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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Whatever his end goal is he is pretty good at strategically achieving it. We could analyze his behaviors and learn from it. It coupd be useful to read other deceieving people. We can also learn from his patience and ability to swallow ego pride for the sake of ultimate goal. He is very very smart at what's he is doing. Wether you agree with him or not that is also part of relative distinctions.
  2. @electroBeam what you truly are can not feel the pain or suffering. It is beyond that understanding of feelings. when you "die" physically your awareness moves to another limited perspective- ego. But this is what I believe.
  3. But what is not true is still a relative statement. There is no more truth or false after Enlightenment if everything becomes one is not that so?
  4. So do you think after Enlightenment my chase after some kind of "mystical" passion to fulfill my life end? Will I find happiness even in the most boring ordinary things from my current perspective?
  5. @Brimstone I have the reverse problem. I am in the finance career right now but find it extremely boring and uninteresting. I wonder if after my ego death and possible Enlightenment finance career will appear less boring to me and more as a way to simply experience the analytical part of this reality. I want to get interested in this career because I've already invested so much money and time studying it and working in it. In ideal scenario I would love to turn it into my life passion. It is highly paid career and money is useful to explore this world and travel around. It seems like I am chasing after some kind of mystical life passion.. I tried programming as It seemed interesting initially but the same happened in the end. I got bored with it. It seems like I get bored with everything eventually.
  6. @Shanmugam Can Enlightened person be a financial professional for example and work in a corporate environment? Will he be happy? Does Enlightenment contradict your achievements if you are in a corporate ladder? Can an Enlightened person still be a successful CFO?
  7. I am concerned. I've always been interested in the Truth of who I am and what is this reality ever since my early childhood. Right now it seems like I am getting detached from every day social and conventional life. All my focus and attention is stuck on Enlightenment. I study abroad and because of that I'm not doing good in my studies. I am worried - what if I am so concentrated on Enlightenment because I see it as a way of escape? My life feels as a nightmare from which I wanna wake up. My social life right now Is non existent and I struggle to deal with stress. The field I'm studying right now does not really interest me. I don't see myself in that field anymore. It's very hard to study abroad and be lonely at the same time. I need an advice. Should I forget about Enlightenment for now and get back to "normal life"? It seems like the closer I get to Enlightenment worse I do socially and in my studies.
  8. Right now I'm risking to fail my studies if my current state won't change. I thought it was clever idea to combine Enlightenment work witg studying abroad but these two don't align with each other as it turns out in my case.
  9. I self inquire and meditate most of my free time. I go out more and more seldom. I am loosing touch with reality. At nights I wake up with the feeling of void and glimpses. When I walk in the supermarkets among the people it seems like I am blending with reality and can't find myself anymore. During studies I can't concentrate on anything because it feels like there is no me anymore who can concentrate. I am like this last two months already. It is very scary but at she same time this fear passes through me without affecting me deeply like It used to. I became totally numb except from seldom sadness from too much stress of my bad study progress.
  10. Watch this and say how closely it resembles your understanding of the Truth?
  11. I suggest you to check my topic which I recently opened. It may be another option for you. Self sufficient lifestyle for enlghtenment
  12. I have seen some religious people who were deeply sure that their belief is the ultimate Truth. Many of those people existentially were feeling the presence of their god. You would see peace and inner happiness in their eyes. How do we know Enlightenment is not the same? What if our brain makes the Truth what we believe strong enough?
  13. But unless it conceptually makes some sense you would not be open to that possibility. Looking within as you call it requires lots of time and dedication. Why would someone "loose his time" if the Truth offered in the end does not make sense to him. What if all this is deception and just another religion? Yes from Enlightened perspective somebody may be sure that it is not. But from beginner perspective it could seem so. That's why I find it so important to design as clear intellectual representation of this Truth as possible.
  14. @Joseph Maynor Your life journey is very interesting and inspiring. How did you manage to change your careers so many times and so drastically. I struggle to change even my first career which is finance and I don't feel I belong to it.
  15. Did you ever suffer from depressions or bad moods after your Enlightenment?
  16. It still feels that you are doing everything. But in reality you are just part of infinite possibilities
  17. Yes travelling is expensive indeed! that's why I love freelancing careers so much they offer so much flexibility... Like youtuber, graphic designer, writer etc... but unfortunately I am in a business career. Can't find anything similar in my in my career yet.
  18. Yes I am in love with travelling as well. And I understand what you are saying perfectly well. But it is really really hard to sustain yourself while travelling. At least I don't have any sufficient experience in that. Currently I am studying abroad.
  19. Currently I can't. I am still experimenting with my current life style. I am trying to finally find out if I am suited for mainstream type of living with 9-5 corporate job... But.. as time passes I am getting increasingly confident that this is not where I belong. I'll give it another year or two though.
  20. You are saying: "if you need a job to feed yourself, get a job". I am saying there is a better way to feed yourself and survive if you want more free time for self inquiry, meditation, contemplation, observation. That is also a choice... I am not saying this is the only correct choice but this is my choice and maybe someone's also. people living with 9-5 jobs are also part of reality.Most of them never meditate or self inquire and they are also part of reality. But those who want to do this work need more free time and need more efficient ways to sustain themselves.
  21. @Martin123 You are making it philosophical I am making it practical that's all I see
  22. I got your point but let me further explain mine. In my opinion seeking life purpose before Enlightenment is risky way of doing it. It may be the false one and one which your ego is seeking to fulfill its desires. On the other hand if you are "lucky" enough and get Enlightened your life purpose will come to you naturally. What about maintaining this lifestyle until you get full knowledge of your True self? Then you will do what's needed to achieve your highest potential and it will come naturally to you - because that's who you are in reality. At least that's my opinion.
  23. 2) why can't There exist something and nothing without each other? Why is it impossible for only pure nothing (void) to exist without everything else?