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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. So, I just recently rewatched the vid on Stage Green and when Leo mentioned the excesses of this stage, he said that one of those excesses is overregulation of the government on the economy and businesses. Now, I know that some people on this forum have said that too much regulation causes inefficiency in businesses and the economy. However, I don't buy that. I actually think that more regulation the government implements the more efficiency businesses and the economy become because more regulation always creates greater financial stability and greater safety for everyone in the long-run. I could be wrong, but I'd like to know how overregulation could ever happen and what serious negative consequences could it cause?
  2. So, with too much regulation, things would move slower than we would want them to, but when and how has overregulation ever caused a lot of people to suffer greatly let alone cause a national or global crisis?
  3. In middle and high school I used to try to troll girls in order to get a rise out of them. I also used to hurt their feelings just to knock them down a peg. However, they would afterwards tell me to leave or fuck off.
  4. Do you think that it's going to take a lot more gun violence to happen in the US way more than ever before in order for enough citizens in the country to vote for and support serious gun control laws?
  5. I think that maybe everyone should start buying bulletproof vests. Gun violence just keeps getting worse and worse.
  6. @TDLH @sholomar The COVID-19 pandemic is a global emergency. There's no time for any us to debate whether or not we should take the vaccine. The survival of human race is at stake. Millions upon millions of people around the entire world have already died from this lethal virus. Millions upon millions of people around the world have already suffered the loss of their love ones from this deadly virus. Millions upon millions of people around the world who are still alive have already suffered the deeply tragic loss of their love ones from this deadly virus. Millions upon millions of other people throughout the entire planet have already been incredibly traumatized from almost having died from COVID, but were truly lucky enough to have survived it. As extreme as this may sound to you guys, if you are not pro vaccine mandate, then you are automatically PRO-VIRUS. You like every other republican or conservative moron out there believes that it is okay to just let the virus continue to spread throughout the rest of the country, let alone the entire world. You also seem to be okay with letting the virus mutate into even more deadly and more transmissible kinds of variants. You even prefer having the deadly virus over COVID vaccines. You also want your friends, your family, your relatives, and other close to you to get infected, hospitalized, and die from this virus. No matter what your argument or excuse is this is the reality you have to own. Furthermore, Leo already talk how there is a time and place for debating, being skeptical, and critically thinking about certain issues. However, he also has mentioned a number of times that there are also moments where there is no time to think or question about doing what you need to do in order for you and your community to survive. Why do you think the military teaches their soldiers to obey and immediately carry out commands without question, especially during times of battle or war? It's because that is a major part of what is absolutely necessary for maximizing the chances of survival for each and everyone own of their troops. It's also vital for the greater good of protecting their country.
  7. How about paying tax for huge balls or for big boobs or big butts with a small waist?
  8. Ok, so it seems almost everyone here believe that the US should have universal healthcare. So, then which kind do you guys think would be better for the US? Single Payer system like in Canada or compulsory private health insurance system like in Switzerland?
  9. So, I've been deliberating over whether or not the US should really have some kind of universal healthcare system. This video talks about the pros and cons to having it in the US:
  10. Trump hopefully will have passed away by then. Lol
  11. I am certainly no doctor, but that really doesn’t add up. Why exactly would weight training be detrimental to your eyesight unless you actually were diagnosed with another certain eye issue that would preclude you from weight training at all. There a plenty of highly experienced and strong weight lifters I’ve known who were glasses or eye contacts. In fact, I myself have had some degree of astigmatism and myopia for several years, but have done consistent weight training for several years. My eyesight has never been negatively affected at all by any kind of weightlifting exercise when I lifted light weight with high reps, moderate weight with moderate reps, or heavy weight with low reps with all kinds of dumbbell exercises, barbell exercises, and machine based exercises that I’ve done. The only thing that ever happened to my eyeballs was when a portion of the white of one of my eyes bled from years of repetitive strenuous heavy lifting exercises including heavy barbell squats, heavy barbell bench press, heavy barbell deadlifting, heavy OH Press, heavy dips, heavy pull-ups, etc. It didn’t affect my eyesight at all and other experienced and advanced weightlifters said that it’s not a big deal when something like that happens. However, I would still get a second opinion from another eye doctor on this matter in order to confirm whether the first doctor who told you this is wrong or wrong about your specific situation with your eye.
