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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. So, then do slutty girls only makeup 5% of all of adolescent and adult females throughout the entire world? Have shows like Sex and the City been exaggerating many women's desire to have casual sex? Also, what about the millions of girls out there in the world who are on apps such as Tinder, Bumble, Pure, fwbdr, etc. to find a guy to hookup with for fun? Furthermore, why does this female dating coach say in this vid that there are plenty of women out there who are not looking for a serious relationships or to get married ASAP or have babies and instead want to have non-committal sexual relationships? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9tBNhXQ8Sc Why have male dating coaches like Locario said that fuckbuddies are important for guys to have before you start considering getting into a serious relationship with a girl? Even his girl in that vid straight up talked about how great it was when she had a fuckbuddy and agrees that it's a really good idea.
  2. I though that if you just want to hook up with a girl then you don't need to build much emotional connection with her, and instead focus on three things: 1. presenting yourself to her a high social status guy who is non-judgmental about sex. 2. emotional stimulation 3. sexual stimulation
  3. As I already mentioned a couple days ago in my thread, Increase in Vaccine Coercion, Biden has already mandated that all federal workers and contractors, and all large companies with 100+ employees must now mandate vaccines or regular testing for all of their employees. However, as expected, the Conservatives jerks such as Ben Shapiro, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, etc. have gotten so furious about this that they are all preparing to fight like hell through the courts in order to stop Biden's 'tyrannical' vaccine mandate by arguing how unconstitutional the President's executive order for this matter is. They all are being big babies about this. Yet, this does beg the question of whether or not these Republican monsters will win the court battles over this issue, especially considering the fact that most of them throughout the whole country, including SCOTUS, are stacked heavily in the favor of the right wing.
  4. And how do you know that Devils like Trump, Fox, or these extreme right wingers conspiracy theorists haven't been lying to you?
  5. According to news sources such as Reuters "Senate Republicans again block U.S. debt limit hike, shutdown looms." CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, says that this is potentially catastrophic. The article also mentions that "coming ahead of next year's congressional elections, a government shutdown or default would be a blow for Democrats, who have portrayed themselves as the party of responsible government after Trump's chaotic presidency." https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-democrats-congress-race-head-off-shutdown-default-2021-09-28/ According to a Washington Post article pertaining to this matter, Fauci said that a government shutdown would have a profoundly negative effect on whole country's ability to control the spread of COVID. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/23/fauci-says-this-is-worst-time-world-government-shutdown/ Will another government shutdown happen and is it probable that the US will be in great jeopardy again because this the GOP Senators will not be willing to vote along with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling?
  6. But unlike guys, girls' emotions change like the wind when it comes to dating, sex, and romance. So, isn't possible that that same girl who was not into you changes her mind and decides to give you a chance?
  7. Nancy Pelosi committed several times before that the smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill would not be passed until it gets passed at the same time as the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation. The bipartisanship one, is the corporate handout one, which the conservative Dems in both chambers of Congress have been pressuring Democratic leadership to pass first. The reconciliation bill is the one has entails Biden's true legislative agenda and is also overwhelmingly popular amongst the vast majority of the electorate throughout the entire country according to numerous legit polls out there. Yet, several progressives in the US House have lately been trying pressure Democratic leadership to pass the reconciliation bill first pass because they don't trust the corporate Dems (especially the most conservative Democratic ones) who say that "they promise" they will work with Biden and the progressives in Congress to pass the reconciliation bill after the Bipartisan infrastructure bill gets passed. The progressive in Congress already known very well the kind of political games or trickery the moderate and conservative Dems always play with them by pretending that they give what the progressives want after they get what they want for their own moderate and conservative constituents, and for their corporate donors. Yet, the reality is that the corporate Dems never hold up their end of the deal and instead always saying kind of bullshit excuse as to why they couldn't vote for more liberal legislation. As Cenk Uygur has said before, the corporate dems will just end up telling their progressive colleagues "Golly Gee! Sorry! There was nothing that we could do! Oh well!" However, last night Nancy Pelosi apparently decided to call of that two track strategy by saying "we had to accommodate changes that were being necessitated. And we cannot be ready to say until the Senate passed the bill we can't do [bipartisan infrastructure]." So, now she seems to be aiming to get the bipartisan bill at least first this coming Thursday instead of committing to waiting for both bills to be ready to pass as she promised.
