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Everything posted by egoless

  1. It's completely opposite of trying. It is all about letting go. I am starting to think that some people are just meant to be Enlightened no matter what and some people don't. We can not force it as Leo said. But I think we can not increase the odds either. The only thing I am going to do from the now on is staying present all the time and appreciating every moment of the life.
  2. Through Leo's videos. Slowly but surely I trusted this man's sincerity and intellectual possibilities. Leo seemed similar to me - I saw in his eyes that Truth the only thing he is looking for. Then I worked all this through my unforgivable logic and there we go. It withstood trial by my logic and here I am.
  3. It turns bad when you have to live in this materialistic world. It would be awesome if you were self sufficient but as you know it is almost impossible in modern times. Unless you become extremal and go live in Alaska like Leo said.
  4. Science is a thriving environment for INTPs. I was interested in astronomy since I was very young but unfortunately in my country there was not much career opportunities in that field. I chose business and finance but now I am stuck in extroverted and corporate career where INTPs will always struggle to find peace and passion.
  5. No the problem is inner conflict with my personality type and my desire to be a leader and more socially active. Unfortunately most INTPs do not make great leaders because of our focus on abstract ideas and impracticality. Maybe they could make a good spiritual or science leader but that is also very rare possibility. INTPs struggle to find themselves while they young and this is 100% natural for our personality. Look at Leo's life - what kind of radical shifts did he make in his recent years.
  6. Every time I do the test it comes out as INTP and unfortunately I am 95% introvert which is crazy. Like being INTP is not a heavy burden on itself. I think being INTP is unluckiest out of all 16 types. We are so indecisive and unpractical. The fact that we are so intelligent loses its point because we can't properly express it in a practical matter. That is why I struggle so much to find a suitable career for me in the business field. I wish I was ENTJ or at least INTJ as they are less abstract while being very good in practical matters. However I hope that Extroverted intuition will make things better as I age and gain experience and knowledge of how this world really works in a practical manner.
  7. @jjer94 very valuable insights. I can to some extent relate what you said. I am also running away from my demons. It all comes down to Maslow's hierarchy system. You can't practice self actualization and Enlightenment if the basic material staples are in a poor condition. That's why I am trying to balamce my spiritual work with my practical life nowadays. @Leo Gura I knew you were an INTP! Because I am INTP myself and I see similarities between us. I found your older post where you mention that after self development your personality might have changed. Do you think it is possible to shift mbti personality?
  8. I knew you would not answer P.S. part. INTP . I will watch the show.
  9. Why do you think Alaska is the heart of living, would you live there yourself? P.S. I always wondered what personality you might be among Myers Briggs 16 personality types. I would guess you are either INTP (more likely) or INTJ. I suppose you know what that is. However if we look closely personality is just another name for ego.
  10. the thing is it conflicts with my desired life. I want to experience the heart of living. I love big international cities and noisy places. I just don't like when I am in the center of attention. I love meeting new people but as soon as I am "trapped" in a closed environment like university or work I get very conflicting. Idk why that happens but I love feeling freedom of ending relationships whenever I desire - seems like closed environments conflict with that ability and that affects me. P.S. I admit this post was created after a bad experience yesterday but still this resonates with me consistently. I don't know why but sometimes I get extremely social but most of the times I get this immense desire for loneliness. Seems like inner conflict I'll definitely watch that documentary Leo.
  11. What about the video demonstrating the visualization above? Is that what you meant?
  12. Leo I did not find shrooms murky at all. First hour was depressing and then I experienced unshakable harmony and calmness and I could contemplate about anything I wanted with extremely open mind. So maybe it differs from person to person. But... I also trust shrooms more because it was tested since ancient times. Al-lad is newer substance and I doubt anyone really knows its true side effects. P.S. I also read that psychadelics may cause side effects when smoking a weed. Weed may turn into a psychedelic trip on its own. If that is true than this is a terrible side effect really...
  13. Since English is not my main language it was even harder to understand this technique properly. Is there any instructional video explaining this technique on youtube or somewhere?
  14. Leo can you also tell me the difference between LSD and psylocin trips? Do they provide us with different insights and experiences? Is one more potent for Enlightenment purposes then other? Can both provide ego death experience? I want to continue experiencing shrooms but I am hesitant to try LSD because I don't like the idea.
  15. is there any actual difference between quality truffels and shrooms?
  16. Into the wild - the last moment when Chris realizes that "Happiness is only real when shared"... He pursued happiness into the wild, away from modern society, technology, burdens to feel the presence and get happiness from the simplicity of life and nature. The last moment though it seems like he deeply regrets his choice of ultimate loneliness. Is that true? Does true happiness only exist when shared with the loved ones? Then how does it correspond to Enlightenment idea. Enlightenment journey requires ultimate loneliness and it predicts unconditional inner happiness and bliss in the end of the road.. But, what if the inner happiness without loving and sharing it with others does not exist? It is so paradoxical but Enlightenment seems like the most selfish work one can do but at the same time it seems the most self-sacrificing/egoless work one can do... Maybe the Balance - The golden mean is the key to true happiness?!
  17. If I remember correctly buddha also attempted extremal loneliness and starvation at some point but he was so weakened that almost died. He was saved by the girl in the village and since then buddha realized that balance is the key. It is interesting - during my shroom trip I had this insight that our natural state of being is unshakable harmony - the balance in everything so to speak and ego is what pursues the extremalities...@Leo Gura @Nahm
  18. @Wes Thoughts shpongle is amazing! I listened to this on my trip and it was amazing!!! It took me very deep in the amazonian jungles!
  19. but main question here is what is the perfect balance? What is the most effective succession? First you do Enlightenment and then life purpose or vise versa? Or you do both the same time but in what kind of balance - 50/50?...
  20. If Enlightenment turns into another mindfuck do you have a plan B? What is another alternative possibility of the Truth you are currently contemplating about?
  21. Leo in your newest video about mindfuck you speak how open we should be to any possibility of infinite mindfuck from reality. Do you know any Enlightened person who realized that Enlightenment is another BS? What would you do if you at some point discover that Enlightenment was false? And there is another Truth beyond it
  22. I remember watching it when I was younger. I did not really understood the main idea because I was quite sleepy. Is it directly connected with Enlightenment Truth? I would like to re watch it more consciously.