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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Leo Gura Recently when I was doing self enquiry (looking for myself) I've observed an interesting fact. When I close my eyes and move my head it seems like my feeling of self is following the movement of my head. But... when I try to move my hand or leg it does not seem as "Me" is following these movements. Sort of it seems like feeling of "my self" is located somewhere in the head. But again it's hard to become aware that there should arise another question - " who is aware of all these above mentioned observations?" Why can't it be self aware?
  2. But why do I see those changes occurring in me? I don't even do self enquiry that often. However since my early childhood I always have been seeking for the Truth. I've never believed that this world is real. Maybe my curious personality is more suited for that Enlightenment work? Maybe my whole life searching for the answers contributed to my fast progress? Is that a possibility?
  3. Is it safe to do these solo for the first time? In my student house room?
  4. Who or what was the first "ego"? if a child is born and noone "teaches" him false belief about how he is separate self then will this child have sense of separate ego when he grows up? Do animals also have ego? Can animals be Enlightened? Where are the boundaries of what we call ego? Do plants have ego? Do objects have ego?
  5. 1) is it ok to do self inquiry while laying in the bed? I find that the main reason why I sometimes skip this practice is because I'mlazy to get up from the bed when I wake up and use the 20 min gap I have before I go to uni for inquiry while sitting. 2) can you achieve permanent Enlightenment? Or fake life movie will always suck you back to illusion after a while? 3) when I do self inquiry should I focus on present moment and start looking for myself with the silence of the mind or ask question: "who am I" in my mind? 4) which is the most effective self inquiry method you have found?
  6. Does reality disappear if I close my eyes? If so why can I still touch a chair with my eyes closed?
  7. But which shrooms should I get and where?
  8. which psychedelics are best for Enlightenment purpose in your opinion other then 5 MEO DMT because starting with it seems quite dangerous...
  9. @Leo Gura in his last episode describes the fact that ego creates boundaries between good and evil. Leo you say that in reality Evil does not exist... Then what is killing, raping and other terrible evil I don't even want to mention? even if you and me become awaken that does not change other evil people and they will still do it. If there is no boundary between good and evil then why don't you kill, steal money and do other evil things for living? - If all these are not different (there are no boundaries?) from creating quality videos on youtube, having passion and guiding people to spirituality?
  10. you mean tripping on psychedelics? The problem with my loneliness is denial from my current social circle. I study abroad and everyone is just concentrated on totally different thing and in order for me not to fail I need to integrate and become social. But at the same time when I practice self enquiry and meditations when I'm alone it somehow makes me weird and different when I'm going back to mandatory social interactions.
  11. What are the best methods on that path other then self inquiry and meditation? It feels so lonely when nobody understands you and you have to go on the Path of Enlightenment alone. What if I get lost on it and move to a completely false direction. That's why I'm seeking people who might be also aware of that path. Maybe I could find some of them at Burning Man where else?
  12. but how one projector can show different projections simultinously as me, Nahm and Leo for example?
  13. 1) Will he do it? if yes why? if no why? 2) But still "you" are talking to "me" why is not it reverse? Why my experience does not feel like I am Leo responding to egoless questions? 4) If there is no separate self for Enlightened person (awaken- for example you) why does not he transfer all his money to us all of the forum members if we are all one? If physical death does not mean anything anymore for him why does he need money and food anymore?
  14. 1) I mean literally killing other people for example. What stops Enlightened man to kill or harm other person if there is no boundary for him between good and bad? 2) "Who" decided for Leo to be born as Leo Gura for example and not as other ego? why "your" ego experiences different things then "mine" and if we are one who decides that split between imaginative roles? 3) Ok.
  15. @Lauritz That would be really tough challenge! Good luck! But why can't you do it at your house if you live alone?
  16. Jokes aside I know that I just can't grasp all these intellectually no matter how hard I try. But something just does not align with each other or I just misunderstand some of your sayings. My main questions are: 1) After Awakening will I commit much less evil then I do now? Let's say evil from our ego's perspective. Can Enlightened man kill or harm someone just for sake of reality experiencing itself? 2) I also don't quite understand what no Free will mean? Does it mean that I can sit whole my life in the chair doing nothing and I won't be lazy because that's how it was predetermined for me? 3) What do you mean in Infinite reality can every possible scenario even non realistic ones from our perspective exist in it?
  17. Yes one more thing which frightens me about Enlightenment is the fact that there may be no free will at all... I'd rather live my life thinking that I have free will then everything is predetermined? Still struggling to evaluate pros and cons of Enlightenment path... I have so many unanswered questions. I don't want to commit to that path blindly. I want to be sure before I commit that this is the only legit path to Ultimate Truth and not another belief or misconsemption.
  18. That's the point nobody from that awakened perspective anymore but right now that idea just does not seem right to me because at least now my ego stops me to do bad things like that. What if after awakening when nothing stops you anymore you actually do more of these evil stuff?
  19. @Leo GuraI have the exact same question as this guy has ever since I have discovered Enlightenment path and infinite universe idea thanks to your videos. We would greatly appreciate if you could share your insight on this topic?
  20. I got your point but maybe I'm explaining it in a bad way. Let's say you are awaken and see yourself as non dual being with the whole reality. Then what makes you stop from doing evil if everything is part of this reality aka you and it is infinite? yes you no longer think about self preservation maybe as you don't have ego anymore but what makes you stop doing evil just for sake of reality experiencing itself in that way?
  21. I don't speak about morality here. I'm speaking about good and bad. and yes all those things you mentioned here are bad and I have this boundary. But let's say you you are awaken and don't have that boundary - do you identify yourself as everything and everybody - even the most evil people?
  22. Hello! I am 22 and I've never had a girlfriend. I'm not really good with attracting women. Some of my friends seem to have a very easy time with girls. It seems like they can pickup without much effort. It doesn't come up as naturally for me. I tried to show lot of attention and care but it seems like girls really don't like that. I also tried to mind my own business and observe if girls would show interest themselves. It happens some times and girls show attraction to me but I just can't convert that fact into something more serious. It seems like I can't entertain or find the right words when needed. I have a good sense of humor but it somehow disappears when I have a conversation with a nice girl. Anyways I don't blame girls in that I think the problem is me. Any advice?
  23. I've always wondered if pick up is actually worth getting into. I am really low on that part of my life so maybe I should practice more pick up and get experience in that field until I decide to engage in hardcore Enlightenment practices.