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Everything posted by -Rowan

  1. I’m having the same thoughts and feelings as @LfcCharlie4. I feel like I’m watching a great experiment what with Leo piling more DMT up his ass and the hardcore followers on this form be like “Oh yeah didn’t you know Jesus Christ himself isn’t as advanced as Leo?”. I’m not saying it should stop, I’m just saying it’s VERY interesting watching all this develop.
  2. @fridjonk Ok, all fair points which I accept.
  3. 30 days isn't much of a break. I meant a long hiatus. What transformation did it undertake a few weeks ago, didn't catch it? So actualized.org is to get to the "bottom of reality" but not to make people happy?
  4. Just to reiterate I think we have built up a good list so far.
  5. I saw this advert today and saw it as Orange mocking green. Is this accurate?
  6. @Sleyker Not a problem glad it was understandable
  7. It's a big trap to think that your life purpose is "automatically" enlightenment. Is that what you truly want? Or did someone just tell you that you should want it and base your life around it? Does it align with your top unique ability? Does it have the impact that YOU authentically want to see in the world? You have to ask what you AUTHENTICALLY want. Remember the power of social conditioning? You sure you haven't been conditioned into thinking that enlightenment is the only thing you should do? Have you explored many different domains? Asking "Is enlightenment the ultimate life purpose" is like asking "Is making beer the ultimate life purpose?" It completely depends on who you are authentically and what impact you want to see. Do not think that you've "hacked" your life purpose by saying "oh I should just get enlightened because a guy on the internet told me I should" and trying to escape from the mental work of figuring out YOUR top unique ability and what YOU authentically want to see. Of course, if your strengths and desired impact in the world totally align with enlightenment, go for it. But by just saying "my life purpose has to be enlightenment because Leo told me that's the deepest layer!" is a huge trap. Is it true for you right now? Right now, I enjoy music more than pursuing enlightenment. By being honest with myself, you remove all conditioning of values that aren't authentic to yourself. Of course, we all have an interest in spirituality here. But don't weasel out of doing the hard brainstorming of the life purpose course by just presuming enlightenment is it. Even if it was to become enlightened, how are you having an impact on the world? How is that doing anyone any good? You must do the course authentically. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. Hope this made sense. Best, Rowan
  8. Calling all graduates of the LPC - How has completing the course improved your life? I intend for this thread to provide some motivation for people who may be stuck or procrastinating in the course in an effort to help them get through the course and discover their purpose. Festive Wishes, Rowan
  9. The U.K Psychedelic Society do Experience Retreats in the Netherlands. I am considering going to one of theirs myself. See this link
  10. @Jahmaine All of them basically, but more so the ones that need heavier brain storming.
  11. Hi, They are not all Masters. Check out Ubiquity University. Their system is a little different but much more customizable and efficient than the other programmes. They have two formal courses which are Bachelors both in integral transpersonal psychology Here is the link Cheers
  12. If doing a Masters in Oslo provides you with more tangible skills to make money from music and also some free time to further think about and plan your career, then I'd say do it, especially since it is free! Sincerely, A guy who got a First in Music Technology in the U.K (Not Free) and wants to visit Norway
  13. See my thread on the topic here Cheers Rowan
  14. @Nash You're overthinking it way too early. Just write the thoughts down and move on. Everything will be covered and it will take you a while to finish the whole course. I'm still wondering if anyone at all on this forum has actually finished the course, aligned themselves and has had a significant change in their life as a result of it? All I tend to see are discussions n the topic and people doing the course but no actual real-life solid career direction and lasting change. I'm starting to doubt whether Life Purpose is worth pursuing or if It's all a load of nonsense. But that's just me. Despite my doubts, I'm still working on it but I have certainly had many moments where I thought that this was a load of bull.
  15. I am looking into potential psychedelic retreats right now. I have microdose before to help get me into a brainstorm mode which certainly worked, but no profound "This is it" answers came from it. I'm at a stage with the LPC where I am starting to doubt if it is all real or if it's all nonsense. Hence why I think a trip would help. I have been working on this issue for over 2 years. However, I have no actual experience of full tripping yet so I can't act as a source of information on that one. Generally, I'm fairly optimistic about the potential of psychedelics to help in the life purpose discovery process, especially when applied to the specific exercises in the course.
  16. Very nice everyone. I guess I just want to see some more real-life examples that have been implemented by people.
  17. Great responses guys. Is there anyone out there who has finished it and applied it to their life? Anyone who has had a significant career change in real life?
  18. Let's not get off-topic here guys So far I really like Ubiquity and their way of providing much smaller courses that can add up. The nano and micro-courses are great to do as Small Bets too. (For Life Purpose Course Students)
  19. Hey everyone, I have found a new related course: The Alef Trust have just started taking on new people for their new One Year Certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology To the Mods: Is there a way I can edit my original post? I'd like to order the different courses and be able to add new ones but I'm not sure if I can edit my original post. Best, Rowan
  20. @GreenWoods Thanks! Doing the stomach suck in whilst holding the breath is a bit weird but I'll stick with it. By the way, is there much of a difference between J.C Stevens Mental Kriya and Gamanas 'Parvastha'? What should I do at the end of the routine? One pointed concentration on a chakra? I'm not sure of the difference between Mental Kriya, Parvastha and one pointed concentration. What are you guys doing?
  21. After reading "So Good They Can't Ignore You" and The Life Purpose Course's Audio Bonus on the book, I'm wondering the following: How do we evaluate a small bet after we complete it? Those familiar with the idea of the small bet know that it's essentially a tester project. After we complete one or come to the end of a small bet, is there a way we can evaluate it? Any questions I can ask myself after it? I don't recall there being a process for evaluating/analyzing small bets in the book or the audios. All the best, Rowan
  22. Bump Surely you guys have done small bets and evaluated them some how?
  23. Hi guys, In the alternate version of Yoni Muda where the 3 Bandhas are applied, I'm not sure how to apply Uddiyana Bandha during it. Should I be doing it like this: Inhale Muladhara to Ajna - Do thumbs/fingers/ plugging, then hold breath and apply bandhas or Inhale Muladhara to Ajna - Do thumbs/ fingers plugging, then quickly exhale till lungs are empty, then apply the bandhas? This is in regard to the Uddiyana Bandha especially, as I'm not sure wether to empty the lungs then suck in the stomach, or suck in the stomach whilst holding the breath when it's at Ajna. Any help much appreciated. Cheers Rowan
  24. I’m not sure about the U.S but in the UK it depends on each of the programmes. For example, the Alef Trusts program doesn’t require a psychology undergraduate degree but a 1st Class Honours is usually required and some evidence of academic writing capability. It depends on the institution but usually, in most cases, you don’t have to have a psychology undergrad. Check the entry requirements of each course
  25. @Shiva Could you link an example of a consciousness related dutch program? Thanks