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Everything posted by egoless

  1. My main point here is that even after Enlightenment how are you sure that you aren't still playing by "somebody's" rules? What if there are other dimensions where rules do not exist at all and hence they can "exist" outside of even existence and nonexistence??????
  2. Leo this is very interesting... I asked you the same question before - what if Enlightenment is dream in the dream - matrix in a matrix. Did you already get an answer on that question since that time? Update us on the topic - where are you right now in regards to seeing the Ultimate Truth? Do you still see the possibility of Enlightenment being a dream inside a dream?
  3. Share any trainers and channels which are good for the beginning. I'm not talking here about bs like pranks or smth like that. Share really helpful ones where you really see the results immediately if you practice it.
  4. I think it's the super power to be attracted to girls in lower league. That would make you superman!
  5. I can't imagine that on not beautiful face lol...
  6. You made some good points here. I need to get started somewhere so I need to get attracted to 5 and 6 more. But problem is this is circle. Yes maybe they are good in bed but just when I meet some I don't get attracted visually. How do I get horny about them? Girl feels when you are horny most likely she will get horny to you as well. That's the problem. Some guys just don't care and they get horny even if they don't like a girl visually
  7. Yeah but in order to get better with women we need more practice right? That's the point here
  8. I am quite a tall guy 1.9 / 6.2. I just want to reduce my pickiness. I have very high standards but not because I'm arrogant or narcissistic. It just happens naturally... I just don't get sexually attracted to 6/10 girls mostly. And as you know that is the most important when trying to pickup a girl - you should be very much sexually attracted to her.
  9. I mean I am not bad looking at all, but it also depends on the situation. in the noisy nightclubs you can't really show your personality much. So girls just gravitate towards very handsome guys. But my problem has always been that I am way too picky! I mostly like girls who are 8-10. And it's hard for me to get those because I am like 7 out of 10 maybe :D. I wear nice clothes, good haircut and exercise as well. In the past I have had some success with some 8s but very rarely. I want to lower my taste to 5-7 as well but, whenever I force that it just does not work out. I can't force myself to focus 100% with 5/10 girl. @aurum While I agree with you on the part that you can teach yourself almost anything - you can't make it natural for you. Does not matter how hard will you practice it. Extrovert actions will always conflict with your inner personality type. And it will have very negative effects on you in a long run without you even noticing that.
  10. Hey this is Leo.. @Leo Gura sorry I couldn't resist to open this topic. It's so strange to see your full body in this video. we are so used to seeing you with a certain perspective in your videos. I think this is the only video where we can see you in different environment and among the people. Can we find anywhere your autobiography or your life story? It would be very interesting and inspiring for all of us I am sure. P.S. Leo you are amazing! thank you for everything you are doing for us!
  11. Dude these guys are good looking so it comes natural to them. Everyone is saying looks don't matter but they fkin do. Looks matter the most! That's the reality.
  12. I checked RSDtyler he seems pretty good at what he's doing but I doubt I ever gonna succeed in his style. He is just way too extroverted. I find that most pickupers are heavy extroverts.
  13. I find that simple pickup is like really immature stuff... which of those is actually the most helpful in your opinion? Is any of those suited more towards introverted personality?
  14. What happens after the physical death of human? Does our ego disappear forever and we go back to knowing our true self eternally or do we convert to new ego (Reincarnation) ?
  15. After watching Leo's new vdieo (Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics) I felt the need to open this topic for discussion. @Leo Gura I agree with you about open mindedness which is essential when researching this topic, but I don't understand why synthetic Psychedelics need to exist at all... The Nature gifted us such a powerful tools as shrooms and 5 Meo, then why is there a need to synthetically create new ones? In my opinion it is far more dangerous to experiment with synthetics because you are not always sure what you are getting (I know about testing kits but still...) Plus I think that they have a potential to harm us in a long run. Yes, md may feel amazing and has potential to completely open you to the music but I think it may be only worth taking once in lifetime and at its purest form in a proper environment. Even Md has potential to fk up your serotonin levels in the brain in long run so what about LSD and other synthetics? Why shouldn't we say NO! to all the synthetics and join the "team nature"?
  16. What is success to me is not the same for you. If we look closer into non-duality topic we can totally refute the notion of success. After achieving Enlightenment with all the major shifts in your life the main shift will happen with your life purpose. We try so hard, contemplate and seek our purpose in life in order to be successful. But it turns into a joke after realizing the Truth of Enlightenment. What will be your grounding point in this egocentric life after realizing this Truth? Every purpose, even one to share this Truth with others becomes irrelevant to you. Maybe that's why the most Enlightened people don't communicate at all. Why would they even care? That's the scary part of Enlightenment - dark side of it - from ego's perspective but anyways it's dark. Reality experiencing itself... While getting fully Enlightened we are pushing away from us the possibility to live our life as ego. Like it is a bad thing - but in reality ego is inseparable from our true self, thus it is necessary. Therefore maybe it's wise to stop at some point and don't try to achieve full Enlightenment. When you have some breakthroughs and see the real possibility of the Truth maybe that's the threshold where it's wise to stop and continue living? Yes that way you don't achieve bliss and highest possibilities of internal happiness but you keep your ego life at the same time realizing that you are just free to experience it as freely as you wish! P.S. When you fully realize the Truth there is no way back, but when you have seen some parts of it through small cracks there is always an option to stop or continue. Maybe that idea of choice is what's worth keeping and experiencing?!
  17. But at the end of the day if there is no free will it won't matter if I let it go or not because there is no choice... That is concept many of you arr saying which yet have to been proven to me through my own experience
  18. Anyways... why should one try synthetic when Leo describes full non-dual experience on shrooms? At the end of the day that's what the most important right? And not how some visuals are more powerful then the other... shrooms are made by earth and as Leo stated in his video their use might be dated 9000 B.C. When did lsd appear??? You keep repeating science when in reality as often turns out many scientists don't know shit when it comes to some topics - they think that they do but some years pass and it turns out that they were drastically wrong... I'm just saying that I trust in what's tasted with long time!
  19. I am not sure about molecule but man made is man made. I don't know in what way they could fk up in the shady laboratory somewhere... Are you sure molecule is molecule? even the slightest difference and deviation can cause side effects... I think it's impossible to get those in their purest forms made in clean laboratories with 100% dedication. At the end of the day those are illegal drugs which are made synthetically evil knows where... We don't even know in what kind of environment are these psychedelics made.
  20. If you believe that there is no possibility for consciousness to preserve some "part" of itself without ego then what's the point of Enlightenment in this or any other future "life"? Even if in this life we become Enlightened we will loose this knowledge in our next ego version... I think it's the opposite. If you become aware of your True self in this life after "physical" death you go back to your True self source without returning as ego again. Maybe you just become aware of whole reality at once even. Of course all this is theory and concept but it's interesting to contemplate on this topic.
  21. Still all these not answers his main question. How Enlightened person can loose his understanding of true nature if he realized that he is not brain after he receives the brain damage? What you are saying is that this understanding of Truth does not happen on brain level, it happens on higher level then how could brain damage interfere with that understanding?
  22. Just listen to Leo and do what he mentions. Basically you need to surrender to everything, you stop controlling anything even the stop controlling you don't do. You just completely switch "you" off.