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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Based on my experience its the most effective one and you don't need anything else. It is also the most satisfactory one if you do it properly. I suggest you to do this guided meditation
  2. What happened to me right now is unbelievable. I am still in the shock! I meditated with Do nothing and surrender technique. I usually set timer at 20 minutes. This time everything went totally different. I got into unbelievable satisfaction of my meditation process. Timer alarm notified me that 20 minutes have passed. I was in such a deep satisfaction and happiness that I just ignored the timer. I literally could not anchor myself. I heared noise from the garden, tap water noise. I literally was everywhere but nowhere! Could not anchor myself anywhere! I've never felt such an ecstasy! I just did not want to open my eyes. For long period of time thoughts totally stopped appearing!!! Totally 0 thought!!! In the end I just got frightened of my state... what if I'm dying?! That was my mistake... I opened my eyes finally and huge wave of satisfactory goosebumps run through my whole body! My eyes were very widely open... I couldn't close my eyes for long time. I was in total shock and couldn't move!! When I looked at the timer more then hour has passed and it felt like 10 minutes for me. I am still in shock right now. Haven't experienced anything like this before... I just felt the importancy to share that moment with you!!! Thank you!
  3. What do you mean it is all illusion? What kind of experience do you have?
  4. I'm trying to contemplate this with absolutely no perspective...
  5. I don't speak all these because I lost motivation or because I want to save my ego life. Right now I feel really detached from egoistic life. My social life is almost equal to 0 because I am practicing deep meditations, inquiry and contemplation almost all of my free time. I also watch and read much about this topic. But... after long contemplation this idea came to my mind that while getting Enlightenment might be so rewarding it is not at the same time. Reality exists as an infinite being of consciousness thus every part of it is essential. Living egoic life is also part of this reality and it's neutral - not good not bad. We are sort of trying to say no to that part of reality. We are trying to push it away from us as if it is bad for us?! We are trying to become meta over it and this is also good but... we loose other side of the coin - living our life as ego. In the Ultimate picture none of them is better or worse then another. Both are part of reality (us) and maybe if everything goes well in your ego life it is ok to stay in it for the sake of experiencing it as it is. Contemplate this with open mind... P.S. IMHO after 100% realization of the Truth the fully Enlightened person would never even speak again... He would simply vanish from this illusion. That's why I suspect that there are no 100% Enlightened people among the living humans...
  6. It depends on how you raise them since the very early ages. And yes I think it's possible.
  7. @iTommy I think it was a useful insight for you. But I wouldn't call it Enlightenment experience because you can't get Enlightened while being on psychedelics I believe...
  8. You are welcome man! Enjoy your trip or whatever you are doing haha
  9. That's the point I completely surrender to it. At that point I'm not even controlling anything
  10. This is insane! What I'm doing with my meditations. It seems like I'm fully mastering the surrender principle. Third day in a row after that experience I get insanely deep meditations which are not only deep and profound but very satisfactory at the same time! Idk what shifted in me but I used to struggle to even meditate for 15 minutes now I don't even want to open my eyes anymore! Today I easily gone more than one hour. I ignored my 20 minalarm again and went deeper! In my approximate calculations after 40 mins I got into very deep trance like being. Boundaries between my body and external environment sort of completely disappeared. Again 0 thoughts and complete stillness in my mind! At some point I started to disolve in some darkness which felt I was disappearing in the present moment of being. I don't know it's very hard to describe. It felt like very close to awakening - like you were at the bottom of ocean holding breath for very long time and when you can't hold any longer you are quickly trying to reach the surface to breathe again. I was like that! It felt like I was close to reach that surface of my real existance and start breathing for real! But I couldn't! I stayed 20 more minutes in that ecstasic state and then realised that I couldn't really reach that surface yet with this season so I opened my eyes... Again shock, wide open eyes, very fast heartbeat! What's happening with me...
  11. Haha that would be funny Leo! But thing is I live in dormitory in different country and definitely don't wanna go out in the garden with my dick hanging out! So as it appears shrooms really have potential to get you in trouble. I better lock my door really well. P.S I hope that kind of "insanity" only happens with very large dose like 30 grams of truffles or smth like that?
  12. @Serotoninluv Do you control your decisions and movements on truffel trip? I mean can I unlock my room door and walk outside bothering other tenants in dormitory not even realizing what I'm doing?
  13. @Leo Gura In this video you mention these words: - "this is it! This is the deepest point! I am fully Enlightened!" while describing your trip on mushrooms. So my question is - is a real ego death and Enlightenment experience possible on Mushrooms and truffels as well as you get from 5-Meo-Dmt?
  14. As suggested I researched a lot about shooms and maybe that was a bad idea. I am now really overthinking because of that... I read many negative feed backs about possible long term effects like these: Flashbacks that may be pleasant or a living nightmare; may be caused by using other drugs or by engaging in physical exercise; have appeared weeks, months, and even years after the use of mushrooms Sustained depression Lack of motivation Panic attacks Compromised memory Inability to concentate Severe mental disturbances Psychosis Delusions
  15. I want to start with truffles but want to get sure that everything does not go wrong. On the internet some people say that there were reports when people were committing suicide because of shrooms. Can this happen on small doses and with truffles? Also I want your advise about environment: Is it better to be in a dark room or light? Do I need sitter for a first time? (I don't have one) What is the worst possibility for 15 g truffles? Is there any possible way to stop trip if it goes bad? any tips of how to use the trip time? (techniques, meditation, inquiry..)
  16. Can you share that exact part of music on which you got a bad trip?
  17. Guys I also study abroad right now will it interfere with my future study process? Does it make me unproductive or depressed over the period?
  18. I'm not going to listen to music for my first trip. And I am going to do it alone in my room. Any tips about how to make my trip more powerful to experiences of non duality?
  19. Thanks for tips. I am going to experience it alone. I am abroad and don't really trust anybody that much here. Is 15 grams a good starting point or should I lower to probably 10 grams? What about names I listed because it seems like they have different kinds of effects.
  20. Let me tell you - you are wasting your time. Instead of that arguing which leads nowhere why don't you try with that guided meditation? (But only do it when you feel you are open to new possibilities)
  21. No it did not feel like dying. I felt so good that I couldn't believe it was possible. Idk I had thoughts in the end that if I don't open my eyes I can never return from that state and get kind of stuck in it. Guess it was my ego trying to survive. Man you did not read my report at all... I was not on any psychedelics, I was just meditating. Do you know what Do nothing and surrender meditation techniques mean? You don't think, you do nothing you just surrender to the present moment. As I said I had completely 0 thoughts appearing in my mind at some point. So your theory about my ideas is wrong. You are stuck in mental masturbation again. You don't know what I experienced, you are just making ideas and beliefs again for yourself. If you are not interested in the Truth just continue your normal life that is part of reality as well. But.. if you are interested then I suggest you to try this.
  22. One of the defence mechanisms of Ego!
  23. The second video is amazing! Do you know what kind of ritual is it?