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According to the above video immigration plays a part. According to the above video Canada a residential housing issue.
Hello, I would like advice about where to go and what to do based on my situation. I am currently confused and unsure about what direction to go in life. I want to identify a mission statement and have a life I feel passionate about. That's not to say it's not, but I'd like it more. It will be a bit of a messy description and there is a lot I have been thinking about, but I'll do my best. I put a Chat GPT synthesized summary for the TLDR at the bottom. I edited it a bit. Currently, I am studying biology (undergraduate) at university. It was the only science I liked in high school, and so the only one I took between biology, chemistry and physics. I went into cognitive science after graduating from high school because I was dealing with some mental health stuff, and I felt interested in learning about what was happening "up there." I also remember watching a video where Leo says, "You don't know yourself." Or something along those lines. So, I initially didn't pursue my interest in biology. I did cognitive science for three years but didn't put much effort into it. I did not get the degree and only got a few credits, eventually contributing to my current degree. I hoped something would pull me strongly enough during my cognitive science years, kinda like my "calling," but nothing came up. So, I decided to switch to biology during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic because I liked it in high school and still do. But in the past several years, after learning about The Life Purpose Course (which I have not taken yet. I may in last resort, but I don't know if it will guarantee clarity due to the inherent subjective of this work) and the idea of values, life purpose and a mission statement (also vision and passion a bit), I have been thinking a lot about identifying those aspects of my life to focus more on designing a life I want to live. My understanding of life purpose is that you identify your values, from which you can create a life purpose (the reason you get up in the morning and do something), and then make a mission statement that will get you clear on whom you will serve, what and how you will achieve that life purpose and as a result contribute to the world. I have been trying to identify my values and did an exercise with a therapist last year in which I labelled values as "very important," "important," or "not important" to me as they are shown to me. It was a rough idea of my values. My "very important" values are romance, passion, achievement, humour, adventure, excitement, fun, attractiveness, pleasure, and purpose. I also did one a couple of years ago with the therapist before that, in which I thought about a time when things felt right and identified values from those times. But I don't remember what we landed on. Finally, I also answered internet exercise questions where I identified a time that I had a negative experience and used that to try to identify my values. The values I got from that did not seem to reflect how I see myself. Some of the ones I got from the first time I spoke about could be wrong. But I am almost certain that humour, excitement, fun, attractiveness and pleasure are very important to me. Unfortunately, how those values connect with and support my interest and desire to learn biology beats me. How to make a career out of those values isn't clear to me either. But it was the best I could do. But, because I like feeling good, pleasure and attractiveness, I am sure they are important to me, as demonstrated by the fact that, for example, I talked with a girl I liked who I knew had a boyfriend for about 45 minutes after our lab had ended. I still didn't care because I felt good doing it. So, what I thought of as a potential start towards a life purpose is generally the following two sentences. I value the above and find biology interesting, particularly cellular and molecular biology. Cellular and molecular biology is fundamental to understanding many diseases. I also like to talk to people because I do it a lot. But I mostly do it at school and/or with people I am comfortable talking with. So, I wrote the following a while ago as something I think could be a potential life purpose, assuming I stay on this biology road: "I am interested in cellular and molecular biochemistry (and maybe physiology) because I find it fascinating to learn about how the cell works at a very foundational level (almost cause and effect). I also think that having a decent knowledge of chemistry, in particular organic chemistry, would be good to help understand the more fundamental understanding of molecular and cellular biology, just to give a chemical understanding of what is happening (but not going into the physics of it all because I think that would go too far down than what is needed). I think I like to understand such processes since I am interested in applying such knowledge to work relating to how to understand what happens when problems occur and how to fix them (e.g. cancer and disease prevention) or even better ways to identify when something has gone wrong (treatment), and maybe try to harness our understanding to develop better ways of doing things for ourselves (e.g. biotechnology)." It is an indirect way to feel good (pleasure) because I am doing something that will hopefully make others feel good via the development of cures and therapies that allow people to enjoy life less burdened or not burdened by disease. Particularly cancer since it is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. This is not unique to me