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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. You honestly slept with that girl in that pic? I thought you said that dating and having sex with a 10 was unrealistic even with good game. Btw, why is the background pixelated?
  2. Wow! Who would’ve thought that one of the creepiest places would actually turn out to be one of the most effective places to have sex with a girl with CONSENT?
  3. Well, right now the US has slid back from a full democracy to a flawed democracy. So, I guess it's like Leo said, it's probably going to take many years for the country to heal from its democratic backsliding.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/01/03/technology/elizabeth-holmes-trial-verdict#count-by-count-heres-what-jurors-decided-on-elizabeth-holmes
  5. Perhaps, I have become a victim of mass media propaganda and hysteria. However,@DocWatts doesn't seem so optimistic about American democracy. Then again, this is Leo's forecast on the democracy of USA:
  6. Sounds like you may have to break up and be single for a long while until you have resolved enough of the trauma you had in your life. Otherwise, you'll continue putting yourself and your partner at great risk of causing more toxicity between the two of you to the point of the relationship becoming too dangerous for both of you,
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blWALPdF2Gc&t=334s
  8. Yeah, hopefully, but we'll have to wait and see.
  9. Wait, I thought that building your social circle by making friends with a lot of cool guys and hot girls was one of the best ways to get laid.
  10. Probably would be better, but unfortunately I am not a student there.
  11. Yeah, that's what I am concerned about. So maybe, I won't try anything crazy or really edgy with any of the girls I approach there. I could perhaps try approaching the girls on campus in a more regular chill polite way with that romantic vibe you've talked about before. I know I've a lot of mistakes before, but I have gotten dates and even a long-term girlfriend from daygame approaching.
  12. Well, I can't deny that it does have a ton of rednecks down there. Alright, well then I guess I am going to try gaming at UCI myself and see how it goes. I live only about one block away from there and the campus actually does have a student population of about 33,467 which should actually be enough. I would think that there are also some graduate school women there who are in their mid-20s to mid-30s.
  13. I hear that it can be a lot of fun there, especially during Mardi Gras. Btw, how comparable is gaming in a college campus like UCI to gaming in a big city or metroplex with a spectacular nightlife?
  14. About time she got the justice that she deserved.
  15. It's not just illegal. It's abusive to women.
  16. Thanks to the BIF bill having been passed by Congress (mostly Democrats and some Republicans in both the House and Senate) and Biden. Though unfortunately, this new law will allow public infrastructure to be privatized. That's why some progressives like those on TYT and AOC had called the bill a corporate handout.
  17. I don't live near any city or metroplex with huge populations and fantastic nightlife areas. However, I actually do live just one block away from UCI, which I know has a lot of young students on their campus. Could that work for me?
  18. I agree with that. However, aren't a lot of Americans going to end up getting furious about this issue to the point waging some kind of violent culture war over their "civil liberties" and "freedom of speech" being taken away?
  19. There have been a few times in my life where I had sex on the first or second date with a woman, but then I would never see or hear from them again even though I wanted to continue to seeing them. I get that women generally don't want to have their bodies be used for just sex, but why is it okay for women to use men just for sex?
  20. Oh yeah, I watch a lot of it including TYT, Majority Report, David Parkman, Leo's channel, CNN, Geekdom101, and other miscellaneous vids on there.
  21. You're right. I probably should, but I don't want to miss out on important current events.
  22. That's why a lot of girls like to say "daddy" to guys they are attracted to. So, why do you think that PUA experts who have achieved a lot of emotional mastery and learned how to always be super positive around others in order to get to the level they got with seducing women then why do some of them like that Tom Torero guy end up becoming so suicidal or dangerous narcissists? Pick up and dating coaches always say stuff like "if you have negative mindset about others then you will be projecting a very negative attitude towards others including women.....no woman wants to be around a guy who has a toxic vibe because it very repulsive and pathetic....women want a man who is a strong happy go luck guy that gives a lot of positive energy to others and is willing to give back to others. Women are in fact scared of men who are pathetic, weak, and keep sucking the life out of other like a leech or a vampire......” It kinda begs the question of whether or not you really need to be in a positive state around women in order to attract them or if you can learn to just put on a good act.
  23. well, there’s nothing wrong with a little experimentation. Besides, there are guys like me who have been in a relationship with women much older than they are. So, why do think that pick up and dating coaches always say stuff like "if you have negative mindset about others then you will be projecting a very negative attitude towards others including women.....no woman wants to be around a guy who has a toxic vibe because it very repulsive and pathetic....women want a man who is a strong happy go luck guy that gives a lot of positive energy to others and is willing to give back to others. Women are in fact scared of men who are pathetic, weak, and keep sucking the life out of other like a leech or a vampire......”?
  24. I guess it’s because he’s a celebrity.
  25. So, why do pick up and dating coaches always say stuff like "if you have negative mindset about others then you will be projecting a very negative attitude towards others including women.....no woman wants to be around a guy who has a toxic vibe because it very repulsive and pathetic....women want a man who is a strong happy go luck guy that gives a lot of positive energy to others and is willing to give back to others. Women are in fact scared of men who are pathetic, weak, and keep sucking the life out of other like a leech or a vampire......”?