrated and worried that no new laws pertaining to Biden's agenda will get passed not only because of how much gridlock there is in the Senate, but also because Manchin and Sinema still don't want to weaken or eliminate the filibuster. Yesterday, the Senate Republicans filibustered Jan. 6 inquiry bill for an independent commission that would've investigated the Jan. 6 Capitol riot incident. Only 6 Republicans voted for the bill, which means that fell 4 votes short of the 60 senators needed to overcome the filibuster. The bill would've passed the Senate had Manchin and Sinema voted along the rest of the entire Democratic caucus to eliminate it. Manchin's only response to this was putting out a video on his twitter feed stating how furious he is with all of the Senate Republicans who voted against it and yet he still wants the keep the filibuster intact and giving a typical BS politician kind of apology to everyone in America saying that "you deserve better and I am sorry..." Also, by keeping filibuster the way it is, the For the People Act bill, which would significantly improve voting rights throughout the country, will not be enacted. Manchin isn't even for the bill because he instead is propose for a watered down version of the bill that he claimed would've gotten enough bipartisanship support for it within the senate. Yet, only a couple of Republican senators are inclined to vote for Manchin's proposal. Furthermore, Chris Cuomo recently called out Manchin for wanting to keep the filibuster and saying how very concerned he is about the possibility that nothing will really get done for Biden's agenda because of the fact that nation has become more politically divided than ever, the Senate Republicans have become way to oppositional, and Manchin himself is too obstinate to vote for weakening or eliminating the filibuster:
  13. Yeah, I agree with you guys. You know, sometimes I am not proud of being American. The US is supposed to be the number one country in the world that represent the best kind of freedom, justice, and equality in the world. Yet, our level of democracy is not as good as the other westernized countries including Canada, UK, Ireland, the Scandanavian countries, Germany, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, etc. It's truly a sorry sight.
  14. Btw, I think Biden is still wanting to raise the capital gains tax to about 40% in the US. How likely do think that is going happen?
  15. I get what you're saying and I agree with most of what you said, but how will anything ever get done these days if we keep the filibuster the way it is?
  16. I know that some girls will reject a guy no matter how good his game is simply because he is not her type at all. That's one of the main reasons why no guy will ever ever be get every girl regardless of how sexy, charismatic, wealthy, successful, good-looking, how his status is, etc. What if a guy NEVER find any girls to who perceive him to be their type even if he approached millions of girls throughout his own life? Even if his game is totally on point?
  17. I am surprised that no one has responded to this given how dire this matter has become for the US.
  18. Wait, but you said to me in my thread entitled, "Is it possible to never find ANY girls who perceive you to be their type?":
  19. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk Enjoy
  20. Have you guys seen Trump's new blog site. The shit he has said on there is hilarious.
  21. I don't think it's easier for guys to seduce younger girls just because they have these much lower standards and boundaries for what they’ll accept in a partner. In fact, I think that the younger girls tend to be a bit harder because those girls are generally at their peak sexual market value and generally tend to get to get more attention and more desire from men compared to older women.
  22. Men are also treated as objects and commodities in their own way. Men are certainly used for their finances, status, and other kinds of resources. How about all of the women out there that use men as their boy toys for sex?
  23. I think this a good question in a way. I am curious to see what many people's responses to this questions are.
  24. They say that Biden is not fighting hard enough against Moderate/Conservative Democrats like Manchin, Sinema, and every other establishment Democrat in Congress in order to pass the paramount progressive policies that Biden promised to his constituents. They are also saying that the progressives in Congress are not fighting back hard enough as well. TYT is saying that the progressives in Congress need to call out and talk more a lot more about the corruption going on in Washington and how the establishment Democrats have been bought by their corporate donors.
  25. That's definitely true. However, what about the major progressive or liberal promises Biden made to all of his supporters and voters throughout the entire nation? Why hasn't he been fighting harder for them? That's true too. In fact, according to the most updated Gallup poll on Americans' political ideology, since around 1992, the percentage of people in the US who consider themselves to be moderates has been continually decreasing overtime, whereas the percentage of those throughout the entire country who identify themselves as liberals has been continually increasing overtime. As for the percentage of the people within the entire nation who call themselves conservatives, that number has pretty much stayed the same since 1992. Total percent of all people in the US who are conservatives: 1992: 36% 2020: 36% Total percent of all people in the US who are moderates: 1992: 43% 2020: 36% Total percent of all people in the US who are liberals: 1992: 17% 2020: 25%