  12. Yeah, this is sad. He seems like he's overall a good guy.
  13. I see. Yeah, that's a fair point. Btw, you still have him listed in your stage Yellow Examples Mega Thread. He may have some stage Green traits in him, but there's no way that Rogan is a stage Yellow being at all. Like you just said, he is not an intellectual who has a deep understanding of the world or the universe. He can't even comprehend why the right ideology is so toxic and why it has had such a negative influence on him. Furthermore, as far as I am concerned, I don't even think he has a really impressive level of education.
  14. True. It can also be that the girl you're on a date with is either not in the frame of mind or is mentally unstable or has a very uncooperative attitude.
  15. Yeah, I agree. However, if you are going to pay a prostitute then it should still be done just as a one-off only for the purposes of losing your V-card as a late virgin and then never do it again.
  16. I remember you saying that you don't think that Rogan is necessarily a right-winger like progressives such as Cenk make them out to be, but are you now changing your mind about that?
  17. I don't think that a date with a girl necessarily means that she has decided to sleep with you as long as don't come off creepy or weird during the date. The vast majority of my first dates with girls ended up going nowhere at all, even when I behaved in a normal romantic manner while doing my best to sexually escalate with her. There have been times where I thought the first date went well and I even made out with the girl, but then she told me the next day or so that she didn't feel enough of a connection with me and never heard or saw her again. Also, other guys out there who have advanced seduction skills still have a lot of moments where they go on a first date with a new girl, but don't end up sleeping with her on the date and then never see her ever again.
  18. I know that Leo has said before that you need to project a romantic intent to her and make her feel special in order to influence a woman to sleep with you because otherwise you will come off as either a perv or as some guy who just wants to use her body for sex. However, if all I wanted was just some casual sex with a girl then wouldn't I actually be leading her on by conveying a romantic vibe with her and making her feel so special?
  19. But if I make her feel special and come off romantic then wouldn't she still automatically feel or think that I actually want her to be in a serious long-term relationship with her?
  20. Someone or something got to stop guys like Rogan from spouting these dumb right-wing philosophies.
  21. Well, I think that most people in the US of course wouldn't mind if the quality of healthcare was decreased for rich. However, is it possible that a single payer system the quality of healthcare for both the working and middle classes would also decrease? Also, what about the possibility of plummeting choices for everyone in the country if the US government was the only one in control of every one of its citizens healthcare? Furthermore, why does America still have the best quality healthcare available and makes the greatest amount of scientific and medical breakthroughs on the planet? Is it not because the US is the only 1st world country that has privatized healthcare?
  22. I totally agree that the US government must regulate the price of healthcare insurance a lot more than it currently does. I also do believe that the government should provide some kind of public option for those who cannot afford any kind of private insurance. Though are you concerned about the possibility of a single payer system in the US causing the quality of health care in the country to decrease and the amount of healthcare choices to plummet like the video I posted up above mentioned?
  23. You know what? It's now very clear to me that you are PRO-VIRUS. You like every other republican or conservative moron out there believes that it is okay to just let the virus continue to spread throughout the rest of the country, let alone the entire world. You also seem to be okay with having the virus mutate into even more deadly and more transmissible kinds of variants. You even prefer having the deadly virus over COVID vaccines. You also want your friends, your family, your relatives, and other close to you to get infected, hospitalized, and die from this virus. No matter what your argument or excuse is this is the reality you have to own.
  24. Yeah, I am honestly worried about the possibility of this happening. However, Leo says that he is optimistic about that not happening because the US is a first world democracy that actually kept evolving more and more into a higher level democratic and egalitarian society in the long-run, despite the number of and kinds of setbacks or temporary moments of regressions the country has had throughout its entire history. Otherwise, the US might end up having either another civil war or another massive culture war.
  25. Yeah, I agree. I actually wouldn’t mind paying just a bit higher taxes for the single payer system. However, I am now concerned about the possibility of a universal healthcare system inadvertently causing a decrease in quality of healthcare. I am also concerned about the possibility of their being less choice of healthcare options because of more government control. Also, my parents and I have heard from our family friends in Canada who used to live here in the US for a few years that the quality of healthcare in Canada isn’t as good as it is here in the US. Plus, what about the fact that many people from other 1st world countries like the UK travel to the US for better medical care whereas it’s hardly case with the other way around. Furthermore, some argue that a single payer or a universal healthcare system in the US would decrease the innovation of new medical and scientific breakthroughs made within the country because funding for researching and experimentation of new cutting edge methods and technology would greatly decrease.