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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Dan Bilzerian also likes and has a lot of respect for Trump, which already tells you what kind of schmuck he is. I have a tremendous amount of respect for his work ethic. He definitely has a strong warrior mentality and truly earned everything he achieved throughout his whole life. Plus, he does have a certain kind of charisma to him, which is another Orange trait.
  2. What I don't get is that if PUA experts have achieved a lot of emotional mastery and learned how to always be super positive around others in order to get to the level they got with seducing women then why do some of them like that Tom Torero guy end up becoming so suicidal or dangerous narcissists?
  3. So, none of you guys are scared about this possibility? Honestly, I think that everyone in America who is either a liberal or a moderate should seriously consider stocking up on all kind of equipment such as guns, knives, bulletproof vests, etc. in order to protect themselves from some kind of right wing domestic terrorist attack that probably will happen one day at a nationwide scale in the future. I am thinking about building a panic room for myself when I get the chance.
  4. Ohhhhh......that could take me years to achieve such emotional mastery. I don’t even know if I will ever be capable of doing that. Though aren’t most of the best pickup artists deep down unhappy and miserable guys? If so, then do they constantly use drugs and alcohol in order to force themselves to be in a good state for the moment?
  5. Ohh...well then how do I come off authentic and congruent, if I do get depressed often and if I don't have much game? Am I actually going to have to fake it until I make it in my case by learning how to pretend to be happy in a convincing manner like a method actor would?
  6. @Carl-Richard Hey do think that progressives like Vaush have a little bit of stage Yellow in them?
  7. I totally feel this way now too. I hope that COVID will finally be under enough control soon enough.
  8. I see what you’re saying. Though why does everything have to be playful with women? Don’t women love drama too? Women like to cry when they watch sad romance movie scenes.
  9. Yeah, but I am thinking that at least I would be very congruent with how I am feeling and it would be very genuine. I tend to get depressed easily.
  10. A lot of times when I am feeling really down in the dumps I often think about approaching a girl or group of girls and saying stuff like "you know, I feel like you don't really like me.....well, I guess that's because people really don't like me much....I am a fuck up.....I am a real loser....but it's still not fair that women like these asshole guys instead of nice guys like me.....I really want people to like me.....but I guess it's never going to happen with me....that's why on some days I just want to kill myself and end all of the suffering and misery that I am going through."
  11. Oh I see. Ok, thank you. Your answers to my questions on this thread definitely helped further my understanding of spiral dynamics and how to apply it to my own life.
  12. So, it's just biologically how women are wired for sex even if some of them just want casual sex?
  13. Lol. That's crazy! Are you telling me that you had to do shit like that in order to transcend to solid Yellow?
  14. Right, but not everyone woman wants a baby or wants to even have a serious relationship.
  15. Yeah, I wouldn't want to work more on Blue and Orange by doing conservative stuff like heavily practicing religion or owning a dangerous gun. I also, don't want to have to exploit others for my own success.
  16. Ah I see. Makes sense. So, other progressives such as everyone on TYT could also use more work within Blue and Orange to make them solid and transcend to Yellow?
  17. I see. So, even though he has solid Blue, solid, Orange, and solid Green values, he is still unable to transcend to Yellow because he still too judgmental of others who are not like him, especially those who are conservatives and capitalists too much. I think like Kyle Kulinski and Krystal ball he also overestimates how many people in the US are progressive or even moderately liberal.
  18. Do you think that Vaush have some healthy aspects of Blue and Orange such as a solid work ethic and personal success?
  19. Right, but if it is okay for both men and women to use each other just for sex, then why does a guy have make a girl not feel like she is being treated like a sex object if she doesn't want anything more than just sex? Why do I have to make her feel special or that I want her for more than just sex to seduce her when maybe all she wants is just some casual sex for herself?
  20. I know that progressives are examples of people that are at stage Green, but I wonder if some of them actually have some Yellow in them. Some of them seem to have good values from stages Purple, Red, Blue and Orange which is necessary for becoming a stage Yellow being. Let's take Bernie Sanders as an example. He has some good aspects of Purple such as respect for nature and acknowledgment of all of the different kinds of communities, tribes, cultures, and traditions out there throughout the whole world. He also has some good values of Red such as passion, ambition, assertiveness, and being a revolutionary. He further has some good values of Blue including work ethic, discipline, commitment, respect for law and order, and faith in a cause. He moreover has some good aspects of Orange such as personal success and wealth, certain degree of charisma, belief in science and technology, and belief in private ownership and entrepreneurship. Additionally, Sanders has probably studied and read up on a lot of various kinds of high intellectual material from various highly renown intellectuals.
  21. Yeah, but there a lot of women out there who are only looking for casual sex.
  22. Okay, I believe that I get it now. From now on, I'll try my best to not be disrespectful like that to women again. Thank you everybody.
  23. Okay, so don't do anymore edgy stuff until I have a lot more experience and have much more advanced game (of course that's if I ever really achieve that level of game). So, even sexual alpha males who are abusive to women don't even start off being hurtful to women?
  24. Ohhhhh.....I think I get it now. I took the idea of “being an asshole” too literally. Shit......I really screwed up big time. Now, I feel really bad about what I’ve done.? Does this also mean that negging girls turns women off?
  25. So, then why do guys who have game say that women like men who are assholes or are arrogant?