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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @Leo Gura Leo I've heard all these from your video - "what is Devil?" But still, unless I get Enlightened myself as the Truth - it will stay the matter of belief and non belief. And right now what you are saying I don't want to believe. There are most things which I think are logical and most probably true about Enlightenment but I am not sure about this one about evil. This is the most confusing part for me on this journey. Even more it is the only one which is stopping me to fully commit to Enlightenment work. I am not sure whether I want to fully erase the distinction between good and evil... Neo had much easier choice
  2. We are the dreams without the dreamer. Imagine that you are telling stories about yourself. Eventually you believe that you are the stories but not the storyteller. (mine) Radio signals without radio transmitter. Whatever the one single wave is doing - the same is doing the ocean itself and much more. Continue...
  3. Yes this is a good video and good explanation. I understood that view initially identical to what's said in video. But he is saying that: "Everybody does only things they consider good from their point of view". But let's bring an example. When you watch porn you know that it is bad for you but you still do that why?
  4. This is very good explanation then! That's all I was asking. If you have deep compassion than that means that you won't harm anyone. But does not it also mean that needles harm is evil? if you true self has such a compassion and understanding then does not it mean that ultimate evil still exist?
  5. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura Two possibilities whether you are deluded or you tell the Truth. for me absolutely equal possibilities 50/50. Ok Let's say you are right. And let's say your higher consciosness purposed that walking around and setting buildings on fire is fun and good way to experience your true life purpose. After Enlightenment ego which held you back from setting buildings on fire would dissapear and you will start to set houses on fire because - from god's perspective as you say, that's neither evil nor good. You would bring lots of suffering to the people even though that may be you, from their perspective you still bring suffering. Was it beneficial overall? I So maybe the Truth if there is one - is more beneficial to be hidden??? Because... Even after Enlightenment you still continue to live in this limited realm. Why don't you contemplate that? @Principium Nexus Ok I'll watch after this post.
  6. @Leo Gura I want to say F you Leo but something holds me back every time. I will give Enlightenment another try after all this confusion it brought into my life... Again and Again...
  7. But again... You asked Peter Ralston that very legitimate question which you may have became victim yourself. Let me remind you. You asked- What if Enlightened person is already in delusion and one who is in delusion can not see that he is ignorant. Is not that the case with ignorance in this world as well?
  8. @Leo Gura What if you are playing with the stuff which is not meant for you? How are you so sure that it is not delusion inside the delusion then? There is always a possibility of this if you are Realy damn open minded. If you assume that there is possibility of absolutely anything than Enlightenment may turn out as huge BS in the end. I've heard that you asked Peter Ralston same question. What if there is something beyond? He laughed and responded that is impossible. Absolute means absolute. But what if even Absolute is delusion and it does not exist? You mentioned Christ's words But... - not judging and becoming it are two separate things... Notice also that you escaped to answer the question if you are one with all the Rapists... Why? If you already accepted that why is it still so hard to answer that question? What if I ask you worse questions? it will be even harder to answer and you know it.
  9. @Leo Gura All that you talk here. Why it seems to me that you did not accept it all yourself yet? You talk about all this - talk is easy but did you become one with all the repists and evil? Are you ready to become cum receptacle for rapist if that happens will you surrender to it? - this seems like absolutely nonsense. If the point of Enlightenment is to become one with all the shit that is happening in the world then from our perspective it damn feels wrong. What if our relative perspective defines us and gives us the choice? What if we are not meant to be awaken? What if the freedom of choice lies exactly in that. We have a choice in our relative manifestation but there is no more choice and free will if you loose your face and become one with everything even the shitiest shit. If we were born as ego then what if the right thing to do is actually stay the ego and try your best to become positive being in this manifestation? P.S. You mentioned Christ's words But... - not judging and becoming it are two separate things... Is not that so?!
  10. See? Even in your explanation you indicate that evil is required for you to feel good. If there was no evil you won't feel peace and good. You still call all these evil then if it is all one why do you call it evil or good or peace at all? What about people who are born with maniacal deviations in this case conditioning and environment does not change much? If there is only oneness and it is all loving and blissful why do such people with such a devastating deviation are born?
  11. If there is oneness in everything then that means that you are one with a killer or rapist or even worse... I don't understand that part and I think there is a better explanation for such things..
