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Everything posted by -Rowan

  1. I’d love to see a more realistic style to these travel shows. Usually we get to see the best of the best of each place, in a super high quality camera with the best shots consisting of the best 3-4 seconds each. It would be great to have a more realistic/authentic style. Like how long it took you to get to places. What the weathers like. How long/how much planning it takes to do awesome stuff. Do you understand what I’m saying? Lots of travel shows are edited to fuck with the best bits. But it would be good if we could judge a location with some more authentic style documentation and film.
  2. I’m quite similar, i’ll get that higher awareness feeling when I’m in nature. @Robert Thanks- I’ll apply that.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm up to the zone of genius worksheet in the LP course. The problem is, I've been procrastinating on the course for a month or two because I've been struggling with the questionnaire sheet. I'm struggling most with the question "I'm the best when I'm.." I can generate a lot of answers but I can't seem to find that "one" which really gets me going an makes me feel that "inner glow of wonder and excitement" as in the quote. I don't want to procrastinate anymore but I still want a deep high-quality answer. On a side note, it's the season for a special type of fungus here in the U.K and I'm in a great general area to find those. I've done lots of research on identifying them and consuming. I was thinking that doing a microdose of the mushrooms could help me focus deeper on that question and give me a higher quality answer to it. Has anyone else tried microdosing whilst considering these types of life purpose questions? Any help I really appreciate. I know this is quite an important part of the course, but I can't seem to find "the" answers that really resonate with me. All the best, Rowan
  4. I'm guessing that most of the west is in stage orange. I'm wondering are there any countries which are in stage green? Perhaps the Scandinavian countries? It would be cool if we had a map of the world with each of the countries colored in their approximate spiral stages!
  5. @Sahil Pandit Thanks sahil, just what I needed to hear. Yeah, I think it’s hard to brute force the answer when you’re not in that “higher self” type mode of thinking. I might try just having that question sheet on hand a lot of the time and write down any answers that come up naturally. Youre right- as much as I want to get that answer, I’d be happier to allow a little more time for a more authentic and deeper answer. If the chance to microdose comes along I might try it, but I won’t go looking for that just yet. I should probably let that question process in my subconscious. I know it’s not a matter of time- but how long did you take to get answers you were really happy with and felt were really authentic? Same question for anyone viewing this thread - how long did it take you to get really good quality answers on the zone of genius sheet? All the best, Rowan
  6. @d0ornokey It would be great. I’d think America would be Orange, Sweden Orange/Green, same with Norway? I wonder about the East Asian countries too. It there was to be such a map there would have to be concensus of the parameters though which might be tough.
  7. I have a great App on my phone called moment, which tracks your phone usage and kicks you off once you go over a set limit. I'm looking for a similar thing for my laptop time. Does anyone know a programme where you can track and limit your laptop time? Cheers, Rowan
  8. @MrDmitriiV Thanks. I could try use a couple timer apps I suppose. @brovakhiin Sorry for the late reply, it's this one, it's worth buying the full version: https://inthemoment.io/
  9. I've never even done psychedelics, but you guys remember Leo's Blog Post about dancing to some cheesy ass music to lighten the pre-trip mood? This is the thread to post all your music recommendations so that people can make themselves a custom playlist full of amazing cheesy goodness. Maybe we can get people all over the world pre-tripping to these classics! I'll start: Let's create the best pre-trip playlist ever!