  8. So, then why in 2000, did she greatly supported Ralph Nader's presidential campaign and why was she a member of the Green Party?
  9. Kyrsten Sinema was originally a progressive Democrat, who espoused liberal or progressive values such having a federal including $15 minimum wage, pro-LBGTQ+ rights (she's bisexual), pro-abortion rights, making health care more affordable, lowering prescription drug prices, antiwar, pro-conservation of environment, anti-capitalist. Yet, overtime she eventually became one of the most Conservative members of Congress (almost as conservative as Manchin). She never even gave the American people enough of a transparent explanation as to why she shift so far to the right. According to wikipedia, "In 2017, she voted in line with President Donald Trump's position approximately half the time." "On March 5, 2021, Sinema voted against an increase of the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders as part of the COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.[147][148] She did so by flashing a thumbs-down as she carried a Lululemon bag containing a cake for Senate staffers. Some commentators compared her demeanor to that of former Arizona senator John McCain, who had voted with a dramatic thumbs-down gesture in 2017; others compared her to former French monarch Marie Antoinette, to whom the phrase "let them eat cake" is attributed." Yet, her fellow junior Democratic US senator, from the very same state, vote FOR the $15 minimum wage! he's also, made it very clear that she absolutely NOT vote to eliminate the filibuster UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Because she cares so much more about working across the aisle with all of the Republican bastards in Congress than passing seriously needed Democratic legislation for the country, that's why the For the People Act failed to pass the US Senate, even though a simple of Senators voted for it including all 50 of the Democrats together. That Act would've eliminated widespread partisan gerrymandering, expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders throughout the entire country! However, like Manchin, Sinema believes that we have more lose than gain by ending the filibuster, even if the Democrats passed the For the People Act. Because jerks like her, want to keep the "precious filibuster" intact, that's why the bill for creating an Independent Senate Commission for the purpose of having an in-depth investigation on the January 6th Capitol Riot wasn't passed either. Lately, according to an article from Intelligencer, "Sen. KYRSTEN SINEMA (D-Ariz.) delivered a tough message to President JOE BIDEN at a private meeting Wednesday, we’re told: If the House delays its scheduled Sept. 27 vote on the bipartisan infrastructure plan — or if the vote fails — she won’t be backing a reconciliation bill." https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/09/kyrsten-sinema-threatens-infrastructure-bill-biden-build-back-better.html WTF! How dare she?! Why is she doing this?! One last thing I want to mention about her that really really frustrates me so much is her lack of transparency with media and therefore with public. She hardly ever talks much about why she pulls these kinds of asinine shenanigans. At least Manchin is much more upfront with the media and the public about why he does what he does.
  10. Judging others is inevitable. It's a question of who or what needs to be judged. Even Leo constantly judges others such as fascists, libertarians, dogmatic religious fanatics, staunch conservatives, egotists, etc., etc., etc.
  11. So, she's a pathological liar, huh? Btw, I accidentally duplicated this thread because I think that the web browser I was using, Safari, when I made this thread, had trouble processing my creation of this thread. I thought that this thread didn't actually get registered in this forum. So, I tried again to create about a half ago with the web browser Google Chrome and I saw that that thread went through. It wasn't until afterward that I realized that this thread here actually went through on this forum as well. Sorry. I'd like to have this thread locked and then continue the discussion on the duplicate thread there because that one actually has some edits I made on my on original post on there that I felt were necessary.
  12. I do agree that governments in any countries need to be continually bigger overtime like Leo has explained a number of times. Yet, we all know that Conservatives or most Republicans in the US have been for smaller governments than bigger governments because they believe that the bigger the government the more it becomes Communistic or Socialistic. However, what I wonder is whether or not governments in first world countries which are not communistic actually have had bigger governments than countries that are or were communistic or socialistic. For example, is USA's government bigger than China's government which has been governed by the CCP or bigger than Russia's government when it was communistic?
