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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Once again to perfectly understand each other and leave no room for misunderstanding. What is the Enlightment. Is it the feeling of the Truth or is it Knowing of the Truth? If it is a feeling then I won't trust my feeling because it is part of that reality it is inside the reality. If the Enlightenment is knowing the Truth then tell me what are the Foundational proofs of that knowledge.
  2. So if all these are paradoxical and illogical to even very intellectual mind then how does it make better job at explaining the Truth then Religion or Science. Well we can say that it's about Enlightenment and you start to feel it afterwards. Well.. I also have known religious people so strong in their beliefs in the God that they literally were feeling the presence of God.
  3. My main problem is that I can not stick to one purpose. It is always changing same with my career I have constant strife for innovation, novelty and knowledge in various fields... does feel like I am generalist - jack of all trades but master of none... what should I do then? This "world of corporations" does not like generalists...
  4. @Dodo If the world is a web of bieliefs who is the believer? if I call that limited perspective I have on reality "Me" does me still do not exist? Explain. Is the main idea that being and not being is the same in reality? Nothing exists in reality? And nothing feels exactly like everything?
  5. Since English is not my main language I get confused sometimes. Can someone explain on an intellectual level what the reality and Enlightenment is? As far as words can go and if it is The same experience for everyone? Do they realise the same Truth? When we talk about the Enlightenment is it same what buddha experienced?
  6. @Leo Gura If I had to choose one of these exercise to make it consistent daily habit which one is the most effective to choose? I would do them all but I want to be consistent and make it daily.
  7. @Azrael Leo mentioned that when you get truelly Enlightened then your ego completely dies. Then how does your charachter stay? Is not your charachter, passions dreams bound to your Ego?
  8. How should you check its purity? Is there any testkit or smth?
  9. @Azrael I am insane over thinker myself so I can relate to that. I mean when you realize that you don't exist and only reality does it should be so mind blowing that you would literally die. That's what I remember Leo saying. So I just don't understand I can't relate how can you continue living in your life perspective after that? I also don't like idea that free will does not exist. I think reality is like that (this is my theory and only): Reality is absolute infinity since it can not have limits. something to have limits should be limited from "outside" thus making it also a part of reality. I also believe that it is infinite when zoomed in and zoomed out and I agree with Leo on the part that everything is made of nothing. This absolute infinity is experiencing itself through limited versions of perspectives aka us. but this experience is totally free and unscripted thus making it open for any possibilities... But as I said this is job done by my intellect and only, I don't know what happens after 5-Meo. But as I mentioned before Can you really grasp the whole reality with the help of the substance within this reality?
  10. @Azrael I've read your Enlightenment story. What is the point of everyday life for you after your Enlightenment? Did you acquire more love to people?
  11. @Leo Gura What do they really help us with?
  12. @Leo Gura Before you tried 5-Meo. How did you prove to yourself that it would not affect your objective assertion of the upcoming trip? How did you make yourself sure that what you would experience will be different than the drug induced illusion? I have underlined the word before because after the trip normal person may become subjective because of utterly positive sensations. I know you well from you content a long time and know your intellectual potential to oppose to that subjectiveness but still...
  13. @Leo Gura had some experience with MDMA but never did heavy psychedelics. Did it to strengthen the perception and expression of feelings - not only for recreational use. And it had some permanent positive effects tbh. I imagine how would psychedelics shift "your world".
  14. Does 5-meo have any fatal or long lasting psychological side effects even if taken in normal dosage? what is the best way to get its purest form other than on the deep web?
  15. Hello, community! In this topic, I would like us to discuss the best career choices for extremely introverted people in this ever globalizing world! With so much advancement in technology and communications, there are opening new possibilities for introverts even in the communication careers. Please suggest your best ideas for us the extremely introverted people...
  16. Leo, I know your opinion about how every person can work towards mastering opposite traits - so I see where this funny picture comes from ;) I agree on that but only partly. While I have trained myself to acquire extrovert strengths over the years through forcing myself into social environments where I would have to push myself out of the comfort zone it still feels unnatural to me. I am in the business field and no matter how hard I try to master my presentation and communication skills it still feels like I am getting more stressed out and does not get the results compared to an average extrovert who does not make any efforts in these situations... Joseph Maynor, Thanks for your suggestion. But the problem is I can not commit myself to one particular skill my whole life because of I am more of a generalist personality. While generalists are very valuable managers and entrepreneurs I still struggle with some parts which require extrovert strengths. I don't know maybe it is because I am still very young and if I try hard things will get better after time. But overall idea of freelancing is very interesting to me as I hate being controlled and I love freedom!
  17. @Leo Gura himself! I have been following you since the beginning and it has been the fantastic journey. Let me tell you a bit about myself and you will know my readiness to see how deep the rabbit hole really is. I am 22 now and since my early teens, I've always felt that something was wrong with this world. I was always a huge loner and outcast because no one really understood me. I had to adapt in several ways to survive in this "world of corporations". I came up with the similar theory to yours when I was 13-14 years old but did not have enough proofs like you do now. The movie Matrix has been my favorite movie of all time and almost every day I wake up with "that" feeling like Neo. You really maybe Morpheus to us. I hope you are! Now you are offering me a choice: the Red pill or the Blue pill. But Leo : )... what if it only leads to the second layer of delusion? There is a theory in Matrix that Neo actually did not break out of Matrix and so called "Real world" was created by Machines themselves as the second layer of protection. What if it was created as the second layer of prison for more curious ones like me and you? What if you were mistakenly broken through the second layer too? What makes you so sure about the ultimate Truth? You always keep repeating to question everything and I always agree on that. Why did not you question that experience of enlightenment on 5 Meo DMT? If you did what was the real proof for you other than you felt it which also might be unreal? You are trying to grasp the whole reality from within the reality with the aid of the substance within this reality... Is not it so? P.S I only mentioned the Matrix as an example. I don't mean it in a direct way that machines have created our reality of course. ------ However still why not a possibility ---