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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Haha. How poetic. Btw, whenever girls grind on me at a club I often get a boner, especially if she was hot. Yet, even if have a boner they still keep grinding their ass on my dick while not appearing to be uncomfortable about that at all. Do you think that whenever that happens to me that that always means that she is really attracted to me and that she is purposely trying to get my dick hard?
  2. But we will always need science to continuously improve our world. Btw, what happen to many other posts that were on here before? Did they get corrupted again?
  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/23/twitter-and-square-ceo-jack-dorsey-says-hyperinflation-will-happen-soon-in-the-us-and-the-world.html Is Jack Dorsey just making an overhyped claim on the current inflation concerns going on in the US?
  4. I get that, but then should I or anyone else then continue to trust the mainstream if they unfairly spin some important facts?
  5. Biden's approval ratings have considerably dropped down to being below 45% in the vast majority of the polls out there. According both the FiveThirtyEight and RCP polling averages he currently has an overall lower approval rating at this point in his term than all but two presidents, including Ford and Trump, since 1945. Political commentators including Smerconish and Chris Cuomo have been saying that this is becoming very concerning for the country because they believe that this could very well lead to not only the Democrats getting annihilated in the 2022 midterms, but also could lead to Trump becoming re-elected in 2024: What do you guys think?
  6. No, of course not. I think that Obama probably should’ve never ran for president in 2008 and instead let Hilary win the nomination in 2008. She would’ve beaten McCain because she wasn’t as unlikeable as she was in 2016 and people were going heavily Democrat in 2008. She then would’ve been perceived as more moderate president. I don’t think that our country was ready to handle having a black president who was more of left wing than the Clintons were. Obama should’ve then probably ran after having Hilary as president from 2008 to 2016. What do you think?
  7. Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous to even begin to compare those two. Btw, I remember you explaining that because Obama was the most advanced president we ever had during his time as president, it caused such an unprecedented ego backlash against him to the point of electing Trump, who turned out to be not only one of the US presidents ever, but also became the most divisive and most authoritarian leader our country has ever had. So, do you think that maybe it was a mistake to have Obama elected president in 2009 instead of during a later time such as 2016 or 2020?
  8. The upcoming gubernatorial election in Virginia will happen in exactly 7 days from now and James Carville, who is one of the top political consultants and strategist for the Democratic Party, is getting very worried that former governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, who is running for re-election could lose to the GOP nominee, Glenn Youngkin, who is a Trump supporter. Also, the polling averages have been showing that the race has become extremely close. They say that if McAuliffe loses then not only would that tremendously increase the chances of Republican winning big for the 2022 midterm elections, but also it greatly deteriorate the national mandate for Biden's liberal agenda. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/10/22/james_carville_democrats_need_to_activate_for_terry_mcauliffe_ive_sent_47_emails_for_him.html
  9. Yeah....you were right. This is sad. Though some are now saying that it may not necessarily be the end of the world for Democrats. I hope you're wrong. I wonder what Leo has to say about this.
  10. Youngkin is now in the lead in the polls! This is not good. Even after the official endorsements and in-person campaigning done by President Biden, VP Harris, former President Obama, and Stacy Abrams, Youngkin ended up pulling ahead in the race. This could be a real disaster for the Democratic Party, especially for the mid-terms if he loses. Any comments?
  11. Why isn’t anybody on this forum saying anything about this disaster?
  12. Guys! The race is now getting even closer! I am really getting worried about this election! I don't know why nobody on this forum is even the slightest bit concerned about this! If the Democrats lose this election then the Democrats will very likely lose so badly in the midterms 2022. If that happens then either Trump will return as president in 2024 or someone like him like DeSantis will become our next president and then our entire country may very well fall apart.
  13. The COVID vaccine mandates have been working. Most of the people throughout the whole country who have threatened violence or said that they will quit their job if their employers try to make them take the vaccine have been bluffing. According to NPR, the number of people who have been fired for refusing to comply with vaccine mandates "represent only a tiny fraction of overall employees, not even 1% in some workplaces. But it can add up to thousands of people in many states." Btw, no one has the right to infect others with this deadly virus.