  13. Yeah, I think I see your point as well as his. Actually, I just rewatched his whole video on "Why Libertarianism Is Nonsense - Deconstructing Freedom" on his Youtube channel. He said that even Communistic countries such as China and Russia, which have replaced their own communist economic systems with much more free-market types of economic systems, still have a lot more corruption than any first world country does. Leo said that it's because 2nd world countries such as China or Russia still don't have as much sophisticated regulation within their governments as do developed countries such as Canada, UK, Republic of Ireland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Scandanavian countries, or even the US. So, from what I now understand, apparently 1st world countries, including America, do have bigger governments than do Communistic countries do because those less developed countries don't have enough complex infrastructure within their own governments to greatly reduce the amount of corruption and inequality they have.
  14. Oh yeah, I saw that! What a freak and cuck that host really is.
  15. Vaping is bad for your body. Your whole body will eventually pay a terrible price.
  16. That's true with big businesses. However, small and medium businesses may now see there businesses expand a lot because there are probably going to be a lot of employees from many big businesses around the country who will want to quit their jobs at those places and then seek jobs in small or medium businesses, if the Biden vaccine mandate does take into effect sometime into the future.
  17. Haha! I'd especially love to sees Newsom kick both Elder and Jenner in their balls and then laugh at them while they suffer. Ahahaha!
  18. So, tomorrow will be the California recall election, and even though the most recent polling averages have been showing Newsom having the greatest lead he's ever had for tomorrow's election, I am still nervous about the outcome because there's always the very slight possibility that polls could be very well off. Here is a prediction from a very young, but highly intelligent student who will a newly enrolled Harvard student beginning this Fall: I pray that he too is right, because if someone like Larry Elder wins then not only will this be a disaster for California as a whole, but also for the entire country as well. Not only will California deteriorate greatly by the executive orders that will be made by a crazy right-wing black sellout running the state, but also US senator Dianne Feinstein will be replaced by Elder if she dies very soon due to very old age. Plus, if Newsom loses, then it will provide a major wind in the sails for Republicans for the 2022 midterm elections.
  19. Thanks! I didn't know about that. Though I wonder if even California itself can financially afford to pay for something like that for everyone throughout all of CA. Also, despite the fact that the Newsom is a centre-left Democrat and currently both houses of the California State Legislature are controlled by veto-proof Democratic supermajorities, I don't know if we have enough Democrats in either the state-level executive branch or the state-level legislative branch of CA who really have it in them to pass such a bill. There might be a number of moderate and conservative Democrats in either or both houses of CA state legislature, who might be making up all kinds of BS excuses like "Medicare for All in the state of CA is a liberal or progressive pipe dream. We can't afford to pay for it.....We also shouldn't just pass it strictly along party lines. Otherwise, It would be unfair to our Republican colleagues in the California State Legislature who are unable to get a fair voice in our assembly.....This bill would be too divisive for our CA constituents.....blah, blah, blah......" Furthermore, I am not sure if Newsom himself truly wants a single-payer healthcare system to actually happen, because he did campaign on that for his 2018 gubernatorial race, but then has let us down on that by never really following up on that for about 3 years now. I don't know. I guess we'll have to see.
  20. Governor Newsom DEFEATED the recall effort! Yeaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/09/14/us/california-recall-election-newsom What a major relief that is for Californians like myself!
  21. Then why are many big businesses including some of the most successful ones in the world including the Chamber of Commerce, Amazon, Walmart, and Home Depot are loving this new mandate? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/biden-vaccine-test-mandate-business-response-walmart-amazon-google-apple-2021-9%3famp
  22. So, you think that Newsom is going to be alright?
  23. You don't get it dude. It's not just about you, it's also about everyone else around you whom you could infect in various terrible ways if you have the virus.
  24. I pray that the new Biden vaccine mandate will definitely hold up in the courts. Otherwise, our country could be in much more danger than we are in now.