because many companies today have the same purpose. Or a similar purpose. My preference is likely the cell and molecular aspect over physiology because it is more cause and effect rather than correlational, and my mind associates that with being more straightforward/easier to understand. It is funny since psychology is very correlational, but I enjoy psychology, too. When I think about my psychology, self-esteem, and emotions. So that I can learn why I feel a certain way and think about myself in a certain way. It's more of a rough map rather than a clear cut. Although, I can make some good distinctions. A potential career path for the biology life purpose I spoke about could be working in a laboratory. But for some reason, sometimes I lose interest while completing laboratory work or watching it being done. I think it's because it's hard for me to connect the theoretical aspect of what we are doing to the lab work since I cannot see the DNA, molecules, or cells without a microscope. It's either because when I am exposed to something for months or years, I can get bored and tune out, which has happened when watching lectures for a class I chose to take. Either I tune out (get sleepy) because of lack of sleep accompanied by watching someone pipet liquids aren't exciting, or I no longer feel good doing the thing because it is no longer "new." This relates to how I have more interest in reading or watching something that has nothing to do with my field of study, like, for example, a random video (I love watching YouTube, lol) about geopolitics that seems interesting. Or whatever catches my attention, as opposed to some cool biology tech coming out, which doesn't make sense to me. The optimal thing for me to do if I wanted to be really good at the field I am studying to be able to beat the competition is to fully immerse myself in it. But for some reason, I lose interest in doing tasks that would likely be required or be important for a career at the elite end of the field I study. Another part of me thinks maybe I should go to med school or get a prestigious job in biology just because I want to feel proud of myself. And could be a reflection of my potential value of achievement. Although this desire could be a result of comparing myself to others who have achieved more than me and are younger than me, and feelings like the pull I have towards developing a career in biology or a related field is not strong enough to be "willing to die for," as Leo has said in the past. Thus, I don't feel I have achieved enough things in life up to this point that I can feel proud of myself and, therefore, special (most people, including me, want to be recognized and feel special). This point is emphasized as a reflection of my age (the older you get, the more you expect yourself to achieve). So, I ended up thinking that getting a prestigious career would make me feel proud of myself by achieving success, which would contrast with my perceived lack of achievement due to feeling behind in life. Speaking of success, I seem very interested in looking into my younger brother, who runs a successful business, even if I don't care about what it does but rather the fact that he is successful. I sense that it is a comparison thing. It allows him to travel internationally, partly since he is not in school. Because of this, I feel it would be good to emulate such activity to learn more about myself and be more independent. So, I have decided to go on a solo international trip to a different but not international city to visit family members, making it partially solo. In the past year or less, I have been trying to go out to do new things, such as talking to girls at school and meeting people at bars and clubs at school and downtown. I have been trying to do new things to get out of my comfort zone. I started going to an improv club, which is super fun. And I went to a karaoke night solo, which was hard. And I went to bars and clubs, which I originally posted about my first bar several months ago. Since then, I have been too many alone, mostly because I don't have anyone to go out with, but I have been a couple of times with other people and still suck at Game. I have gained enough confidence to comfortably start conversations with most people at venues. I have tried to flirt with girls, but it has never gone anywhere, and there is no escalation of anything sexual. Any results that someone doing pickup would ideally want are not what I got other than actually going out and talking to people. But as I noticed, every interaction is superficial. All to say, I did more things to get out of my comfort zone and learn more about myself to help develop myself. Predominantly social activities which are considered fun. However, as it relates to my life purpose, it still did not give me more understanding of what I currently want and how I want to contribute positively. Since I don't have a large social circle, although I talk to people at school, it's nothing too deep. I spend some time talking to my brother's friends when he has parties at our house, which is nice since that would not happen if I did not have a brother (or he lived away from home) because he has a large friend group, which he met during school and sports. So, I wonder if I messed up along the way or if people inherently don't like me because I like to talk to people (e.g. people with some prestige or status, hot girls, funny people, or anyone at the gym or basically anyone that makes me feel good or that I could benefit from), and fine at holding a conversation. Although I think I talk too much, I am typically a little self-conscious when I feel uncertain about a conversation and don't have as many friends as one