  12. Exactly I want to work in it myself. But I want to own my farm myself as well. I don't want to have mass production. Maybe at max 2 acres of farm. But lack of knowledge is the major entry barrier for me. Even for very experienced farmers it is a very risky business.
  13. @ajasatya Yes but I see farming as my life purpose not as a laborer working for someone else. I want to establish my own farm and produce my own organic products so that people who are buying my product receive quality and healthy organic food. I am also interested in a business, creative side of it. How to export it, how to target markets, strategically which crops or livestock to interchange. P.S. I am watching videos and this is amazing but I doubt this technique will work in my country. Bananas and some of these tropical trees don't grow here. Different climate.
  14. @jjer94 The good thing is in my country agriculture ground is very cheap and it is actually very good soil. But after listening to so many people saying farming is not really a profitable business I am thinking more about mushroom farm.
  15. @jjer94 what kind of farm did you have what were you growing?
  16. yeah maybe not to do lots of money but at least decent money to live without any struggle and so you provide your family? What about mushroom farm I've heard it is actually the most profitable
  17. @jjer94 Thank you very much for that realistic assessment of pros and cons. I love solitude very much and as you mentioned listening to podcasts and audibooks during my work is like the heaven for me. Repetitious is ok for me if I feel passionate about the stuff I am doing so I hope this part will be ok for me as well. One thing that worries me right now the most is the fact that many people say that farming is way too risky and unpredictable business. They say that it is very hard to make it profitable in long term. Many farmers report online that they struggle to even make ends meet. Also I want to ask you which crops do you recommend me to study and what kind of life stock. I was thinking about rabbit farm. Also I don't life in USA so I doubt these websites could help me out. @ajasatya Does this website have English version? Which crops do you recommend me to study? Which one is more profitable crops, livestock, mushrooms or maybe even bees or fish?
  18. This question does not leave me alone at nights... what happens after our physical death? Do we reincarnate as another body/ego or we wake up from this illusionary dream forever? This is question of the highest significance and I am sure some gurus may have some kind of perspective on that. If we reincarnate constantly no matter what while forgetting the past life experience then this significantly lowers Enlightenment value...
  19. There is no way. Enlightenment is what you are so, if you share - sharing just happens - you share with yourself contemplate that I don't mean that sharing is bad but it should come after you reached some substantial levels of understanding at least if not the full Enlightenment. Otherwise you may easily spread just another belief you have...
  20. @ArasH Jim is one of the most talented and interesting guys in the Hollywood scene. He is close to Eckhart Tolle and has been into Enlightenment community for a while. I think he definitely had some very powerful glimpses and insights, but... I doubt he is fully Enlightened. He is constantly trying to reach other people with Enlightenment topic but nobody really understands him. The unaware people mistakenly think that he is depressed or crazy. He is actually very close to the Truth. But imho he needs to become fully Enlightened, before he expresses the Truth to such a wide audience so openly. Imho It is very dangerous for non - Enlightened person to shout out so loudly - risk to loose the correct track. That is why I always avoid to speak about this path with unconscious people.
  21. @pluto This is amazing. How all these videos spread on the youtube. I think it is because more and more people are waking up!!!
  22. My story short. I am BBA (Business Administration) graduate (major finance) with working experience in Finance field. When I was working as financial analyst I was good at my job but did not really enjoyed it. I discovered that routine job is not suited for me and I hate corporate, bureaucratic working environment. Now I am doing Mba degree but still not sure if business field is suited for me. I've made too much time and money investment in my current career so it feels like I am stuck in it. I am huge introvert and prefer analytical, strategical and creative careers which does not require much social interactions. I am generalist type of person and like exploring new stuff. I hate linear jobs. Please suggest me careers where I could try myself and hopefully thrive. I am not kind of person who will be happy just working for a living. I need a job which will be a passion for me.
  23. As I said it is not only ok but it is actually very beneficial. When you are ready to do without you will know that.
  24. @Power The best way to understand it is to stay fully aware on the present moment. Just surrender to the Now. But don't order that to do to your mind just become aware that is already the case. The video you have linked is one of the most powerful Leo's videos imho. It helped me a lot to learn how to enjoy my meditation process and I've reached some very powerful glimpses through it. Just use it every day and when the right time comes you will know that you are ready to do the surrendering without any guidance.