  10. @Joseph Maynor That's cool, I like a bit of post-rock. But this thread I was thinking could be for pre-trip cheesy music rather than "During-Trip" Music to listen to
  11. @ChimpBrain I have an uncle that frequently visits Switzerland, he loves it! I keep forgetting about it. It's meant to be a very high quality of life. Currently, I'm really attracted to Sweden or Norway. I always have been for some reason since I was a young teen. But I'm researching the realities to make sure its not just the "Scandinavia is Utopia" Myth that we get a lot of kicking in. I have visited a few cities in Sweden and it seems very nice. But I value nature a lot and man, Norway looks incredible. Maybe It's a "Grass is Greener" issue though. Can I ask if @Leo Gura has ever considered moving countries from the U.S? or does he see himself as fairly settled where he lives now? All I can find so far are pop-quiz like things, those "Which country should you live based on your personality?" type things. I wonder if there is a deeper questionnaire somewhere, which could provide serious, high-quality suggestions for the individual to research? For now, I can only find this type of thing: https://www.afar.com/magazine/which-country-should-be-your-second-home (I got Germany. Which I'm not that into ) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/84be6876-0984-442f-b96e-c64f0f92f492 ( I got Mongolia. Not too sure )
  12. Hey everyone, here's a thought: I wonder if there was an ideal country for each person to live in, which aligns with our own values and personality types etc. I wonder if there's a way to see if there was an 'ideal' country for someone to live based on their personality and values. I'm supposing that values would be the main determinant. For example, If I valued nature, maybe Scandinavia would be a good match etc. But if you didn't like the high tax you probably wouldn't want to go there. But it's probably more complex than that. I wonder if there's a country to personality match? Could the country we live in contribute to our self-actualization? Is it possible to find an ideal country to live in based on our personality? Have any of you considered moving country, or have moved country? What was the reason behind that? Cheers, Rowan
  13. Hey guys, Does anyone know of a chrome add-on or other tool that allows me to restrict the number of youtube videos I can watch per day? I've got time limit tools set up but I can't find one that would force me off Youtube after I've watched a certain number of videos. Trying to cut down on Youtube, my biggest distraction recently. Cheers, Rowan
  14. There is the story of a great Zen Master who, in a temple high in the mountains, meditated and played GTA V. The master, with a sage-like concentrated look upon his aged and bearded face, came across an in-game prostitute. The woman offered to suck dick for $10, but the master refused. In the very instant the Zen master ran over the woman with his pimped as fuck rocket bike, he became enlightened. Nah In all seriousness if you want a spiritual practice, do a real spiritual practice lol. Video games are a waste of time on the whole. Do Meditation or Yoga. I'm intending to pick up the Kriya book soon and install a habit as I'm moving to a new city in July. Best, Rowan
  15. Hey there everyone, Lately I’ve realied I’ve kinda been ignoring my dating/pickup game whilst I’ve been at University. Since I’ve been focusing more on my uni work and life purpose and other aspects of self-improvement, I’ve realized I’ve not invested time and energy and have been wasting my potential when it comes to dating, pickup meeting/hooking up with girls. I’m really happy with how I am socially especially with girls, but I think I can take it to new levels and really strengthen and solidify it. I’ve only browsed this section of the forum a couple times, So, what high quality resources would you guys recommend when it comes to this kinda stuff? Cheers, Rowan ?
  16. @aurum Awesome, I will check them out, thanks, man! Yeah, I'm aware there's a lot of opinion about this kinda thing on the forum, I think Leo put it best in some post, he said something along the lines of treating it as a type of Karma Yoga, or filling up the holey self-actualization triangle. Transcending the 'low consciousness' aspect of it when it's time to move on. I can't say I'm at that stage yet and what can I say I'm a 20 Y/o student All the best, Rowan
  17. @SFRL Thank you very much, Mr. Orange
  18. It's a strange one how they don't like onion, garlic and chillies. I love indian food and these sem to be the most common things in curries and other indian food? Or perhaps I should presume that not all indians eat the yogic diet haha. As it happens, my mum has attended/been part of a Raja Yoga group for decades. I was always skepitcal but I realize know that it must be one of the schools of true Yoga. One of the 'sisters' as they call them came up to our house. Mum got her some hummus or something as she knew that the sister didn't want garlic. But the hummus had like 1% garlic. Thought she'd get away with it. Sister noticed, had to have some fruit or something hahaha awkward.
  19. Hi all, I wanted to know how many of you have read "The Science of Being Well" by Wallace Wattles (If you've read the Science of Success and bought a certain copy, it contains 3 books, one of which is that one.) It basically gives you a detailed answer on when to eat, what to eat, how to eat, outlines hunger etc. It's a lot to copy and paste but the book basically argues that this is all you need to know regarding nutrition and that it ends all debates on the matter. So, just wondering, how many of you guys have read that book and do you use the "plan" it outlines? Doesn't it nullify every other argument? Just wanted some thoughts on it before I fully commit to it. Cheers!
