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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I think that while there has been some noticeable religious fundamentalist backlash in developed nations since around the 2010s, I think that the long-run decline of religion has still continued in developed nations even as we speak. Isn't that right @Leo Gura ? In fact, according to a website from Christianity Today: "Christianity, the largest religion in the United States, experienced a 20th-century high of 91% of the total population in 1976.[31] This declined to 73.7% by 2016[94] and 64% in 2022." According to Pew Research Center: As of 2024, "Religious ‘Nones’ Now Outnumber All Individual Religious Cohorts, Outpacing Catholics and Evangelicals." "Over one quarter (28 percent) of American adults now identify as religiously unaffiliated compared to just 16 percent back in 2007, outpacing Catholics (23 percent) and evangelical Protestants (24 percent)" It also said on wikipedia that, "In a new study published in 2022, Pew Research Center projects that if the rate of switching continues to accelerate (primarily to no religious affiliation), Christians will make up less than half of the American population by 2070, with estimated ranges for that year falling between 35% and 46% of the American population (down from 64% in 2022 and down from 91% in 1976)." Religion has also continued to decline in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, and in some countries in Central Europe. I wonder if the growing the number of influencers in America who are religious fundamentalists are just representing some of the loudest voices in the country despite the fact that they are still a part of a shrinking population.
  2. So, with what's going on in the middle east and the growing threat of getting into a real war with Russia and China is WWIII becoming a more plausible scenario in the future? Or is the world too civilized and developed for that to happen?
  3. The extreme right wingers in the Israeli government are also still threatening Bibi to take away his power as Prime Minister by dissolving his coalition if he doesn’t do what they want. He probably wants Trump to win, but there’s no clear evidence of that. Besides, even if Harris becomes president she will still have the policy on funding and arming Israel because of the lobbying. She might be a bit more diplomatic than Trump would be in some way. Though who knows exactly.
  4. Yeah, but he and other progressive populists like Cenk knew that Trump would likely win the presidency in 2016, not just because he effectively presented himself as populist, whereas Hillary Clinton came off as too much of an establishment Democrat. It was also because they believed that Trump had more charisma and more appeal than Hillary did back then. They also predicted that Biden would win in 2020 because they knew that Trump failed as a president by 2020 and saw that his candidacy then wasn't a great as it was in 2016. Also, I think that progressives like know that most people are low-information voters who tend to vote based on emotions and party affiliation. In fact, I made about that a while ago: That's why progressives like them wanted Biden to drop out of the race because they thought that was too weak of a candidate for this election despite the fact that they know that Biden overall such a very successful president and has arguably been most progressive president since the 1960s.
  5. Yeah, you're probably right, but his rallies aren't nearly as great as they used to be. Even Kyle Kulinski thinks that that's really not a good sign for him for the general election:
  6. Yeah, that’s what experts are saying is most likely.
  7. Does anybody know for certain or even the probability of their being a full blown war throughout the entire middle east?
  8. What about all of the girls out there who stare at guys like nymphomaniacs?
  9. Meta AI has been my favorite. Its free version is up to date with information close to the present time.
  10. Not much worse than: Here's a quote from Goodlookingloser: "Creeps Get Laid More than Nice Guys I’ve been a super nice guy, I’ve been a creeper. The second is more empowering. If you creep out 9 out of 10 girls and Get Laid by 1 out of girls- you are doing pretty well. Actually- really well. Understand that you will be called a creep every so often (or more) Accept that you will be called a creep every so often (or more). Embrace that you will be called a creep every so often (or more). I’m here to teach you the most productive and efficient way to Get Laid."
  11. But college is supposed to be one of the best places for meeting young women who are so ripe for dating, sex, and romance. Besides, I’ve actually gotten away with doing mass approaches at big colleges/universities. I got some success from it. I think it’s probably okay to do it in moderation. Otherwise, I don’t see how else you can really be successful with attractive girls at college/university unless you have high social status or popularity
  12. But AI chats don't always have the right facts.
  13. Well, I know that there are now a lot more lawyers, poll watchers, and citizens for this election than there were in 2020, and they have been really preparing to watch out for any possible cheating this time around. Otherwise, I don't know what really is going to happen.
  14. So, is Israel actually going to take over all of Gaza and the entire West Bank and then do their own kind of nation building in those areas?
  15. I wish candidates went back to setting out substantive agenda of their own by proposing new serious initiatives for dealing with current issues. That way many more winners of elections would win a real mandate for policy-making during their time in office. That used to be much more the case in the good old days of politics. But I gotta hand it to the Lincoln Project for an ad like that.
  16. The Biden administration should use it's newfound presidential power of "absolute immunity" to send as much personnel from the law enforcement and DOJ at the federal level to make sure that there is no cheating at any of the polling stations throughout the entire country. The administration should also use its new presidential power to arrest every right-wing grifter throughout the whole country and imprison them including the radical right-wing members of SCOTUS and Congress.
  17. Game for what? I don’t see the point of doing it when you can instead just not judge others if you are doing the opposite of what you’re telling them to do.
  18. Yeah, but why preach to others about it?
  19. I've never totally understood why such people who cheat on their partners or engage in a sex binge then preach to others about sexuality and being chaste.
  20. Oh, I see. So, he has always been a hegemonic mastermind, figuring out when to contain and when not to contain a part of the world for the long-term goal of the US taking over the whole world.
  21. The problem with aristocracy was that it was primarily the rich and the political elites. Many of them actually weren't highly intelligent and were corrupted by status and wealth. I am saying what if you had the hard working intelligentsia who make a good living but aren't spoiled by wealth and power? You do have a point.
  22. I really think now that most people in this country have no business voting in any elections. It should only be the most educated and the most culturally developed citizens of our country who should have the right to vote. What's wrong with that? If you're saying that leadership needs to reflect the public then why don't workers democratically elected the leaders of their companies? There is a good reason why that never happens. You know that. Even Osho said before that democracy is so flawed because it essentially means "rule by the retarded and for the retarded..." We need real meritocracy whereby you need to have credible qualifications to be elected as a member of Congress, to be elected a governor of a state, and especially to be elected vice president and president of the United States of America. Besides, most people don't really care that much about voting, especially these days. They want someone who can govern well, the government to have enough checks and balances, to not have corporate interests take over our government and the rest of the country, and to not have the wealthy elites become robber barons.
  23. Yeah, but who nominated Trump for president in 2016 and 2024? The idiotic right-wing voters who are ignorant, racist, and xenophobic did. You even said before a number of times that too much democracy or too much populism causes complete and utter incompetent leadership.
  24. The US has always been a flawed democracy or illiberal democracy. However, I am starting to believe that their has now been too much democracy. We should go back to having the major party presidential nominees in the United States chosen through a process dominated by party elites like what happened before the 1970s. That way the political elites could make sure that someone like Trump never gets nominated for president ever again. At the same time, we of course need to get rid of the electoral college because it no longer properly represents the will of the people. Without the electoral college neither Trump nor W. Bush never would've become president. Furthermore, I strongly believe that we need to revive the Fairness Doctrine in a revised, modern form, applicable to all media outlets in the US to promote balanced reporting in all media outlets in this day and age. Otherwise, I fear that our current media environment will truly destroy our democracy.