may expect, given my supposed competency in social situations and find I usually have more fun spending an evening with people (unless I see them every day and we have less to connect on) as opposed to entertaining myself. I think I have a sense of inferior achievements that I could have other people help me with. But I realized that when I talk to people, part of me also wants to feel smart and interesting. I feel like I don't have a purpose that will make me proud of my life and will make me driven long-term. Let alone a good set of solid values I could relate directly to my field of study. I'm mostly just doing whatever makes me feel good. I like to feel good and spend time with people that make me feel good. So, I assume most people like to feel good. As a testament to my being lost, right now, I see myself potentially going into a field unrelated to biology, like economics, business, politics, computer science, or really whatever field within the topic of a particular video I find interesting is talking about. I am trying to expand my experiences to get a better idea of things I like so I can identify my values better. But I started a little later than I would have liked. So far, other than those careers directly related to my value of intimacy, romance and attractiveness, as a dating coach, relationship coach, or event planner, nothing has strongly pulled me towards it. But, as has recently been apparent, it's nice when a topic in a field of study comes up in a conversation, and you so happen to know about it through your experience and education. It allows you to talk about and describe certain aspects of the topic. For example, if something is in the news and is related to what you know, or if someone also knows it, you can talk about it with them. It is like a low-key way to get attention, which, for some reason, I'd probably enjoy more than reading a scientific paper related to the topic (while trying to stay awake due to my not understanding most of the paper). The former makes me feel smart, which is a plus, even though the latter would likely be more valuable for a career in biology (like a biotech medical liaison or a doctor). But as I understand from Leo's work, you want something that reflects your most important values. That makes me wonder if this path is correct for me. But unlike accounting, communications, business and many other practical degrees. The career direction I seem to be going to makes it hard for me to see how I can use biology, particularly the subfield I seem to be interested in, in anything other than in a lab or when designing a therapy or medication. While the more practical ones would apply to everyday life in an easily apparent manner. All that to say, I am unsure if I will learn enough to create a purpose related to my field of study and a career I love or if I will do something else. Switching again would have wasted years since I would (probably) have to start again to create a new life purpose and mission statement, assuming I have already created one. It makes me wonder how one can have only one life purpose if values change over time, although I don't have a clearly defined one right now. Either way, I aim to get one I am confident will last me for at least a significant period of my career. I find it funny how many people give advice which is to find what you love to do as the best choice because it is like another way of saying, as my mother says, "Do what you love, and you won't have to work a day in your life." But when I ask them what value or hopefully values they hold behind what they do or another way of saying the foundations upon which they live their life. Most of the time, it's either vague, I don't know, or I have never thought of it like that. Most people don't seem to be very explicit in the design of their life, more like this, "I like this, so I decided to do this." (me too right now, lol) Which does work for many people. Values and work seem to be, to some extent, separated from one another. But, based on what I heard at therapy and what I have heard Leo say in videos, you make every decision based on following or not following values. Thus, as Leo also says, a life purpose that aligns with all or as many of your top values as possible is the ideal. After all, everything we do that is important to us is based on our values, and whether or not we sometimes choose to make the hard choice to follow our values is the real question. Note: some of my hearsay (e.g. as Leo says) may be incorrect. It is that which I remember. THX Chat GPT: Hello, I am seeking advice on what to do in my current situation, as I am feeling confused and uncertain about the direction of my life, I want to identify a mission statement and create a fulfilling life, so I have been thinking a lot about this over the last years. Currently, I am an undergraduate student studying biology at university. I chose it because it was the only science subject I enjoyed in high school, so it was a natural choice. However, I went into cognitive science after high school due to personal mental health challenges and because of a video in which Leo says, "You don't know yourself." I hoped to find a strong sense of purpose during cognitive science but got nothing. Eventually, during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, I switched to biology, which I have always liked to some extent, and cognitive science seems a bit like guesswork to me, or in other words, less objective than biology (yes, I know Leo talks about there no such thing as objectivity but you get the just). In the past few years, I have been exploring the concept of values, life purpose, and mission statements, hoping to design a life that aligns