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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Is shroom after mdma a very bad idea? I mean 1 day after Mdma roll...
  2. Where do I start. I got 15 grams of it but did not risk to take full dose so I just took 10. First hour went almost unnoticeable except I was feeling like weed high. After that small distortions of reality started. I had a painting in my room which I had drawn recently and it literally came alive. It was changing forms and colours - really cool. Then I looked through my huge window where there is a beautiful view of the sky, city and airport. It was godly view, sun was shining brightest I've ever seen.The sky was purple/pink and it was amazing. I had music on and I heard it in a different way also. After 1.5 hour I got a terrible feeling - it suddenly became so lonely that it was unbearable. I also did not want to be near humans. But it felt lonely because I was alone in the universe. I was the universe but I was only one and I felt sad. This moment really scared me but I handled it with a thought that everything will pass eventually. It did pass. After 3 hours I went on the balcony and looked at the park. Wind was blowing the trees and they where whispering their voices through my ear. I felt unimaginable harmony with the nature. I had this insight that our natural state of being is static - unshakable harmony. Ego is what's creating emotional roller coaster. I had ego loss experiences throughout the trip but not totall ego death. Idk lots happened during that trip but the most valuable experience was harmony with the nature. I also felt rooted and heavy when I was trying to walk. When I looked in the mirror my face was looking like a ground or tree - darker and more textured.
  3. @Dodo next time I will try to do it. It was such an amazing view with all these trees birds and sunset. Next time I want to try 15 gram of tampanensis truffles. And after that maybe stronger one. I want to increase gradually. Maybe soon I will have ego death experience.
  4. I like your explanation. I imagine ego death as completely killing who I am. Like I have no more desires and goals in my life. Aren't those ego thing? Where I am wrong? Like jim carrey says there is no me anymore and things just happen. Does he still have ego and life purpose?
  5. Enlightenment work is the path of heroes as Leo once said. It is definitely not the easy one and requires serious dedication and thirst for knowledge. Modern lifestyle is definitely not suited for this path. 9-5 jobs, fast paced life, social networks, consumer era... What should real truth seekers do? Time is the most valuable resource we could have. We need to design lifestyle which will be loaded with free time but at the same time will help us to survive. After some contemplation I have came up with several strategies to establish truly self-sufficient lifestyle: 1) Become minimalist. That means say no to every consumer products which is no essential for you. No luxury items. Only items which are essential for your survival and functionality. learn how to do your own haircut. In my opinion buzz cut is the most optimal hairstyle for this matter. If you implement all these changes you will minimize your living expenses. This in return will minimize your required income to survive. 2) Invest in one place. Find a good place with lots of nearby resources and stop moving around. One in the nature is perfect and at the same time close to some city. 3) Invest in sustainable energy. sources like solar panels and wind energy. 4) Learn farming and fishing. If you manage to find a house near river fishing would be perfect. Maybe get small rabbit farm and several chickens. Learn how to cultivate vegetables. Farming will be essential for you to create self-sustained lifestyle in a long run. 5) Choose freelancing career and become extremely good at it. This will enable you to generate some money in the case of necessity. If you manage to establish self-sustained lifestyle Money becomes almost irrelevant to you. But still... you need bare minimum in case of urgency and unlucky times. P.S. I'm not saying that this kind of lifestyle is suitable for everyone but it's certainly something I would be interested in. Share your thoughts on this topic!
  6. Maybe I am. But... If enlightened person has no ego then who follows the life purpose? Who thinks and acts who desires to achieve it's life purpose if the ego is dead. Is not Life purpose an ego thing? Ego says it is my life purpose - at least logically it seems so. How can god have limited, relative life purpose?
  7. That is totally not what I meant here Leo. I do good because I feel joy from it. But if we are criticizing ego then what is feeling joy other then ego?? Maybe my ego developed in a way that it feels joy when I am doing good to others. What is the point of ego death in that case? If ego is dead who feels the joy, who wants to do the good? who else then ego decides what is good and what is evil. Is not there a danger of eliminating this distinction if we kill our ego? Maybe ego death will turn us into cold, senseless zombies who has no idea when they hurt people or when they do good for people?
  8. But that - I prefer- who speaks that? your ego speaks that. So you are still chasing your ego's desire.
  9. Yes I love helping people but if everything does not have a meaning and if there is no good and evil from god's perspective then why does it matter what our LP is. Why does anything matter at all? I can't understand this side of Enlightenment. If there is no good and evil then what is the point in doing good???
