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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Exactly... the consciousness, existence became awake to itself. I am so happy to come back to my form. I am shaking. I love my existence unconditionally as it is.
  2. Do you know he is present on some ofthese workshops some times?
  3. 5) nerves and emotions. I used to be very emotional and easy to get angry at people. Nowadays It seems like I am learning how to observe my emotions without getting involved much. However I still struggle sometimes to contain my irritability - because of my extreme introversion it is hard for me to fit with some people. I am not good at pretending. 6) Depression gone? I used to have depression most of the times but now it seems like everything has disappeared into the nowhere. And also it feels like it was coming out of the nowhere! It is becoming increasingly easy for me to surrender and accept the reality as it is. And also not overthinking aids me greatly. Excessive Thinking was the main cause of my depression! I was an addict!
  4. some of you criticize me that I ask too many questions and am not doing actual work. But what you don't know - I actually am doing it. Moreover, I am using all these heavy discussions we have to get insights, brainstorming and to test everything. Nice plot twist huh? So back to the topic - I am listing the changes I observe in myself: 1) I used to be terrible over thinker. I was overthinking my decisions and past and future constantly. I was prisioner of my mind. Nowadays I observe that some days may even pass by on auto pilot. So far this is the most shocking change I see. 2) I used to be very indecisive. I used to over think every decision even the trivial ones million times passing everything through my golden logic lens. I used to research and collect information for ages and in the end it would make my decision ever more complicated. Nowadays I observe how I take most decisions very quickly. 3) Nowadays I observe how my actions, movements happen on auto pilot. It seems like I am enjoying some kind of movie. This mainly happens when I am not interacting with people but still. Like when I go for groceries and walk in supermarket filled with people. I just become aware how everything just happens without even giving a thought or ordering my body to walk or take something. 4) In the crowded places sometimes unshakable peace strikes me. I am not sure why this happens. But suddenly I feel connection with everybody even though they pass by and everyone is busy with their lives. I may just stop in the middle of the overcrowded street and enjoy that feeling. I'll add more if I remember but those are the major ones.
  5. till the end with you! even though you sometimes frustrate me so much... I hope you will get Enlightened before psychedelics damage you lol!
  6. You definitely are not right now but what about future?
  7. what about brain or other physical damage possibilities. You have used good amount of psychedelics recent times so I am sure you have done some good research on that.
  8. @nightrider1435 But is there a thing like overusing shrooms I mean if you maintain 2 week gap. Like MDMA has serious potential to make permanent brain damage and make you depressed for whole life. Does shroom have the same sort of effect? The part about weed is very bad con because people smoking weed usually don't want to have acid or psychadelic experience on it.
  9. My main concerns about Leo's teaching of Enlightenment are connected with the Evil notion. Maybe I just need a clarification to more precisely understand what is the case. I understand that ego creates the need for Evil. Therefore, all the aggression and crime may come from ego desires. However I don't understand how murder or rape in it's all forms can be part of the same oneness. If you look at it as one then ego is also part of this one and that means that ego is also not evil. I can't agree on that because I certainly think that there is Evil. I just can't explain this in regards to Enlightenment teachings. Religion explains good and evil well. Why Enlightenment can't explain that. I certainly can't take the answer - everything is pointless... as legitimate. Because people killing each other is definitely something negative and terrible. Enlightenment however implies that there is no negativity at all...
  10. @electroBeam If you are interested in the business field you might very much enjoy the career of strategic management. It is highly strategical field and requires exactly the big picture thinking aka bird's eye view. And if you want to really contribute to the humanity you may work as strategic planner or manager for charity organization or NGO or maybe business which produces quality products.
  11. I took very good insights from you guys and from this topic. But I am sure you also understand what I am contemplating about and what was my point here. Yes I am also trying to seek solution to the humanity because that might be my ultimate goal. I don't want to be messiah. I just think every one of us should do his best to contribute to humanity. Because I am part of this dimension and I love humanity. I want us to be best versions of ourselves.
  12. @Space explain that. If someone thinks that murder is neither right no wrong then what does stop him to commit that crime if let's say he was born mentally ill and is maniac. I see what you guys trying to tell I really do. But I am contemplating wether in General it would bring more good or bad to the humanity if everybody believes that there is no evil. Some people are conscious enough and may benefit from that but others won't at least that's my current opinion.
  13. @Principium Nexus As I said some people are born mentally ill who have maniac deviation and just enjoy suffering of others. You have no answer on that. How would you stop it if humanity looses its ability to distinguish good and evil?
  14. You all don't read what I write and continue responding in the air. I said I know that Good and Evil are relative notions. But humanity has collective view on some of these Good and Evil amd I agree on those. And because we still live in this human dimension and there is no escape from the human body this lifetime I see not much benefit if you disrigard the collective view that murdering is Evil for whole humanity.
  15. by trial and error. I hate working for someone else.
  16. You don't know majority of humanity in the face so stop pretending. What you blame the whole humanity for maybe just a doing of some powerful greedy authority thirsty political leaders who turn everything to their profit. Do they have followers? Sure they do but stop boiling everyone in the same water. Even if it may appear that humanity collectively has done more bad than good - can't claim that either because you don't know small details. - The cause maybe the huge gap between the power. You know that today global countries are led by small group of powerful politics and you can't blame the rest of humanity for their actions.
  17. This or that it does not change the fact that we still live in this dimension and even after Enlightenment there is no escape from this body. If life was meant to experience in a relative manifestations why don't just fkin do it instead of trying to become god and at the same time dead god. Who said that becoming the god is the only viable true path? What if it is other way around. I had a discussion on this topic with my friend and he said yes even if it brings me eternal bliss it will kill me and I will no longer be a human. And with all the suffering and negative emotions I love to be a human because this is what makes me feel other positive emotions too and that's what make them so much more valuable... Maybe experiencing life is all that matters. And within this life you just try to be the best according to your views.
  18. You are saying humans are worse then animals but I don't agree even on that because it depends on human. Read what I told to "Deep".
  19. I don't think Evil or good exists Ultimately. Yes it's all about perspectives this is easy... But I mean there is collective view on good and evil for the Humanity and I agree on most of them like murdering and raping etc. is evil for humanity! And it is evil for me because I agree with the humanity on that. That is my point here. Even if I get Enlightened I am still human and live in a human dimension. So this is what makes us humans...
  20. @SFRL At least trying is what matters. Everyone has his own perspective. You did not answer the first part though.
  21. But how becoming true self and saying: all is just happening for nothing and no sense - and continuing to eat animal meat for example makes you a better being? At least as a human or ego or whatever call it you have a choice to believe in a things which are considered ultimate good by almost all the humanity.
  22. @Leo Gura What you just said is actually very easy and everyone knows it but you are making it one step further and telling me that Leo is all the rapists and evil. That is not 1 day contemplation work...
  23. What if I do but I don't want to because that's what makes us humans. And what if that's what is stopping some evil people to do evil things. You are right when saying that there is no ultimate evil nor ultimate Good unless we consider god the ultimate good. But... there is still collective view on some good and evil on which we as a humanity agree. And I want it to stay so in regards to murder and other major evil.