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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Yeah, I agree. It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens to the economy in Eastern Asia and Eastern Europe in the coming years.
  2. Yeah, but I bet that Russia’s entire economy will end up way down through the toilet and into the sewers. The country is very likely to suffer a long and severe economic depression and China will not be able to bail them out at all.
  3. Trump has become a dumb broken record going on and on and on and on and on about his warped views on reality. It's very sad
  4. It seems that Russia is not even serious about wanting to allow Ukraine to be a neutral nation. Lavrov, who one of Putin's top Russian officials, shows how disingenuous the Russians have been about their objectives. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/03/13/sergey-lavrov-lies-andrei-kozyrev-ukraine-nr-vpx.cnn
  5. Check out this article from Paul Krugman, who explains why having a country that allows dissent makes the country have more evolved and more sophisticated defense system: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/10/opinion/putin-ukraine-russia-usa.html
  6. Ah, I see. That’s probably also why the CCP doesn’t want to outright condemn Putin’s actions and decisions that he’s made. The Chinese government officials are now stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  7. So, then why is Xi Jinping wanting Putin to making peaceful negotiations instead of going to war with Ukraine?
  8. Do you think China will still prefer the USA to be the main trading partner over Russia because of China's dislike for the Russian-Ukraine war?
  9. Well, it doesn't look like China is happy at all about this war. That could put Russia's relationship with China on thin ice or possibly end their relations altogether. Besides, according to Paul Krugman, who is one of the top economists in the world, wrote an article in the NYT saying that China would not be able to save Russia, economically: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/07/opinion/china-russia-sanctions-economy.html He also said in another two articles he wrote that even if Russia does end up absorb Ukraine into its empire, Russia will ultimately have a much worse economy than it was before the invasion: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/01/opinion/ukraine-russia-war-economy.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/04/opinion/russia-ukraine-sanctions-economy.html
  10. It's true that when a good-looking guy first approaches a girl, especially one who already is attracted to his looks, she will a first think that he seems hot. However, if that same guy acts and talks either creepy or weird or simply comes off boring then she will lose interest in him by the end of the conversation and feel disappointed by him. I know this from personal experience. When I was a total newbie, I could usually open a set easily probably because I've always been physically attractive, but I would fail to even get a number close because by the end of almost every conversation they would either politely walk away from me or I would end the convo if I recognized that they no longer seemed interested in talking to me anymore or if they said that they were already "seeing someone" or had a boyfriend or a husband (though I am sure a lot of them were honest about that) or what have you. Btw, some women say that shy guys can be adorable and sweet. lol
  11. Given the growing amount of sanctions on Russia, economists have been saying that the global economy is now going to be negatively affected to varying significant degrees depending on each country. 2nd and 3rd world countries around the world as well as all of the western, central, northern, and southern European countries are very likely going to be very devastated by the economic consequences of this abominable war. Other countries such as America will still be alright economically compared to almost the rest of whole world. However, the prices of gas, wheat, and few other types of supplies in America are going to significantly increase throughout the entire country. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/08/opinion/putin-russia-ukraine-economy-sanctions.html Noam Chomsky even said recently said that this war could cause global hunger to increase significantly. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/how-much-financial-damage-could-russia-do-to-the-u-s.html It's bad enough that we've have had to worry about the COVID pandemic, rising inflation, upcoming midterms elections, and the Republican party's plans to try to steal future elections and then take back control of America with a vengeance. Now almost everyone around the whole world will have to deal with the great pain that will becoming because of how much of a dent there will be on the world economy in a number of ways.
  12. Should a guy talk to a girl about porn before or after he has had sex with her?
  13. I used to workout rigorously almost everyday. Now, I've been working out about 2-5 times a week.
  14. Yes do. They then would fight back for their land another day when the time was right. That’s exactly what the Ukrainians need to do.
  15. Zelensky really needs to concede to Putin. The Ukrainians are only delaying the inevitable at the cost of more lives being needlessly destroyed and the country being continuously destroyed until there will be nothing left.
  16. Before our democracy in the US finally gets completely healed in the future, do you believe that our country will first experience such a massive decline in our level of democracy to the point of becoming a hybrid regime like in Hong Kong or in Turkey?
  17. Hmm, I see your point. However, aren't Obama and Sanders are smart progressive leaders who have always been trying to promote true world peace and true global equality?
  18. That is very informative. I now understand more where Putin is coming from. Do you think that Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, or Bernie Sanders would've handled this situation better than Biden?
  19. Do you think that Obama or Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton would've been able to adeptly prevent this Russian-Ukraine war from happening if any one of then were our sitting US president given the fact that each one are undoubtedly political geniuses compared to Biden who was never as smart as any of them were?
  20. Yeah, I am inclined to agree with that. Though, I wonder now if Trump pulling out of NATO and having good relations with Russia might’ve influenced Putin to not feel so threatened by NATO’s expansion that Putin might’ve not felt the need to invade Ukraine.
  21. Trump said that this war never would’ve happened because of his great relations with Putin and Russia.
  22. They say that Russia's alliance with China is now on shaky ground because Xi Jinping and the other government officials in China don't seem to like that Putin invaded Russia. Xi Jinping says that he respects the sovereignty of other nations. Btw, given that you very much agree with everything that was said in that vid in your OP on this thread, do you think that the Biden administration has not been a good enough job with maintaining foreign relations?
  23. I've taken SSRIs for over 20 years ever since my mid-teens. They helped ease my depression from being severe to moderate and have helped me cope better with negative emotions and stress. However, I've usually had sexual side effects from taking moderate to high doses of them, especially with Paxil. It has significantly lessened the sensitivity of my penis and has caused significant delayed ejaculation issues for me. Sometimes, I can't stay hard for long enough. It really has contributed to my sexual frustration. Also, I feel that SSRIs that I have taken have never been nearly enough to fix my depression. I am still not a happy person overall. That's I want to either eventually reduce the dose that I am taking or switch to another anti-depressant or possibly try something else altogether.