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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Sorry... can't resist..... But you can't become "my nickname"
  2. Yes but I mean from the illusional perspective wise. What happens to "your" ego or call it perspective after from "my" ego's perspective Leo physically dies? Why does "my" ego lives like "my" life to "me" and not like "Leo's". P.S. I use captions deliberately to show that I understand on the intellectual level that there is no me or Leo but I refer to many separations, many egos within Nothingness.
  3. @Leo Gura Leo! At this very moment after I wrote last message. I think I had crack into awaking! I have headache after I came from party... I closed my eyes and "looked closely" where this headache actually goes. First it felt like to the brain. But I looked very closely and it actually felt like it goes infinitely nowhere and "Me" is behind the curtains of this illusion... unexplained force of energy and goosebumps run through my whole body. I opened eyes and I was shocked it literally continued roughly for one minute. After that everything suddenly began to fade away... what was that??? Is there any way I can make it permanent?
  4. What is physical death then? Is it same as ego death? Can I kill my ego permanently without dying physically? Do I "convert" to other ego after my "physical death"?
  5. Even though you always repeat that the Truth is paradoxical for human logic - this is the most logical explanation of the reality I have ever heard of. I fully agree that this explains everything on my intellectual level. Why do I "understand" this so logically? Do our egos have free will Leo? Or they just "fill" each other to creat absolutely every possibility. Why does reality feel exactly as "my" ego and not "Leo's" ego for "me"?
  6. @Leo Gura this is amazing Leo! I somehow feel so relieved to hear that there are many egos and not only "mine". I realise that this might be my ego talking here but existance of multiple egos does not "feel as lonely" as it would be otherwise. I know that this relief is bad and it is my ego battling to "save" itself... If you could compare awakening to one feeling what it would be? Loneliness, happiness, pure love or what? Do our egos have free will?
  7. @Leo Gura I understand you: Enlightenment and The Truth is not a theory to be prooven it just is the Ultimate Truth - I am it and I need to become aware of myself. And sincere intent to know this Truth must be initial inertia for me to Start this journey right? But how did you stay Leo after becoming aware of this Truth? How do you continue to do Leo's everyday stuff? And one very important question for my self enquiry process - please answer that even if you think it is My ego asking it. Are there many egos like yours and other's within Nothingness or is it just "my" ego?
  8. My awareness experiences reality like this: it is absolutely everything possible made out of nothing. Nothing to be nothing has to be opposite of everything that's why nothing feels like everything in my opinion. That's why nothing awares itself like everythig if that makes sense to you. So absolutely everything must include limited perspective versions of ourselves too right? And thats who we are! Limitations within Nothing! And that's what I call "Me".
  9. So you don't know answer on egos? What is your opinion just tell me that. P.S let's say pineal gland has this feeling.
  10. Why does reality has egos? Is there only my ego? Or are there yours Leo's and etc.?
  11. It feels like point between the closed eyes is seeing these visualizations. I have tried too. But what if who we really are is attached to our pineal gland somehow. Ancients did not call it "third eye" for no reason...Also notice that if you close your eyes and walk around. That sense of you is following your body even with your eyes closed. What if it is really located in your body somehow? (Example of pineal gland)
  12. I think you have grasped my idea. The rest is subjective. How open minded will you and me contemplate each other's ideas. I promise that I will do my best to contemplate yours with no subjective foundations. P.S taking time out of the equation does not change the fact that initial inertia was belief. For what? For your ego to believe that it can achieve awareness. And to make practical changes to do it.
  13. Nevertheless let's turn the time back when you were not aware then. Story is the same... Belief was the initial inertia... and belief is part of your ego.
  14. But it should sound outrageous based on the way you formulated it. Maybe your belief that you are actually moving towards the Truth prohibits you to question it and does not allow it to appear outrageous to you? Since you have no awareness of that Truth yet as you tell me. Then it means that you are following your belief of the possibility to become aware of that Truth. We come to the same dilema here. What is the difference between "you" and a religious person. They also say : First you have to believe to see it. And if we question everything there should be no room left for belief right? I know this conversation with me maybe becoming annoying to you because it seems we are talking the same things - but I do this because I really want you to get my point about what moves you towards the direction you have chosen. It is belief that you will become aware... belief is initial inertia
  15. What you expect in the end? Will it make your life happier and more fulfilled? And since you think that 5 Meo is part of that practice - What is 5 Meo in your opinion? Should not it be also nothing? And how could nothing within the nothingness open your "eyes" and make you awake?
  16. Did you find that you are nobody and are you sure of it now?
  17. But experience is part of this reality. How can something verify and grasp the whole if it is only part of it? What do you experience it with? Feeling? Consciousness? Thought?
  18. @Leo Gura it would be awesome if you made a video where you explain what is the perfect diet for you and why you decided so. according to Briggs Myers personality types are you an INTP? I am intereseted if you ever have been bullied? Have you ever experienced depression? what did make you to move towards the self actualization path? Do you believe in love? Do you love? I mean romance. Do you imagine yourself to be a husband and have children in the future? Are you afraid to die right now in this very moment you read it? who are you Leo? Describe with one single word.
  19. @Dodo who are you talking to? Why do you refer to yourself as "I"? Basically you are saying that Nothing exists. Nothing is aware of itself. And it feels exactly as everything is aware of itself which is Nothing itself. Right? But these are all words. What is the proof? Proof is Nothing. What is the Truth? Truth is nothing as well then. Are you saying that? If so then what is the difference between "you" and religious person who also says: "I don't have proof of my religion not internal not external but I believe it! I am just aware that is the Truth and I call it the belief?" Do you see my point here?
  20. But how? How can you find the Ultimate Truth if there are different layers of reality and you are trapped in the last layer? What if finding The Truth in this layer of reality means nothing in the consecutive layer of reality? Why do you make the assumption that reality does not have layers?
  21. Ok. Then let's philosophize. If we don't have foundational proof of this concept. Let's imagine that reality is like in the movie matrix. We were captured by machines and connected to artificial digital world. What if then Enlightenment what you call in this reality means nothing in outside layer of reality? What then? How you are sure that this is not the case?
  22. @Dodo but still what is the foundational proof of that Truth? If we question everything there can't be any foundation at all... what prooves that Truth is that concept and not something else?
  23. @Dodo When I started journey of the Truth from my early teens I decided to start from 0. I decided not to believe anyone in the process of seeking the Truth including Myself. I don't trust you nor Leo on that matter and will never take the Truth for granted. That is why I ask so deeply into this topic of Enlightenment and 5-Meo. I can't afford to make a leap of belief because belief may be the foundation of delusion as we agree on that. Who "finds that Truth" ?