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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Fair point. However, I wonder how MSNBC compares to "progressive" YouTube channels like TYT, Secular Talk, Democracy Now, or Majority Report.
  2. Oh no, I am really sorry about that@Preety_India . Hope you recover from this as soon as possible. Btw, being fully vaccinated and boosted would've very likely made your symptoms much more mild.
  3. How do you know if what you did to make the girl feel creeped out was actually creepy or if it was actually just the girl herself who happens to be a prude?
  4. So, you think that JP's seminars are a total waste of time?
  5. I also watched that whole vid, but what really concerns me is when he said that social democracy is dead. I kinda understand what he is saying. However, if social democracy isn't ever going to work in the long-run, then what kind of government and economic system are we supposed to have? Now, I feel more pessimistic about the future of our world.
  6. This is truly one of the saddest situations I’ve seen in my life. All of the ICU nurses are true medical soldiers. They all must have such incredible mental fortitude to go through this kind of horror every single day for years. I really don’t think that I could do it. All of these nurses out there throughout the whole world deserve a massive raise and a massive amount of extra employee benefits and awards for everything that they have done.
  7. He will say that the sky is a mix of blue and orange because America is stage Blue and Orange and the American lifestyle is the best lifestyle in the world so all of the sky throughout the whole world always has to be a mix of orange and blue.
  8. Well, we know that many celebrities out there have sold tickets for approximately that amount of money. What’s so new about that? I did watch that Ethan vs Jordy vid Leo posted, but I am not sure what point he is making.?
  9. Oh, that’s not too bad. Not cheap, but not so ridiculously high.
  10. Yeah I am gonna say from about 5,000-10,000 dollars per ticket.
  11. Guys, I just found a few really good articles that each explained how the increasingly intense political polarization that America has been going through is similar to what happened during the Gilded Age (c. 1870-1900). In fact, politics during the late 19th century was arguably even more chaotic, violent, and corrupt than it has been during the late 1900s and 2000s. They then talked about how during the era that followed, which was the Progressive Era (c. 1896–1916), was the period in US history where the country wen through was what called the "Great Quieting." The "Great quieting" was what greatly cooled down the whole political environment through the entire nation. The key to this was by not only making politics so dry and boring but also making it harder for everyone in the US to vote. This was done by having cities banned public protesting without permits, replace on-the-ground volunteers with paid organizers, have “Educational campaigns” print sheafs of dense pamphlets about issues like tariffs or the currency, close saloons on Election Day in order to ensure sober voters, and have voters be in isolated polling booths alone and choose candidates from government-printed secret ballots that had very dense text. Also, during this era, not talking much about politics became a new social norm for anyone unless you were either a politician, some kind of government employee, a rich person with certain political connections, or a paid political activist. Unfortunately, however, minorities, younger people, less educated individuals, and poor people within the entire country were heavily disenfranchised. All of that together weeded out a tremendous amount of foolish, ignorant, and toxic voters throughout all of the US from voting in any kind of election. Furthermore, all of these changes made voting more deliberate and much less vulnerable to fraud or intimidation. This eventually lead to so much greater bipartisanship between both political parties. As a result of this unity, the government was able to make massive progressive reforms in American democracy in numerous ways from around 1905 to 1920. Consequently, the government was at last able to enact all kinds of new and improved regulations on industry, transportation, food, and drug, progressive income taxes, etc. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/04/24/forgotten-precedent-unprecedented-politics-age-of-acrimony-484072 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/little-known-story-19th-century-americas-hyper-partisan-warfare-180977586/ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/29/opinion/normal-politics-gilded-age.html So, How do you think that America will ever be able to through another "Great quieting"?
  12. Perhaps things are going to get more chaotic, more violent, and more corrupt before law enforcement begins to finally crack down very hard on all of these new age problems in the country?
  13. Yeah, well it’s looking like there’s nothing much that they can do about it in the long-run. More and more black and brown people keep moving into the South. Furthermore, they say that by 2045, whites in the USA will no longer be the majority. Also, manual farm labor is getting replaced by industrial labor.
  14. I see. So, the South probably needs to catch up on industrialization and racial integration in order to reduce a lot of the racism down there.
  15. Oh, so the South doesn't have as much manufacturing companies as the North does?
  16. That's true and I always knew it. However, at the very least, the Dems are very likely able to stop the Republicans from putting in a 7th conservative Justice in SCOTUS. Plus, there's a very strong chance that we'll end up having the very first black woman US Supreme Court justice.
  17. Good news, everyone! Just this morning, the mainstream media broke the news of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's retirement plan. That now means that Biden will be able to appoint a brand new liberal justice to the SCOTUS and then have the pick confirmed by Senate Majority leader Schumer, Senate Majority Whip and Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dick Durbin, and the rest of the Democrats in the Senate. Breyer won't formally announce the exact details on his plan for retiring until tomorrow; however, they say that Breyer will probably finish his time with SCOTUS this summer. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/scotus-stephen-breyer-retirement/index.html
  18. Oh, so does the South have a lot more rural areas than the North?
  19. Right, but why didn't desegregation and full citizens rights for blacks help enough white southerners see that integrating with African Americans is not bad at all? Leo said a couple years ago that: That's exactly how I eliminated so much of the racism I had when I was a young kid. During all of my high school and college years, I was around many asian, black, and latino students. Also, my family and I also worked with a lot latinos throughout most of my childhood when we renovated houses. Furthermore, I had some black and brown teachers and instructors in a number of classes I took in high school, college, graduate school, and in the martial arts studio I used to belong to for over a decade. I wonder if there are more areas in the southern and middle regions of America that aren't as racially/ethnically diverse as there are in the Northeast and costal regions of the country.
  20. I think maybe what the OP is trying to get it is why there is MORE racism in the South than in the North, particularly compared to the Northeast. I actually still don't fully understand it either. I mean I know that the South has always had a history of having represented racism and bigotry since the 1800s. However, I thought that with slavery having been completely abolished and outlawed throughout the whole country since 1865, Jim Crow laws having been completely eliminated throughout the whole country since the late 1960s, and Obama having become America's very first black president ever from 2009-2017, that the South would no longer be as racist as it always has been.
  21. Ah, so stage Blue work ethic and discipline is needed to balance out the excess rationality, pragmatism, self-seeking aggrandizement, and pleasure-seeking from the stage Orange work values. So, then how do you think the work values of stage Red compare to that of stage Orange?
  22. Oh yeah, makes sense. So, then why do you think Leo said that without stage Blue work ethic or discipline you'll never succeed at anything? What would happen if you had the work ethic and discipline of stage Orange, without the work ethic or discipline of stage Blue?
  23. @Carl-Richard Does stage Orange have the same kind of work ethic and discipline as stage Blue?
  24. How is that not a fact? (sighs) Read this article: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/24/covid-pandemic-at-a-critical-juncture-whos-tedros-says.html