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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Shanmugam who has the free will then? How can Nothingness have free will if it is the opposite of everythingness the it should be all predetermined right? To fill the everythingness gap within the Nothingness
  2. I wish I could do it but from my current state it would be just pure leap of belief. And I as a rational person don't like seeking the Truth based on belief. That's why I did not choose the path of religion. I still did not empirically witnessed the Truth myself. If I decide to do what you did I should be 100% sure that the path of Enlightenment - what we call is the only path of the Truth. It will mean that I will have to sacrifice almost everything thus I need to be sure...
  3. @ajasatya Good advice man! But unfortunately I can not find that middle path yet. I am the type of person to fully throw myself in one direction. And when I discovered the path of Enlightenment I got 100% commited to it I can't do it otherwise. I will loose the motivation. That's why I always find it hard to balance things... @Nahm my avatar name represents my goal not my current state. And with all this happening in your life how do you do your Enlightenment work when it needs so much soltitude? But if you decide to - explain it in a practical way - not just abstract sentences
  4. @Shanmugam I understand your point, but the paradox is that first we need to split "you" into higher and lower being in order to then achieve oneness eight? The initial process of disidentifying yourself from the ego you thought were you whole your life creates so many confusions. On that level of enlightenment it seems like there are two of "you" - your ego and pure awareness. for a person who did not achieve enlightenment yet and does not sees the whole picture it seems like that awareness is out of control of ego's life and becomes only observer without any right to make decisions. Thus it feels like you loose your free will...
  5. @Nahm You did not adress the issue stated here... The issue is that we as human beings living in this world call it illusionary or not need analytical thinking and it sometimes requires recollection of the past experiences... Or will you tell me that you don't have job, don't communicate with anybody and sit there enlightened in the cave?
  6. @Shanmugam But if my true nature is presence itself how can I split it? If it is the only ultimate truth shouldn't it be effective always even when I do analytic work? Why does pure observation fail me when I need to engage in analytical thinking and discussion with someone. It feels like identitying myself with my mind again becomes the most helpful in those situations because being only observer feels like I am out of control.
  7. I am financial analyst. I mean that I get way too introverted and closed within my inner self. And my everyday life involves many practical communications which are very distant from the Enlightenment practice. It feels like I am the gladiator on the Arena who is trying to meditate...
  8. Hello, Community! After rewatching several times Leo's mind-blowing episodes about absolute infinity I am still left with many questions. First of all, let's begin with simple basic ones: If reality involves absolutely any possibility then it should things like vampires, werewolves, every religion gods and etc. etc. right? Where are they? in other universes across the black holes? Does absolutely everything involve alternate universes where we make any possible decisions different from our current ones? What happens after our physical death do we convert in other perspective or we become absolutely no perspective aka God aka absolute infinity? If absolute infinity is true and there is no "spiritual life" after death then is not it the wisest idea to live this life to its fullest? What makes Leo believe this is the ultimate Truth, why is he so sure about it? He always answers this question with - "see it for yourself"... But Leo, what if we don't want to risk playing with such a powerful hallucinogenic drug as 5 Meo... other techniques require so much time and life will totally pass by the time when we might get enlightened with these slow Techniques.
  9. Is the fact that you don't breathe psychological and illusion or it really physically happens during the trip? What should you do during the trip to prevent it if it is physiological?
  10. Can someone who had awaken can tell me what are the signs? How will I know that I crack into it or did awake?
  11. I think this all is content within reality so once you awaken as the True self and reality itself without ego you stop "worrying" about these stuff. But untill then within the content of reality fetishes arrive from porn influence I think.
  12. Yeah I have followed Leo for very long time. He introduced to me the journey of Enlightenment and I am very grateful for that! I call leo Morpheus I recently discovered Rupert Spira and Ekhart Tolle. Their understanding is beyond any intellectual level... they together with Leo are truely amazing teachers! P.S. I will definitely check mooji teachings
  13. Can you link or pm me the videos which had the most profound effects on your self enquiry?
  14. I am doing self enquiry here. When I ask who I am My ego somehow links it to the brain or pineal gland. Can someone hint or "remind" me why my true self can't be that?
  15. As we choose to follow the path of Enlightenment there should arise many practical obstacles in our everyday lives. Until we get awaken we need to sustain ourselves somehow. The main issue is that we do not know in advance when the awakening will happen, it can only happen in presence - we can not "strategize " about it. What are the best careers and jobs to sustain our day to day practical needs while we are on the journey of Enlightenment. This journey requires extreme loneliness and self inquiry. Unfortunately the modern world does not forgive that. It endorses extroversion and active social people. Please offer the solutions to this issue.
  16. The question was adressed to the period during which you are on the "journey" of the awakening. I realise that when you are awaken it does not matter anymore.
  17. Hello reality! In this topic I want to discuss the "being" after death. What happens after our physical body dies? Do we "reborn" as another ego or we become absolute infinity aka nothingness itself and completely get rid of any ego? Since we may not become aware of it before we actually physically die let's contemplate.
  18. Yes but idea of "forgetting" it all again if our finite perspective reincarnates in other ego after physical death is "scary"...
  19. I agree, but you only answered what happens to my ego during the physical death itself but question is there are other egos too. Do I experience others too? Like reincarnation but not really...
  20. Hello reality! I am going to purchase the book: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. I find him as an amazing spiritual teacher. I only have 3 credits left on audible. Please suggest your top 3 reading materials about the path of Enlightenment and the Truth.
  21. What do you mean 12 hours of straight meditation? Does that mean no brakes at all? No eating no drinking no toilet?
  22. It all depends on the perspective. We can argue on that. What you and me call triangle? What if I call the triangle the "illusion" of triangle? What if there are infinite numbers of triangles from my perspective? And since ego is perspective too it also "exists" and does not exist at the same time right? Again very important question arises here. Why "my" ego "lives" like my perspective to "me" and not like "Leo's"? Does that mean that Nothingness aka god experiences - is aware of itself with infinite numbers of perspectives?