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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @d0ornokey Do you have any idea about FBA future? Is it going to sink any time soon or is it just getting better and better with time?
  2. @Space @d0ornokey Ty guys for good tips! I was thinking what's the safest and cheapest way to get started. Tbh I don't trust it yet fully. I still think that maybe it is late to get in. So I want the free education, I would like to avoid expensive courses if possible. I have seen some cheap courses on Udemy. What do you think about that guys? How much starting budget should I be looking into?
  3. @Leo Gura To test the interactive communication you can experiment with live streaming in the beginning.
  4. This book is amazing. My advice would be to get audiobook amd listen to it at least once a month for very profound experiences.
  5. Don’t get mad at me bro Didn’t mean it. I just infered that it is not understandable with thinking or even feeling. Thosr are the mistakes all of us made at some point.
  6. Haha they won’t understand it... until they experience it. They think of nothing as if it was blank space, black screen. Contemporary traditional meaning of nothing. But Leo...
  7. I want to become more playful and free of inhibitions. Stop overthinking and enjoy the play of life. I want to open my sacral chakra. Any tips on that also appreciated.
  8. @BjarkeT I want to become skilled at one thing generating money to be free. I am not going to work 9-5. I want to have several baskets.
  9. Did you guys watch TV episodes called LOST? It was an amazing series with utterly interesting and complicated characters like: John Lock, Benjamin Linus, Jack Sheppard and others. It is about the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 were 1,000 miles off course when they crashed on a lush, mysterious island. Each person possesses a shocking secret, but they've got nothing on the island itself, which harbors a monstrous security system, a series of underground bunkers and a group of violent survivalists hidden in the shadows. The narrative and dialogues of the show were insanely deep and most of them had spiritual context. I highly suggest watching these series if you haven't done it yet. Even re watching is super productive as you can discover new secrets almost every time. What do you think about this dialogue? Is destiny set in stone or fickle bitch?
  10. yes you can't change the direction of the river but you can avoid obstacles and shift positions within that river.
  11. indeed. realizing that everything is just a RPG game changes everything. But in that game money is like your main resource to do and create what you want.
  12. Any recommendations for how to invest small amounts of money in a best way to create passive incomes in the future?
  13. Great info Nahm! Do you have experience with any of those?
  14. @aurum thanks I will. @I Infinity then let’s get it started
  15. @Leo Gura I found this video is this what it is about? What are you using it for just meditation?
  16. @MarkusSweden Non duality is also narative like others until you experience it yourself . Everything is narrative at first.
  17. @Leo Gura I have had very powerful breakthroughs on very small doses of shrooms. While most people I have asked never experienced anything like that even on the very high doses. What was the reason do you think? It seems like shrooms are taking you wherever and whatever you are ready to see.
  18. @Mikael89 @egoless it does not look like anything because it is not visual. I have awaken and I can directly be connected with both - the source and this world. No thingness is rather feeling of real self and it is not located anywhere, nor it has any limitations or boundaries.
  19. For those of you who don't follow Leo's blog posts. See the original post here: Written by - @Leo Gura "When people hear the word “Nothingess”, all too often they get a totally wrong idea about what that word is pointing to. Nothingness is NOT an empty void, a black screen, or a black hole. Here’s a better approximation of what nothingness looks like: Now keep in mind, this is just an analogy. A pointer. So don’t start expecting to see the above flashy object in your meditation sessions. That’s never going to happen. What the object above is showing is the dream-like, immaterial, illusory, quality of consciousness. Consciousness is totally empty, like the above object. It is fluid and can take on an infinite number of shapes, with infinite resolution and zero limitation. It is vibrant, alive, and intelligent. Can you see why the above object would be called Nothingness? Because it has no substance to it. It’s pure appearance, and it can appear as literally anything. So we call it Nothingness, which is identical to Everythingness. Or, we could call it Infinity. Imagine if the above object was infinite in size and dimension such that it depicted every form imaginable. That would be what reality is, with your present experience being one of those forms. Try this: Look around the room you’re in right now, and notice that the whole room is Nothingness, just like the object above. Don’t expect the room to disappear! Stop looking for black screen. Instead, notice that the room is pure appearance with no substance behind it. The room is like a hologram. Appearance is none other than Nothingness. The room AS YOU SEE IT RIGHT NOW, is Nothingness!" “Form is emptiness, and Emptiness is form.” — The Heart Sutra
  20. @egoless it does not look like anything because it is not visual. I have awaken and I can directly be connected with both - the source and this world. No thingness is rather feeling of real self and it is not located anywhere, nor it has any limitations or boundaries. Lol I answered myself accidentally
  21. @Leo Gura Do you think 5MEO and LSD are harder than shrooms? I mean which is more frightening and uncontrollable?
  22. @dharm4 I absolutely agree with you and this is exactly how I became conscious of reality. Without any substances.