with my passions. Based on what I have gleaned from Leo, identifying my values will lead me to my life purpose, from which I can subsequently create a mission statement to guide my actions to contribute positively to the world. Through exercises with a therapist, I've identified what I think are my important values, such as romance, passion, achievement, humour, adventure, excitement, fun, attractiveness, pleasure, and purpose. However, I am struggling to see how these values connect with my interest in biology and how they can shape my career path. Despite this, I am drawn to cellular and molecular biology, as it underpins our understanding of many diseases, aligning with the goal of a life purpose of having a positive impact. I also enjoy social interactions and have been pushing myself to step out of my comfort zone to connect with new people. While I have made progress in this area, I am still searching for a deeper understanding of what I want and how I can contribute positively. As for my career path, I am uncertain about pursuing a laboratory role due to challenges connecting theoretical knowledge with practical applications. I'm also exploring other interests, and while I'm drawn to various fields, I have yet to find something that strongly resonates with me. As I navigate these uncertainties, I am aware of the influence of my personal desires, such as the need to feel proud of my achievements and the desire for recognition. I have been observing my successful younger brother who has a business and seems to have some things figured out so I want to gain similar growth and development. As it relates to experiences and achievements. In summary, I am exploring my values, interests, and potential career paths to create a clear life purpose, mission statement and vision that aligns with my passions. While I have encountered challenges and uncertainties, I hope to find a path that resonates with me and allows me to make a positive impact in the world. While not flip-flopping more than necessary if I ever do. Plus, having a purpose and vision will help me get girls, which is nice I have not taken yet. I may in last resort, but I don't know if it will guarantee clarity due to the inherent subjective of this work THX
I think that's an overgeneralization, but why do you think that (people have married from them)? I'm just using it to widen my net some more and when I don't go out to a bar (weekdays normally) I can still try chatting with girls. Cold approach is f*cking brutal when it's direct, and she rejects you. Plus, it can get awkward since the reason you went up to her has been rejected. Is approaching a girl indirectly (friendly conversation) still cold approach? Hinge probably but by the slimmest margin. Don't some people here have experience with game? What do you mean? I definitely am not game.
I want to get better at talking to women I am attracted to since I am interested in dating relationships and potentially making more friends (as a bonus). I plan to go out this Friday to a bar in my city (1.3 million in the greater area about) alone unless I can get one person to come. And wanna go out Saturday night with some friends too. As a background, I have only had two good friends since I was a child, so I have not had many opportunities to go out to parties and bars with people I know. Although, I could have since one of my friends has done a decent amount of partying and stuff. But, I have never gone to them because I always felt that it was a waste of time and low self-esteem (and still have some), along with some social anxiety and people judging me, as is common with high school students. I am brand new to the game (I've only gone out 3 times on my own in the past month or so). I want to use it to get a date and make an intimate connection with a girl (I have never been in a relationship). But, as I have recently learned (and suspected), I am terrible at it. When I talk to attractive girls in university, on the streets or at a bar. I go blank. I don't act playful, funny, or a confident person. I have a little bit of that stuff when I talk to a girl I don't really find attractive (or moderately attractive) or just a guy. But everything kinda shuts down when I talk to a girl I find attractive. I think it's because I really care about how it goes with an attractive girl. But I do when she is not attractive. All fundamentals of the game; playfulness, vibe, leading the interaction, teasing, and complementing are essentially out the door. And the more intimidating the situation, like a group of attractive women at the bar having fun and dancing perhaps with a guy or two, the worse it is. My social skills are inversely correlated with how attractive the girl is and how intimidating it would be to walk up and talk to the girl since I prefer not to humiliate, embarrass or show that I am desperate to some degree. With that said, I can be outgoing when comfortable since I am expressive and sometimes funny and can socialize pretty well. At least that's my impression and what I've been told from those I've asked. It's easier to initiate a conversation with an attractive woman when there is a lubricant like you know someone who knows someone. Or you're doing something in common. It feels like imposter syndrome when I go to social environments to talk to girls and act like I know what I am doing until everything goes blank. To extend my reach, I have 4 different dating apps (Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, and Badoo) and have had terrible results on them (my total matches for all apps put together is less than 10). However, both texting and game skills are bad. So, I probably won't get any dates out of dating apps (I