  10. I am coming from the finance career. I have bachelor's degree in Business administration and now doing my MBA degree in business. I am sick of finance career. I was very good at doing analytical part of it but I got bored with how dry and repetitious it was. No room for creativity there and I consider myself to be a creative and analytical person at the same time. I am very logically minded and love freedom and flexibility. I am a heavy introvert though and don't know weather digital marketing is a good fit for introverted people. Can someone who is in this career give me some recommendations? I would greatly appreciate your advise guys as I am kinda lost right now and don't know where to start. It is very hard to make career shifts but I am willing to follow my passion. When I am thinking to continue finance career I get frustrated but when I think about digital marketing I get very excited.
  11. The problem is I am not sure wether I will like the job in practice. On paper it sound very interesting to me.
  12. Let us here discuss possibilities to join different Ashrams and retreat centers. Do any of you have an experience of joining one and what would you recommend. What are the first steps for True seekers. It would be also great if you provided information about what kind of ashrams and centers do there exist, how to join, what are the cons and pros and etc. Are ashrams connected with religion or are they dedicated only for pure Enlightenment work?
  13. My perfect scenario would be if I was able to travel around to cheap countries with beautiful nature while freelance working on the internet. I would do spiritual work intensively while traveling. That's what I really want right now. Problem is I am in a career which does not have much options for freelancing.
  14. @krazzer Rabbit farm is really good source to self sustain. They reproduce rapidly. @AlwaysBeNice I don't like to beg. I'd rather contribute to this world then ask money for nothing. The asharam seems an interesting idea but I think it will interfere with my freedom. I love freedom the most.
  15. I was re watching Leo's video - "How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker - The 7 Pillars Of Strategic Thinking". He's making very practical and useful points as always. I was thinking who could be another good example of strategic motherfucker and it's definitely Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) from Game of Thrones. This character has always got purely defined long-term strategic intent. He is very crafty in devising short-term tactics to achieve his long-term goals. He does lots of preparation and very carefully collects the Intel about his foes. I know his intentions are always evil and egoistic but he is very interesting character to study in that regard. He has also an outstanding ability to ignore his egoistic nature if it's needed for his long-term goal. He is unbelievably patient and is always concentrated to win the final war instead of winning the small battles. I want to listen to you guys. How do you strategize in your life. How do you set your strategic intent and what are the ways of achieving it.
  16. That sounds really interesting to me. I like analytical and creative mix of it. I consider myself very creative but in a right environment and if I don't have to present it to huge auditory. I am good at writing creative ideas. I am also very good at analytical work. My employers were very pleased with my job as financial analyst. I also like the freelancing opportunities it could provide in the future. In my ideal world I would love to be a freelancer travelling around to a cheap countries with great nature while doing Enlightenment work in the process. When I am 40 I will settle somewhere and start up my online business. That's why I think digital marketing is also great skill to have for your own business. P.S. did you find your passion in the business career? What do you like the most?
  17. I would do Enlightenment work without any salary but it won't keep me alive. Got to be realistic here. So I need a job or career to sustain myself in the meantime.
  18. The hardest part for me is to find a way to transition my finance career into freelancing. I am thinking about digital marketing but I have 0 experience in that.
  19. I was contemplating about lucid dreaming and it's relation to Enlightenment work. We are dreaming and realizing that Truth is called Enlightenment. What does lucid dreaming mean? It means that the dreamer realises that he is asleep without waking up. Do you see a strong parallel here? Reality is an illusion - a dream of consciousness. If somebody mastered the art of lucid dreaming what would happen if he applied it to the "reality" could he become Enlightened? Is it possible? Does it make a lucid dreaming the most powerful technique for Enlightenment work? Feel free to contemplate on that...
  20. You are not required to quit your job or career to become Enlightened. Sadhguru was a very successful businessman when he got Enlightened suddenly without even trying to chase it. As you see you don't choose anything... it just happens with your life!
  21. Since he is not interested in seeking Truth he won't apply this tool in reality. I mean it may be a powerful tool in a "hands" of one who is seeking the Truth and waking up.
  22. Noone knows his true intentions until he falls in love with Sansa and willingly shares them to her. The deceiving strategy which he chose for achieving his goals was incompatible with emotions. That was his biggest mistake and costed him his life. If he stayed cold and emotionless I wonder what would have happened. Leo does not mean to apply these principles to egoistic intentions but we just bring littlefinger as an example of extremely good strategist. If you watch full video - Leo also brings example of a very crafty villain from the TV episodes house of cards.
  23. This question has striked me quite often: what if there is no Ultimate Truth and every perspective has it's own Truth. What if we all are not one but the opposite we are all ultimate numbers of Truth?