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Everything posted by egoless

  1. 1) What is nothingness? - emptiness? void? are all these the same? 2) If nothingness has awareness then how is it nothing anymore? 3) If nothingness has egos, experiences and illusion how is it nothingness (emptiness, void) anymore?
  2. All these words... we don't know anything what is true and what is just words. Do you consider yourself Enlightened? Than I can take this answer and consider that you simply can't express it because you already know it. But if you are not Enlightened I would prefer that you describe your understanding of it so far. I can speak same to others but do I know it yet? No... so that would be a big lie from me. Let's drop all these metaphors and poetry for a moment and let's make simple and on point explanation of how we understand on an intellectual level the nothingness. This is all I ask for in this topic. I don't ask for perfect or correct answers. I ask for the best try as this guy in the video attempted.
  3. I know that there is lot of work to be done to achieve higher consciousness. But understanding my true nature conceptually will only aid this process I think. Why Nothingness needs to be self aware? Why can't it just exist as nothingness without any other additions? I don't understand how and why nothingness got awareness then it is not nothing anymore??? Like why can't pure nothingness exist without all these egos, illusionary reality and other additives?
  4. I just don't understand one part. If there is only void and nothingness in reality how can it have consciousness to imagine all of this reality? Then it's not nothingness anymore right?
  5. yes your answer might explain it - Reality is sum of everything possible which is consciousness nature right? Ok but then let's contemplate on new question - how does self aware consciousness experience itself? If time does not exist then all our past and future happens at once right? I would speculate that it happens all next to each other in infinite strains of possibilities and consciousness just "moves" through them experiencing everything. But again - what is this pure awareness - does it exist? there is no distinction between existence and non-existence?
  6. when there is birth of child it comes to existence in this world. It has no personality, no thoughts, no ego yet! Does it know it's true nature at that point? Do any of you recall moments in your early childhood when you new your true nature and there was no separation? Exactly at what point do you think the ego creation happens? Maybe there is a room for new experiment in that regard? Observing child to grow without forcing on it to create ego? What do you think, will ego still be formed even without external factors?
  7. I will try to logically prove that there is a possibility that Absolute Truth may exist and it may be inaccessible to us forever. Let's say you reached your final stage of Enlightenment and you are now one with the reality. How will you be sure that there is not something else or some unimaginable rule of the game which is still hidden from you? Let's say someone created our reality and rules of our reality. These rules would guarantee that every content which is inside that reality stays inside of it and does not have access to the outside dimension of the creator. For example software can't escape the computer hardware and move to our reality right? What if our infinite reality is trapped in something similar to that computer and even if we become Enlightened- feel oneness of that "computer" there is still something outside of it? What if something exists outside of reality - something which is not reality and is unimaginable for us even for the Enlightened person's consciousness? Then the main question arises - What is the point of pursuing the Truth if the possibility of delusion always stays open? What if we escape from the Matrix - the second layer of matrix still exists and we are trapped in it?
  8. @Leo Gura How did you understand his words then and now? Do you see what he was saying to you back then now? Do you understand this now?
  9. why does he have so few youtube followers and so few videos? Where can I check more videos?
  10. I find it completely opposite. Without Leo's directness most of us would not even get interested in the topic. Leo does not BS us he is straight on the point. Yes there is a trap of making all these into a new belief system. But... if you are smart about his teachings it will only trigger an interest which is highly important on this path. On the other hand one thing bothers me when communicating with each other on this forum. When somebody asks question we tend to answer him based on what we think it should be (belief system) and not based on what we have experienced through self practice so far. I have to criticize myself on that point as well not only you or others. Imho it will be more beneficial if everybody answers from his point of experience so far and not how teachings say it should be. That way we will become more open to new possibilities as a community and together we will evade more pitfalls and traps rather than following teachings blindly.
  11. For example If I want to become lazy today and do nothing I can do that. Yes you will say this is not you wanting it just happens but then again what is your explanation. You also can't prove your point to others. Unless you are Enlightened and have proved it to yourself but then again you can't articulate that knowledge through words... That's the problem
  12. Thank you for sharing this video! Haven't heard about that man before is he Enlightened?
  13. What if we answer on that - brain controls all these automatically with it's specific parts dedicated to instincts.
  14. But during self-inquiry you try and ask yourself questions and look to experience those answers is not it so? So basically you are still trying to do something.
  15. Do you think full realization can be achieved with only being present? Always trying to 100% concentrate on NOW - No self inquiry, no meditations (however, that could in itself be considered as form of meditation), no psychedelics.
  16. Ok I think I understand what you mean. I remember that you describe it as: there is no ending in the substance of reality no matter if you zoom in or zoom out. So basically you mean that there is no base building block element of reality?
  17. When we speak about non physicality of reality one question arises. If the reality is infinite it should also contain physicality right? It seems like these two counteract each other - or I am missing something.
  18. I know, I agree 100% - this is path to be taken alone. What I'm saying here is that I believe that if you discover something on your path which questions your whole paradigm you will tell us and not hide it from us. That will make us more conscious about possible pitfalls of this path of realization.
  19. Yes, I made it more clear I edited my message. I meant another thing. I trust in you in that regard because I trust myself that I am able to read people's authenticity. And Truth is your only concern as I see even if this means the loss of whole for you. That's why I respect you!
  20. It will help me to make the leap of belief as you say... Because I trust your teaching - I trust that you are always willing to be open to new possibilities even if that means that all these years were wasted for you! I trust that Truth is your only concern
  21. Leo, since you are very close to the full realization. tell me with 100% honesty if you believe that Absolute Truth is available for us and there is no doubt afterwards. I read that you had some questions on that topic in the past. Did something change since those times? Did you receive answers?