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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. So, then would you guys say that a man at stage Blue may be able to get laid easier than those at stage Orange or above, but that actually a man at stage Orange or above can get laid more than a man at stage Blue?
  2. why do Eastern European countries generally have more religious dogma than the Western European countries?
  3. I get that Law and Order is an example of stage Blue, but what about government regulation? I know that conservatives are examples of stage Blue because they strongly believe in tradition, religion, conformity, moral codes of conduct, social norms, manners, hierarchy, law and order, discipline, pride in one's civilization, military, police, obedience, etc. Yet even though conservatives and Republicans in the US have always proudly portrayed themselves to be the champions of law and order (despite actually being more violent and dangerous than most liberals and Democrats), they are ironically against big government regulation, particularly when it comes to business and the economy. Yet, Stage Green people, including liberals, progressives, and most Democrats seem to be more in favor of more government regulation on everything within their society even though they have been the champions of the liberal movement. So, is government regulation an example of stage Blue or stage Green or both?
  4. What still doesn't make sense to me is that even though conservatives/Republicans have a lot more Blue than liberals/Democrats do in the US and Blue is about Law and Order, there have been a lot more liberals/Democrats than conservatives/Republicans who have been willing to comply to rules such as economic regulation policies and vaccine mandates from the government.
  5. Wait, I am confused. Even if stage Blue isn't necessarily equal to Authoritarianism, Leo said this: So, why don't conservatives who have a lot more Blue than liberals, and Blue is still about complying with the laws and orders of society without question, then why aren't conservatives not as compliant or as cooperative with the government's vaccines mandates as liberals are? Why are liberals more compliant with the vaccine mandates?
  6. If Blue wants control of everyone within its society in such an authoritarian manner then why are there more Blue citizens than Green citizens in the US who are against certain things like vaccine mandates from the government?
  7. So, even if the right-wing freaks try again and again and again to steal future elections, you don't believe that the fall of US democracy is inevitable or even possible at all like how this guy talks about in this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIwRB7r6wM4
  8. What kind of problems do you think are more likely to happen?
  9. That's true. However, do you think that this time we may be more likely headed towards a civil war given the fact that the US has become more polarized than ever before, especially due to both Trump and the right-wing media? The Jan 6th capitol riot incident was the first time that something like that ever happened to our country.
  10. I started losing my hair at around my early 20s. I now have a bald spot at the crown of my head. I know how you feel OP, at least to some degree. I feel insecure about my bald spot everyday. I think mine was caused by too much dihydrotestosterone, because at the same time I was losing hair from the top my head, I was gaining more body hair on my chest, shoulder and back of my neck. If you still have a good amount of hair left then maybe try some kind of hair concealer for a while. I haven't used it myself, but I actually want to try it on myself soon.
  11. Alright, I'll probably get that book some day. Also, I am thinking that maybe healthy red values are still needed in a first world society.
  12. So, I've recently been studying a lot more in depth on each of the different stages of spiral dynamics, and know that experts on this concept like Leo have mentioned that each person needs to go through each stage sequentially in order to solidly embrace and integrate all of the healthy aspects of each stage into your life and evolved beautifully into the highest conscious being possible. I know that Leo has already mentioned a number of times before that you have to have the good traits of each and every stage, you can't skip any stage nor can you can't suppress any of the lower stages, and that you may even have to go back down to the lower stages and work on each of those sequentially for a while in order to both properly burn through your karma and learn how to survive and function. Furthermore, I totally get that all of the first four stages of SD (Beige, Purple, Red, and Blue) are needed if you live in either any first world or even any second world country in order to have the best chances of surviving and thriving in those societies given how brutal and primitive each of those nations are to varying degrees. Additionally, I understand that someone who is at stage Green cannot function or survive independently let alone succeed at anything, and tends to be hypocritical and too judgmental if they don't have any good stage Orange values in them. Conversely, I am aware that someone who is at stage Orange is not going to ever be a truly happy and highly enlightened person and can be so selfish to the point of becoming a great liability to others and perhaps to their entire society in the long-run if that person never learns to integrate any good aspects and values from Stage Green. So, of course Orange needs Green and Green needs Orange. However, after contemplating much about each of the aspects and values of each stage, if you have all of the healthy values of both Orange and Green, and you live in a first world country then why do you need to have any values from either Stage Purple, Stage Red, or Stage Blue? Secondly, wouldn't both stage Orange and stage Green together already have all of the traits that Purple, Red, and Blue have? Yes, stage Red has the positive essential traits including assertiveness, courage, pride, decisiveness, assertiveness, ambition, charisma, adventurousness, taking initiative & ownership, personal willpower, pragmatism, strength/power, status, breaking with the pack & pushing the envelope, etc. However, stage Orange seems to already have all of those traits in a much more evolved way. Stage Blue includes hard work, discipline, duty, law, order, enforcing borders, objective sense of right & wrong, hierarchy, social order, status quo, etc. Yet stage Orange has all of those traits too. Yes, stage Orange doesn't have other qualities that stage Blue has such as loyalty, patriotism, morality, good & evil exist, justice, stability, security, meaning & greater purpose, culture, tradition, heritage, crusading for a righteous cause, family values, charity, giving back to my community, etc. But stage Green seems to already have all of those traits in a much more evolved way. Yes, Stage Purple has the values of family & tribal bonds, blood relationships, living together, contribution to the tribe, honor, mystery, spirituality, respecting elders, ancestors, customs, reciprocity, sharing, cooperative-interdependence, out of body travel, intuition, use of psychedelics, etc. Yet again, stage Green seems to already have all of those traits in a much more evolved way.