have been using them for about 3 months). There is a guy I met coincidently at the bar recently who I know mutually (along with his buddies), and I'm tryna have him go out Friday. Since, apparently, he's been doing this for some time. He (has been on just two apps for 4 months) and his buddies have had success (over 100 matches), and he told me that my profile is good. So, either I'm not attractive to women (since I get no likes and most girls I like don't seem interested in me), the algorithm downrated me a while back (cause of the bad profile I had), or I'm part of the 90 percent of guys who get almost nothing on matches. Or all three, which is probably the case. Unfortunately, my lack of success doesn't help with self image, and confidence and makes me a bit sad since most attractive women I like reject me. I watched all 3 parts of Leo's videos on getting laid. I forget what he says exactly in all of them. But I think I have the general idea that you have to have an inner game of (actually believing you can do it) and have the outer game of social skills to attract women. I am curious if anyone knows any tips for using game and apps to date girls and get intimate, especially when you are out alone (the hardest cause you got nowone to fall back on). Other than moving cities since I'm still in Uni. I tried to summarise my situation. So, hopefully, it makes sense. It's worth noting that between the time I started writing this post and when I finished it (both today). I asked this one girl I saw to go to an improv club at Uni and if she wanted to go out to a comedy club, and she seemed open to both. Got her number. I have used this opener a few times, and it seems to work. I don't feel comfortable going up to the girl and talking with her just because she is attractive (it feels too awkward and nerve-racking so I kind of go blank/act like a robot). Rather I go up to them to have a friendly conversation and then try to make my way towards her number and then interest. Thank you.
Hey, I just found out that there is a page on mediabiasfactcheck.com about actualized.org. According to the website, Actualized.org is the most pseudoscientific on the spectrum of pseudoscientificness. Perhaps Leo should have a conversation with the founder about such a conclusion since I would assume there is disagreement here.
Hey @Leo Gura, I have a few questions for you on Life purpose I've been wondering. I base these questions on what I've spoken about with other people who understand the general idea of a Life purpose but may or may not have a detailed understanding of what you describe as a Life purpose. Given that people's values, goals (ideally directed by values) and interests can change over time, is it also possible for a person's life purpose to change or have many Life purposes? If this is the case, I assume your or another person's Life purpose could change to something completely or slightly different from what it is now and/or you would create another one. Or is it just that people don't know themselves well enough throughout some part(s) of their life, so they change, modify and/or create a couple or more Life purpose(s) to eventually create a/a couple of Life purpose(s) that align(s) with their most developed self or at least a self with a decent level of development? I feel like because life is so dynamic, it's hard to pinpoint one life purpose that you will stick with for your entire life, and thus, it/they may change or be modified. Thank you.
Hello, So a couple of months ago, I watched a video on microaggressions. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority). The mosquito video is a good illustration of how microaggressions affect people. The mosquito video is a shorter version of the video I watched a few months ago. I watched Leo's videos on excesses of stage green. I recall him pointing out that green can sometimes be too easily offended by jokes (such as about LGBT2Q+ or Asian people). I'm struggling to understand whether or not people's reactions to the so-called microaggressions are, as I recall Leo saying in his video, green being a 'snowflake' and offended too easily or a valid response. For example, if someone jokes about a marginalized person or is genuinely interested in a person's family background. So they ask where someone is from (whether or not they are part of a marginalized group). I suspect it is not an excess because these seem to be genuine negative reactions that a marginalized person can experience from another person's words, whether it is intentional or not. This forces (mostly non-marginalized) people to be especially careful with what they say to avoid offending anyone (marginalized or non-marginalized), which prevents people from, as I recall Leo saying, developing 'tough skin.' However, as the mosquito video points out, considering the 'tough skin' argument, some people (especially marginalized people) experience them more than others, making it unfair for those people because they would have to develop much tougher skin as a baseline. Based on my understanding, a good example of this unfairness is white privilege. Anyways, just curious about people's thoughts. Where would it be okay to draw the line between green being reasonably sensitive and green being unreasonably sensitive? Violence is obviously excessive. For example, many (if not all) people in my family (we are not part of a marginalized group) would consider microaggressions something you should avoid. However, Leo's video makes me rethink whether or not this is just an excess of stage green or an acceptable reaction from someone who has been and is being systemically oppressed. Thank you for reading, and it would be great to hear from you!