  14. Right, but my worry is that Trump or someone like him may win the 2024 presidential election.
  15. So, most prostitutes, most escorts, most pornstars, etc. are doing some kind of sex work because they really feel that they have absolutely no other choice?
  16. I hope you guys are right because we can't let Trump become president again or a Trump clone like DeSantis become our next president.
  17. Well, I hope that Yellen is right because otherwise the Democrats may very well be in deep trouble for the 2022 midterm elections and the global economy could be in jeopardy.
  18. According to master dating guru, Alan Roger Currie, the best kind of man to be for being in a happy successful long-term relationship with a woman is an alpha male with a few beta traits. This means that you can't be a total 100% alpha male in order to keep the kind of woman you want for a long time because she will eventually no longer put up with you if you NEVER EVER compromise on ANYTHING with her. Mr. Locario also explained this in his vid here:
  19. Yeah, but I agree with Cenk. I think Gupta was too conciliatory with Rogan. He should've told Rogan in very frank manner that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He should've been like "Look no offense, but you never graduated from college, whereas I earned a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Science from a top university. You didn't graduated from medical school, whereas I graduated from a top medical school. You didn't go through further rigorous medical training to a become a neurosurgeon, whereas I successfully did at a top university. You've never practiced as a medical doctor ever throughout your whole life, whereas I've practiced neurosurgery for decades at one of the most renowned medical centers/hospitals in the entire country. You haven't conversed, consulted, or interviewed countless other world class physicians and scientists including elite level virologists, immunologists, internists, FDA panelists, former and current FDAs commissioners, CDC panelists, former and current CDC Directors, etc. around the world, whereas I have. You haven't (or actually couldn't even if you tried) to read and comprehend the tens of hundreds of thousands of scholarly scientific and medical journals been published out there in the world pertaining to COVID-19 and the vaccine treatments for them all of which have been extremely substantiated with the highest level of intellectual scientific reasoning and total rock solid scientific and clinical evidence ever possible to the letter at the gold standard. What you are doing is providing an incredibly toxic influence on millions of Americans in our country because the kind of ring-wing conspiracy theories on these COVID-19 vaccines you keep talking about on your show is undermining the credibility and trust in the COVID-19 vaccines for the entire country, which consequently has lead to many more people suffering or dying from the deadly virus for no good reason."
  20. If prostitutes and escorts care are so deeply concerned about their own survival then why do they actually have sex with tons of random male strangers, including many who are very scary? After all, when it comes to dating, women reject men who come off creepy or threatening in any kind of way.
  21. No doubt does America's health care and child care systems need to be tremendously improved. I am for progressive ideas such as Medicare for All and major expansions in child tax credit to the levels that Scandanavian countries provide. However, moderate and conservative Democrats as well as Republicans say that our country cannot afford to pay for those kind of radical left bills. Yet, progressives such as Ana Kasparian have mentioned that we absolutely can afford to pay for all of these things because the US is still the richest country in the world and all we have to do is just raise taxes on both the rich and corporations. Are the moderate and conservative Democrats and Republicans the ones lying or are progressives actually being too idealistic?
  22. Because they don't lie as much as Republicans and conservative Democratic politicians do. They also are for liberal or progressive legislation unlike the Republicans and conservative Democrats who are either very much for the status quo, or worse, such as repealing good laws. Furthermore, they don't seem to take in as much money from corporate donors or dark money as Republican and conservative Democratic politicians do. They also don't do what corporations donors want them to do as much as the Republicans and conservative Democratic politicians do. Biden in fact is turning out to be much less of a corporate shill then most people thought he would be.
  23. I thought that putting hot women on pedestal or treating them as "special" is not a good mindset for guys to have when trying to get them. They may look like goddesses, but they really aren't. Furthermore, attractive looking girls don't actually get approached nearly as much as average girls do because most guys get too intimidated to approach hot girls, but aren't intimidated by average girls. Besides looks to an extent are subjective. What's hot to you may be more average to me and vice versa. So, then how could there objectively be any more competition for "hot" girls than there would be for "average" girls?