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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Is science an outdated or perfect term to describe the search for the Truth? I don’t mean science as job. I mean the real meaning of science and scientists without boundries of academia? Define science. Which definition is the most real for you. Would you change it with other word? Which one?
  2. Exactly. And state of no mind can not know what happens after death or what Enlightenment is. It can only be it and be the presence!
  3. Infinity is unquestionable. There is no right question or right answer about it. If I were you I would just forget that word and be happy in the moment. When you truly become conscious of wgat infinity intails all the search and questions will be over. And it will be ultimate circle you will become the most practical human... you will go and watch tv with your loved ones.
  4. Man you still misunderstand what I am refering to. Become conscious of what infinity/openeness is. It includes all that you said plus the possibility that you go to hell after your death where devil puppies torture you. But here is the culmination. It is not you. It is noone. And there is nothing. Right at this moment you think you read this it is not happening... there is no such thing as happening and yet exactly it is what happening is.
  5. First of all. You can’t know what happens after death because possibilities are wide open. Karma is just a concept. Reincarnation is just a concept. In assumptions I mean that some people should stop guessing and just authenticly become conscious of what is unknown... I doubt many people here understand what true non duality and not knowing means. Contemplate what does possibilities wide open mean.
  6. I hope you will make one as soon as you return. Some people around here worry me....
  7. The delusion severity of some people worry me.
  8. So many assumptions people have around here...
  9. @Leo Gura Leo socializing like crazy before you go for a month of soltitude buddy? good good.
  10. My separate self is fully collapsed Joseph.
  11. careful with that. Meditating while lying may quickly turn into relaxation as it is so easy to fall asleep or half asleep.
  12. Good that you stopped caring about formal sitting. It is not about formality but about the presence. I can do it when walking, running and etc. at this point. Careful with trying too hard to achieve smth - even trying to surrender. Your worst enemy is desire to be Enlightened as fk.... That is HUUUUUUUUGE trap! I am amazed how you don't battle that or at least I don't see that you do.
  13. This is also a good opportunity for some of you to test how much you are addicted and dependant on Leo’s content. It is good test for taking action on what you have learned so far from him in theories.
  14. I hope you won’t fall for the same trap of spiritual ego in the future as you are criticizing Right now. I have observed that so far you are more or less successful at avoiding those traps but are you ready for more pressure when you will get more followers and devoted spiritual community will gather around you? We never know what the future will bring. Be careful not to fall for these traps. I really hope you won’t.
  15. Maybe these people acting like that have nothing to do with Mooji?
  16. @MarkusSweden whatever why does it bother you? Spiritual ego is very alluring trap where many fall into if that’s what you mean. I don’t know Mooji that Well and haven’t seen that video therefore I can’t judge and even if I had seen I wouldn’t because that’s not up to me. I mind my own path and growth and responsible for my reality. That’s all I need to know at this point.
  17. @MarkusSweden share the video. Noone can judge your interpretations. But interpretations are interpretations
  18. Talent is knowing what you are good at and what is your passion and constantly improving it.
  19. I don’t mean how science is meant today. I mean what is the definition of the true scientist. What did that word mean initially.
  20. @Arman it’s his path. What he wants probably can be achieved with full letting go of attachments including
  21. I have heard about spirulina being effective in this but not sure.