  13. Okay, I think it get it now. So, what makes Stage Blue different from stages Orange and Green, but always necessary even within 1st world countries is that Blue involves the official law and order of a society and the monopoly of force by the military, police, and justice system of that society's government. Green and Orange may have some degree of each of those elements, but not at the sufficient levels needed for a whole society, let alone a large nation in modern times, to function, survive, and deliver justice in a pragmatic cohesive way. Stage Blue also teaches individuals to respect the necessary rules and norms established by their civilization and carry out their responsibilities, civic duties, and obligations that a citizen has to his country. So actually, Blue, Orange, and Green all need each other in order for a first world society to function, survive, deliver justice, prosper, allow creativity, allow freedom (within reason), allow equal rights, and make as much scientific and societal progress as possible. The same would apply for each individual person who lives within any of those societies. So, then how necessary are red or purple values for first world societies or for any individuals living in any of those places?
  14. Let me trying asking my question(s) in another way: Aren't the BLUE values which do include discipline, work ethic, integrity, proper dress, proper and polite language, sobriety and self control, etc. also in Stage ORANGE? Aren't the RED values which do include loyalty, passion, decisiveness, no-nonsense, the ability to stand up for oneself, etc. also in stage ORANGE? Aren't the PURPLE values which do include connection to nature, and deep intimate bonds with family and community also in both stage BLUE and stage GREEN?
  15. Okay? How does that answer the question I have which is what would happen if a person from a 1st world society who has stage both the essential aspects of Orange and Green which Leo talks about doesn't have any values from either Purple, Red, or Blue? What would happen to a 1st world society that only has Orange and Green, but has very little to no Red, Blue, or Purple? Also, isn't there overlap with hard work ethic and discipline of Stage Blue and that from Stage Orange?
  16. But aren't there different skills needed for attraction women from social circle than from cold approach?
  17. I know that the highest success rate for cold approach is always going to be no greater than about 5-20%, no matter what venues you meet women, even if you have the best level of game. However, it's apparently very different with social circle. So, what is an estimated good success rate for getting dates and lays from social circle?
  18. But what would happened if a first world country such as the US had very little to no Red, Blue, or Purple and only healthy Orange and healthy Green? Couldn't positive Orange and positive Green protect it's country from violence and enact sufficient law, order, and justice for its society? Also, what is the difference between the hard work ethic and discipline of Stage Blue versus Stage Orange work ethic and discipline?
  19. The top medical and scientific experts in this country including Fauci and Gottlieb have already mentioned several months ago that reaching herd immunity is no longer going to be possible within the US. The best that the country can now achieve is to have the COVID pandemic become an regular endemic thing within the nation like how seasonal flus are.
  20. Okay, so if I can't apply a success rate metric to social circle, then how am I supposed to be able to gauge how well my skills are with getting girls through social circle?
  21. Installing one in Trump's office wouldn't enough. There would need to be one for each staunch conservative Republican politician throughout the entire country.
  22. Oh yeah, I totally agree. However, both Jinping and Putin have become so power hungry to the point of seriously considering to conquer more land for each of their own territories by military force. Russia seems to now be threatening to take over Ukraine and China might very well try to take over Taiwan. Consequently, Biden and the US government now have to deal with this problem by either implementing more sanctions on those countries or actually send some US military troops to both Ukraine and Taiwan to protect those countries from Russia and China respectively. I don't think Biden is going to do what Bush did with the whole war on terror disaster in the Middle East, but it still makes people like me nervous that Biden might actually decide to ultimately fight both China and Russia head on in combat.
  23. What do you mean that the US would never be able to war with them?
  24. I know that you believe that China will probably become economically equal to America, if not become the next superpower of the world. How concerning do you think it will be if China one day also ends up having the strongest military in the world?