@Hatfort Oh, new TLDR video that I haven't seen! Love TLDR:D
Hello everyone I would like to share a resource I found that debunks Covid-19 misinformation. I came upon this Youtube channel while researching the statement said by Pfizer's CEO recently. He said something like 'the Covid-19 vaccine was not originally developed to prevent the virus from spreading.' Which is true, but, as you will see in this video, it was designed to prevent serious illness and turned out to be good at preventing the virus from spreading also (at least initially, but it could have changed due to the different variants, not sure). This fact has probably been brought up already on the forum, but I think this is a good resource. Here's the video (I don't think I need to post the link to the channel, you probably know how to get there): I likely would not have found this video/Youtube channel if my friend had not told me last week about this statement, which would not have led me to do a little more research on what it was all about and then find the article and video. In a way, I was not really surprised by the debunking because I had been aware that the vaccine was effective at preventing the spreading and severe illness. I was just not sure which of these two or one functions was the main goal at the beginning. Anyway, I hope this helps anyone who decides to check it out and/or is confused. I hope I posted to the correct sub-forum, if not, please move it, thanks.
Hello, when it comes to approaching multiple women a night, if the place has maybe 200-400 occupants (half to 2/3 guys lets say) how many women can you approach before other women get pre-conceived notions about you (such as having seen you approach other women that night)? Thanks
I have used salicylic acid cream to help clear out my (moderate) acne. I did not clear out everything, but it was good enough. I tried using a routine with a skin cleanser, exfoliate, acne cream and moisturizer. Unfortunately, my skin didn't like it very much. It could have been due to the wrong creams, but I don't know. I've heard people say you should at least moisturize your skin. I've tried doing this, but my skin has never responded well to any store-bought moisturizer I used. But, if all else fails, in my experience, something that worked like magic was the Tiege Hanley acne treatment system. It cleared up my skin very well. I still have some because I did not go through the whole container, even though they are small containers. That said, it's not cheap because you have to pay a monthly subscription. But now, back to the main point, I don't use any skin care products apart from the salicylic acid I mentioned above, which I only use once in a while (this could obviously change). However, it seems to have reached a point where it does not do much. It's not much of an issue because my skin is fairly clear, but unfortunately, it is not perfect.
Hopefully Canada and Mexico well be able to stand for democracy and against the dictatorship of the U.S. if it goes to the far right, but it would be a challenge. There is also the possibility of emigration to Canada or Mexico for those that don't want to live in a dictatorship (which I would understand). This seems pretty likely because Republicans would probably try rig to the election in their favour. If the Republicans take back the three back I would like to believe that it would be excruciatingly difficult for Trump/republican party to change the constitution like Putin did to bend the rules for their own self-interest. But once/if that happens, f*ck, who knows what will happen. It would be very weird dystopia time for both Canada and Mexico. A big problem now (from what I have heard) is that if Trump doesn't get in troubled because of January 6th, than it'll happen again, and it'll probably be worse. But as my dad says, hopefully there are enough people with the right mind to keep the U.S. democratically stable. And that's why voting is so important! There is a TLDR News US video that discusses a similar thing. In summary, it's pretty unlikely, but still possible. One other thing I will say is that watching American politics, predominantly the right, makes for some entertainment because of the sh*t that happens. Probably not great because of the fact that's it's not SNL even though it seems like it.
Here's an article by a Canadian political scientist that discusses the possibility that the U.S. could turn into a righwing dictatorship by the year 2030. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/03/us-rightwing-dictatorship-2030-trump-canada Scary stuff for the U.S. and Canada as well as the rest of the western world.
I add any music that I like or at least don't mind to this playlist, so it's a mix of genres. However, according to spotilyze, the main genres are pop, modern rock, tropical house, pop rock, and electro house. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2oKOoK9JiTZgXREk7f6Kef?si=5580bd2ad9144f30