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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I thought that according to the US education laws, every adult has to have at least a high school level of education. So, how are the majority of Americans throughout the whole country not able to read at the high school level as a bare minimum?
  2. I see what you guys are saying, but I thought that girls liked assholes and they like it when a guy gets a girl's mind off of logic mode by making them feel some sort of strong emotions.
  3. Ah, okay. I see what you're saying. Yeah, I think that lay count is important to some extent because it is one big determining factor as to how successful you are with women. However, I do agree that lay count should certainly not be considered to be the end all be all and should stop being concerned about your lay count after a certain point. Just like with money. How much money you are able to make is an important factor in how good your financial skills are, but money is of course not be the end all be all and you should stop being concerned about how much money you make after a certain point.
  4. I never said that mastering game is easy. I just thought that you were saying that even after all of the years of hard work Owen put into developing his skills with women that he still didn't become a master of the game.
  5. So, in order to successfully get out of wage slavery, I have to be delusional? Also, why do a lot people who lost their own businesses, which they may have had for a long time, end up going back to working for someone else in another kind of business?
  6. Look, I wouldn't mind putting in the years of hard work for getting out of wage slavery if I knew for sure that it was a feasible path for me. I just worried that could very well turn out to be a pipe-dream for me.
  7. That's why I really envy guys who have always had natural talent with girls like how some other people who are naturally gifted athletes or child prodigies or born geniuses.
  8. Well, that doesn't sound very assuring. Have you been able to escape wage slavery?
  9. Well, I can tell you that I really don't think that having good looks turns women on as much as good looks does on men. I know from personal experience of having been widely considered throughout my whole life to be an extremely attractive looking guy, especially after I reached my mid-teens. I even built up a lot of lean muscle on my entire body through many years of hard work on sports, martial arts, weight training, cardio, other kinds of fitness training, and improving my nutrition. Yet, I still struggled getting women, especially the kind of women that I wanted. I've only gotten laid with a few women and had one real girlfriend ever in my entire life after trying almost everything I could like crazy:
  10. Okay, but the point that I am making is that isn't the chance of being able to run a successful business of your own as small as becoming a famous person even if you tried your damndest?
  11. I am trying to be realistic, practical, and trying to see through from a rational standpoint. I don't want to just gamble my life away like some reckless naive fool. If the only thing that is stopping me from achieving a successful business of my own is my fear, then couldn't you say that the only thing that's stopping anyone from becoming the next Tom Brady or the next Michael Jordan or the next Mike Tyson or the next Albert Einstein or the next President of the United the States or the next Jeff Bezos or some other kind of celebrity or legend is simply my fear?
  12. If you're saying that Owen never had great game, then that's very sad and demoralizing considering the amount of years of hell he put himself through to get successful with women.
  13. Yes, I am very conflicted on whether or not I am capable of escaping it myself. I don't want to put myself at risk of being homeless of going through some kind of financial ruin.
  14. I understand what you guys are saying, but then how does one explain what happens to those whose businesses went belly-up or lost it to a big corporation and then end up having their whole lives being completely devastated to the point of either having to go back to being a wage slave for a very low paying salary or end up committing suicide?
  15. Considering the fact that every politician working in Washington (except for all of the progressives) has in essence bee controlled by all kinds corporate lobbyists including the military-industry complex, what is stopping corporations such such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and other defense contracting companies from being to convince Biden to deploy our US troops back to Afghanistan?
  16. This is really tragic. My heart goes out to all of them.
  17. I really want to understand how corporate lobbying works and what are the possible limitations of it, but I haven't been able to find any good sources to elaborate on this.
  18. I saw the movie a few days ago. It was not bad at all. I hope that it actually helps to make more people listen to the scientists about the climate situation we have.
  19. Sadly, I've been seeing a number of dating coaches and PUAs on Tim Pool's channel. It kinda worries me.
  20. Great news! The Covid pill created by Pfizer, called Paxlovid, which is an antiviral pill that you can take home and reduces the risk of hospitalization or death by 89% for high risk patients who have been infected by COVID-19 finally got approved by the U.S. FDA today! I am not sure if we have to wait for the CDC to give the final sign off for it before it can be used by anyone in the US who has at high risk of having a severe level of COVID after being infected by the disease. However, according to sources such as NPR "The federal government has a contract with Pfizer to buy 10 million courses of the treatment for $5.3 billion. But initial supplies of Paxlovid will be limited. The company says it will have 180,000 course of treatment ready by the end of the year." As for whether or not this pill will work against the Omicron variant, NPR says that "Although it's not certain, Paxlovid's efficacy is unlikely to be reduced in treating people infected with the omicron variant of the coronavirus virus. The drug, which belongs to a family called protease inhibitors, doesn't target the virus's spike protein, as the vaccines do." https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/12/22/1066761436/fda-authorizes-1st-antiviral-pill-for-covid One important caveat to taking this antiviral pill, is that it is not to be taken as a substitute at all for any of the current vaccines that protect you from this deadly virus. In order to have the very best chance of surviving COVID you still absolutely need to be fully vaccinated, boosted, wear a hospital mask indoors (ideally an N95 or higher version), and take Paxlovid (if you got infected by any COVID variant). https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/covid-19-pills-are-coming-no-substitute-vaccines-disease-experts-say-2021-11-08/
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq0g4XyKehw What is happening to GOP is getting crazy now! I hope that he truly is losing his power over the GOP and if it really is, then I hope that this turns out to be a good thing for the country,
  22. All of the remaining unvaccinated Americans throughout the entire country still won't take any vaccines despite the current gravity of situation with Omicron. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/25/us/omicron-unvaccinated.html At least a majority of them say that they won't even take the new antiviral pill, Paxlovid, no matter how sick they got from the disease. https://www.newsweek.com/majority-americans-would-take-covid-pill-if-they-got-sick-except-unvaccinated-poll-1654126 This is unbelievably frustrating and very worrisome, guys. Now, I am not feeling optimistic about COVID ever ending.
  23. Because debating about it doesn’t seem to work so well for convincing either side because of how defensive each person is going to be with their arguments.