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Everything posted by BobbyLowell

  1. ^ more ways to be these things. what are other exercises except what was said so far . I want deeper friendships and I want to work on these two things a lot. How can I do this with exercises?
  2. The thing is my confidence can't take more hits.its kind of low but I am working on it already . So exercises that I can do alone so not just like spend more time around people.
  3. Self trust . It's so important. If you don't trust yourself, others can't trust you. How to stop avoiding situations/people because you lack trust in yourself to handle them correctly.
  4. How to become more loving. How to get over this stigma some people have that people are unlovable. How to get over this stigma that certain qualities make you more or less lovable. That our worth is there solely because we exist.
  5. @Claire Verlynyes you can make your own choices. But try to make the ones that are really best for yourself: be honest with yourself if you are rationalizing laziness or you have a medical issue with fatigue or something. I'm not saying it is or isn't. Talk to your mother about the situation but don't accuse her of anything. Then make your decision that is best for you and tell your mother honestly what it is without accusation or blame.
  6. No parents are not always right, they are humans. But in this case it just looks like your mom wants to push you to do amazing in school I don't think that's bad.
  7. I think a factor is that it is less socially acceptable for a girl to chase a guy. A girl who chases a guy is often characterized as desperate while a guy who chases a girl normally is not. Also, guys are naturally dominant in human nature as Leo said
  8. Yes I think it just requires becoming who you really want to be.
  9. A friend liked me and then I was like why do you like me you can't like me so I kept trying to make her dislike me. Help?
  10. In Leo's videos he says to love and accept your flaws which I completely agree with. But it kind of suggests that love is based on characteristics. But everyone is able to be loved because a human being has value solely by just existing and living. When one has the characteristics we like or don't like, it doesn't make them more or less lovable, it just makes them more or less useful to us. Any thoughts?
  11. @supremeyingyangare you saying true love is not based on characteristics and fake love is?
  12. You can love someone without liking them right
  13. for example, how can I keep my belief that everyone is lovable and everyone deserves love around people who don't believe these things.
  14. @Pelinlove is part of caring while like is part of approval/validation. Love makes the world go round, like does not. Love is usually stronger, love matters much much more
  15. In Leo's videos he says to love and accept your flaws which I completely agree with. But it kind of suggests that love is based on characteristics. But everyone is able to be loved because a human being has value solely by just existing and living. When one has the characteristics we like or don't like, it doesn't make them more or less lovable, it just makes them more or less useful to us. Any thoughts?
  16. @Leo Gura what is your morning routine? What things help you with being nonjudgemental and authentic on a daily basis?
  17. What is detachment vs attachment? It's not related at all to caring but only to needing right?
  18. I never feel like I belong around people unless like they are like family or a few friends. Is this something I can learn to feel or is it just like if I feel like I belong then I feel like I belong?
  19. @YaNanNallari hm i never related the sense of belonging with how judgement separates people. Thank you soo much!!
  20. @Spiralyou are talking about shallow friends. I'm talking about those who pretend they are yours so they have you as a friend
  21. @Spiral I mean friends who are friends for convenience and don't actually like you. They want you to be their friend but they will not actually be there for you or hang out with you might talk shit about you. They think you don't deserve real friendship and try to convince you you don't through their behavior.
  22. I am so freaking judgemental i am realize. Its wierd though because maybe im not that judgmental, but my facial expressions are very judgemental and when i lt my mind go, it is very judgemental and lies a lot. how do i fix this? especially of people
  23. @K VIL how can I make others feel like they belong? thank you
  24. To what extent are we similar? Do we all experience the same feelings? Are we all capable of doing the same actions if we are placed in each others circumstances/childhood? Is it normal to feel like you dont belong, like maybe everyone else has one body language and you have another? Even though there are people you really really really care about and have important relationships with?