  20. @Elisabeth Thanks for the reply. I've done some thinking and have changed passion and enthusiasm to 'Purpose', defined with similar terms to how I defined Passion & Enthusiasm. I've also decided that my value of spirituality basically encompasses Peace of Mind, so I have swapped that with 'Family' and redefined and re-done the exercise for the new values. By the end of the 10 values passes, I may redo the whole 10 again just as an accuracy measure/for thoroughness. Cheers, Rowan
  21. TLDR; If I cant get tangible specifics out of what my 10/10 would be on given values, does this mean this value is inauthentic? What should I do if I can't come up with specific, tangible examples of a 10/10? Hi everyone, I'm at values pass #7 in the course, the "10/10" one. I'm struggling to imagine what a 10/10 is on two of my values. I have one value "Peace of mind" Which I defined as "Release of physical and mental tension, feeling fully relaxed and centred with no stress or worries. Enjoying the moment with a sense of satisfaction in any environment. Alpha/Theta style brainwave state." I'm struggling to come up with practical tangible examples of what a 10/10 is for me. So far I have: "I feel at peace 90% of the time. In a state of meditation almost permanently. I take care of problems/concerns in an organized way and reduce all worries. Keeping the big picture in mind always" I've written down that I can't really define it. I feel like its too vague and not tangible enough. Does this mean its an inauthentic value? I have the same problem with another value, Passion and Enthusiasm. Defined as: "Passion, excitement and high energy around work or activities, deep love for the activity itself. Excitement for your domain of mastery. Expressing yourself through the activity/work. Only doing what you genuinely enjoy. Never work just for money." So far, for a 10/10 I've got written down: "I wake up excited to do my work, I talk about it all the time. Bring high energy into the work. Love my work. I go to events about the work, read about it, study it etc." Again I've written that I can't really define it tangibly. I don't know what my 'one thing' is yet, so this value just seems to point towards having a life purpose. In my other values I do have some concrete examples like exercising 5 days a week, being in nature at least 2 days a week, releasing a masterpiece etc so I'm just struggling to define those two values. I'm not sure if this means they are inauthentic? I still feel that I value Peace of Mind and Passion + Enthusiasm but I just can't get tangible examples out of them so far. Any tips? All the best, Rowan
  22. I can define what those values are, but I can't seem to come up with 10/10 tangible examples of what I would do to have 10/10 Peace of Mind and passion and enthusiasm. I guess daily meditation (which I already do)? For Passion and enthusiasm- I would basically be living a life of purpose- which just seems to point back toward having life purpose anyway. Are these values still authentic?
  23. Uni/College is great for that then. Loads of extra activities for you to do, you could easily find a passion at college. Depending on the size of the college there will be societies/clubs, volunteering, work experience opportunities, maybe a chance to travel to different places, meet a load of new people and be in a great environment! If you take your attitude of searching for your passion into college you'll probably make some great progress. If you don't head to a college you'll miss out on all those opportunities and reference experiences! No Passion? Are you playing video games and watching porn all the time or something? Surely there's at least one thing you know you're interested in. As I say, college can expand your experience and help you out with discovering a purpose!
  24. If you're in the process of discovering life purpose but don't know what it is yet, just go to college for something you're passionate/interested about. Especially if its free for you! There's plenty of other things going on at most colleges other than the courses, so all those extra activities could prove to be good reference experiences for digging deeper into your life purpose. I'm in the 2nd year of a degree and I'm doing the life purpose course now, so not sure if my lp lies within the domain of my degree. But at least I have some extra time to do the life purpose course. Many people simply have a tonne of other responsibilities so they don't get time to do inner work like this. Head to college!
  25. Hey there guys, Last year from January I meditated 30 mins a day and this year have been doing one hour a day, mostly following the breath but trying different techniques too. Recently I've found myself getting more confused about meditation. I'm confused between the whole 'technique vs not a technique' thing. The concentration vs letting go and not doing anything. On one hand, you seem to have techniques like following the breath, mindfulness labelling etc which all seem standard practices. Then you have a lot of teachers (Krishnamurti For example) who says that you shouldn't follow any method or any technique (as it becomes mechanical and is not meditation). In the 'no technique' instance, what do you do? Are you even meant to 'do' anything in meditation? Does anyone on the forum not use a technique for meditation? I'm getting confused now about what meditation even is. On the whole, I think it's meant to increase consciousness. Is a technique meant to lead you into a state of not doing which then increases consciousness? For now, im doing following the breath and some guided meditations when I feel lazy. Anybody any thoughts on this or experienced similar confusion about what meditation actually is? All the best, Rowan