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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Ah Okay, I see why. Thank you for your response. Actually, I just rewatched Leo vid on "How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey" and basically explained what you just said up above. I also already added more info. about this on my thread "Why do Russia and China still have authoritarian political systems?" Thanks again.
  2. Actually, after having rewatched Leo's vid on "How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey," I am now starting to understand why both Russia and China still have authoritarian regimes. It's because even though both of them have the 2nd and 3rd militaries in the world, have the 11th and 2nd largest economies in the world respectively, and have the 6th largest GDP (PPP) and the 1st largest GDP (PPP) in the world respectively, the GDP (nominal) per capita and GDP (PPP) per capita in each of those countries are much lower than any of westernized countries, island nations, city states, mini states, etc.. Also, both Russia and China are still behind all of the westernized societies with the regard to the secularization process.
  3. People like Joe Rogan and Barack Obama have some Blue traits, some Orange traits, some Green traits and some Yellow traits in them because of how relatively open-minded they are to many different kinds of perspectives and to all different kinds of political parties. Then wouldn't center-left Democratic politicians and voters also be stage Yellow people? After all, they are liberals who have a lot of good blue values, good blue values, and good green values unlike the progressives who don't have very little to no Blue values in them. Plus, the centre-left Dems are more reasonable with Republicans than progressives are with them, and definitely more moderate and pragmatic than progressives are about getting any liberal policies enacted for our society.
  4. Yeah, I understand that argument. Yes, he was corrupted by corporate lobbyists including the military industrial complex. However, Leo said here on the thread "Tulsi Gabbard Joins The Forever War Machine On Tucker's Fox News Show": Now, I am not just agreeing with Leo just because I always take his word as gospel. I agree with what he's saying about that because from a both holistic viewpoint and practical standpoint drone strikes are the best thing that the US can do, for the time being, to protect the US and its allies from their enemies within Middle East.
  5. Then how did Obama get elected President even though he has a lot of stage Yellow and became the first black US president ever in history?
  6. Okay, I read everyone's responses and studied as much as I could on the first post on your systems thinking thread @Carl-Richard. I think I get what you are all saying and I think I see why now centre-left Dems probably aren't stage Yellow beings after all. So, even if centre-left Dems aren't solid Yellow people, then perhaps they still have some Yellow traits in them because not only are still more open-minded than Republicans, Conservative Dems, and Progressives are, but also they have always been the most effective in bringing about actual significant progress socially and economically for the country.
  7. As if the situation with Omicron wasn't bad enough news, top economist Larry Summer says that given the situation with inflation, it looks like the US will having another recession either during sometime next year, if not the year after. He was one of the few economists out there who predicted that inflation would last than compared to other economists and the Fed who believed that inflation was transitory. Summers doesn't think that the Fed has been doing enough to tame inflation and that the Omicron variant is now adding more uncertainty to the fate of the economy. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/summers-says-fed-will-struggle-to-engineer-soft-landing-as-he-frets-about-spontaneous-deflating-in-markets-11639561649 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/16/lawrence-summers-fed-inflation/
  8. Yeah, but why is it still so tough there? If you could, please take a look at what I wrote in this thread that I created:
  9. Blackphil really isn’t getting it. It’s hopeless.
  10. Why are most people in Russia stage Red/Blue?
  11. Fauci didn't lie. Like science, his information on this virus had to evolve especially considering how new it was to all of us during the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020. Yet, you're the one who looks up to guys like Robert Malone as an icon/demigod who cannot be questioned. You also have been brainwashed by all of the toxic right wing conspiracy theories on this issue. I've heard all of these theories before and they are the ones who have provided faulty information, changed their opinions and blatantly lied to us just like Trump did all because these right wingers are trying to promote political and business agenda because they have been totally corrupted by money and power. Don't you think it's time to see through their charades?
  12. Dude! Most of the elite intellectuals of the world are not rich and almost all of them don't have that much of an interest in political or economic power like tons of business people and politicians do. You think that someone like Fauci is super rich or has much interest in having as much political or economic power as possible? If you believe that then I genuinely feel sorry for you. Do you think that other intellectuals such as Albert Einstein or Noam Chomsky care or cared about their own profit and power? No! They genuinely care about improving our world.
  13. Most men also lie as I said before and a lot of them can't be trusted as well.
  14. Yeah that's the words that these very "prominent scientists" try to use in order to discredit the real legit prominent scientists. No, this is a faulty logic. Yes, the majority/masses rarely have the wisest opinions. Most people in this world are not above average overall intelligence. The elite intellectuals of the world who are of sound mind and have the greatest level of compassion are the ones who are able to form the wisest opinions in the world. All of the top medical scientists and doctors in the world who have agreed that these COVID vaccines are absolutely vital are some of the elites of the world who are well above the majority/masses of the world.
  15. Okay fine. I only asked because most men and most women tend to lie about their body counts.
  16. Perhaps that could be a flaw of mine. However, what most people on this forum don't like about what you're doing is that you're contributing to the spread of misinformation and creating more unnecessary division. We all have a collective responsibility to unite together against this deadly virus by following what the vast majority of the top scientists and medical doctors who are the best specialists for this matter have all agreed on. Those guys you mentioned including Robert Malone and Peter McCullough represent only a small strange amount of corrupt scientists and doctors who are lying because they are the ones who have some kind of selfish political and business agendas of their own.
  17. If it's higher than that then you can be honest about it. Don't worry. I don't judge.
  18. You're irritating everyone here and you're also deliberately undermining the trust in information from the top medical doctor and medical scientists int the world. You really think you know more than all of those brilliant scientific experts who have all reached a legit unified consensus amongst each other for the greater good of the entire world?
  19. Yeah, that's what I am saying. Girls easily fall prey to fuckboys who have high body counts. Btw, how high is your body count if you don't mind me asking?
  20. Wait, but didn't you say that you slept with or were in a relationship with players before? Those guys probably had high body counts.
  21. People like you really get on my nerves. Just you wait until either someone close to you dies or when you almost die or are going to inevitable dye from being infected by this virus. Then, you'll sing a different a tune about the vaccines. Mark my words!
  22. Yeah, but Russia now is one of the most powerful countries in the world and has about the 11th largest economy in the world. So, why does that country still have such a very authoritarian regime?
  23. I thought that the pill is 89%+ effective against both hospitalization and death. Besides that, after listening to that clip on your original post, this is getting really scary. I really hope that we don't either have another lockdown or that every single human throughout the whole world will get infected by the virus, regardless of how many people have been fully vaccinated and have gotten a booster.
  24. Yeah, but it's going to spread even much faster than ever before, which means a lot more people throughout the whole world will be hospitalized and die at a much faster rate than ever before. After listening to Dr. Ding just now, I am kinda freaking out now.