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Everything posted by egoless

  1. It just does not align with my personality. I am more of a serious guy. I hate making fun of myself.
  2. Yeah but I'm interested in such a deep topics that usually nobody is into that. At least girls who party and socialize otherwise I don't know where to find more introverted girls who might enjoy deep conversations... It seems that most of the girls just wanna have fun and usually they prefer guys are clowns and fuck around
  3. I just went to study abroad. Is it good idea to engage in hardcore enlightenment practice while studying?
  4. As I am flirting with a girl it becomes very hard to be present. My mind always "races" in the future of possibilities with her. How can we stay present when interacting with girls we are attracted to? Also how sexual life and Enlightenment path are compatible with each other - should you choose one?
  5. I was thinking about possible side effects of Enlightenment. Let's say with the "help" of his ego someone is repressing in himself the evil behaviors like killing, or maybe he is maniac or shit like that... His ego is programed in a way that these are evil and bad behaviors. Now let's say this person get's Enlightened - will he commit these crimes if he truelly wanted those? Leo was talking in one of his videos that after Enlightenment you start to do what you truelly want and desire. Who is that "you" if you never knew him, how would you know wether it will change you to the worse person - even if it is your true nature?
  6. Imagine if in the huge underground cave the majority of humanity gathered and had a huge "spiritual party" for one week. Like in Zion in the movie Matrix. There would be 5 Meo, MDMA and pure love all around. Imagine if all they get Enlightened simultaneously during that party. Imagine... just Imagine how beautiful would that be... Humanity would be saved!
  7. I am thinking the same! Before I even knew about Enlightenment I still thought that they gotta know some kind of Truth... And with the help of this movie they are trying to tell us something... to wake up... to start searching... They are geniuses! The Matrix is the best movie ever taken!
  8. Whatever theory you have the main idea here is that Zion is metaphor for me for True, real existance.
  9. Imagine that before entrance to that cave you are having 5 Meo trip and then you are free to enter right after that trip And in the cave there are MDMAs everywhere. P.S. don't forget that it wouldn't be your standard party for fun only. It would gather humanity for love and unity.
  10. @Loreena exactly there is none! I pictured here almost impossible scenario. But how fascinating would it be. When I think about this really deeply while watching this video I feel some kind of inner peace and pure joy. And goosebumps run through my whole body!
  11. @Shin I am not trying to believe anything. I am not a believer and never was... I just want to intellectualy understand as precisely as possible - what I am getting into with this Enlightenment journey.
  12. I just want to know that after "Enlightenment" I will become even more positive human being who is capable of even more love and caring for people. I don't want to turn into cold blooded noone who has no compassion for others if bad things happen around! I hate all the evil and I don't want to loose that judgement! That is what scares me most about Enlightenment! How can someone say that murder and other horrible crimes are not evil and it is just neutral?! I don't want to be that man...
  13. If our ego is an illusion and thus free will does not exist then who makes the decision to get on path of enlightenment. Should we force it or it will happen as it was intended by reality itself? I don't quite understand this paradoxical point here. If the ego is an illusion and does not exist in reality then why are we blinded by it initially?
  14. @aurum are you sure about it? If our default state of being is love then it is truelly amazing! Then it really is worth to get Enlightened for every human being on our planet. But love is supposedly ego emotion as well no? Who feels that love if for "Enlightened person" there is no self to feel?
  15. Yes but if I believe that everything is predetermined then why would I care about taking decisions. Why does ego "exist" at all? What is the explanation for that? If we are reality itself why did it "blind" itself to then "unblind" aka Enlighten again?
  16. @ajasatya I so much agree with you. That's what I'm trying to do. I decided to do my Master's degree abroad. I got very closed within myself in my home town. I made some "enemies" because I was very different and many people in some social circles misunderstood me. Now I try to experience differenc culture and broaden my global awareness. I need to break free from some cultural stereotypes.
  17. Good advice man! But it's hard to practice. I am huge introvert and most girls are too extraverted. All they want is partying, having fun and "demand" same from you. And too much partying is so draining for me sometimes. Unfortunately I have not met lot of girls who are interested in intellectual and deep conversations
  18. What are you referring to?
  19. So how does sexual life and Enlightenment journey go together? Does one slow down the other?
  20. Yes but it feels like I am loosing the power of NOW when my mind begins to wonder in the future. @Loreena exactly, but I find it yet difficult to make clear distinction between planning the Future goals which is normal and completely surrendering to the "Future" and becoming slave of it with my thoughts..
  21. @sleeperstakes I did not mean that meditation is not helpful overall. It is a great exercise to quiet your monkey-mind. But to achieve noticable success with it requires long time unless you are doing it at least an hour a day. Meditations becomes much more potent when you "implement" what you have "learned" during those sessions during your practical every day life. Being in present is not only about feeling your sensations... it's about focusing your whole attention to the NOW - become the NOW. Be aware of that and you will notice how often your mind "races" you to the "Future" everytime you supposedly feel social anxiety. Remember that fear or anxiety and "time" are directly interconnected.
  22. @sleeperstakes I have almost the same problem and I found the solution but it requires practice. All the roots of your social anxiety or any bad emotion really lies in the illusionary concept of time. Nowadays we are used to "live" stuck in our past or constantly overthinking the future. We tend to forget that the only real "time" when life actually happens is NOW! Awareness of yourself in the Presence is the most powerful tool you can use to take control over your mind. When you constantly worry about the Future you become the slave of your mind. I recommend you to read one of the greatest books The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle. This book is direct path to the "Enlightenment" but at the same time it is the great tool to master yourself and your emotions! Practicing meditation only for several minutes per day won't help you much if you don't teach yourself how to live in the present moment permanently!
  23. Yes I am aware that porn addict can escalate into extreme porn categories but are these fetishes fully reversible though? How long may it take? Is it enough to abstain only from Porn itself or no fap is also required?