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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Yeah mushrooms seem like healthy meat alternatives. But I am also interested in Leo's opinion on this.
  2. @Drum Teacher Almost the same reasons. I am also christian but I have my own views. I consider major part of the religion made up by men. I believe in Jesus, He is the greatest inspiration for me and in his teachings I see lots of parallels with Enlightenment. Right now I think that the Truth is somewhere in the middle between Christianity teachings and Enlightenment teachings. Jesus is example for me and I strive to follow him as my greatest teacher. Because of that I want to know the hidden details of his life and his true teachings.
  3. People go research buckwheat and if it is sold in your country implement it into your diets. It is super food! @Socrates is macaroni pasta healthy?
  4. Seeking for the Truth and purpose of my existence.
  5. @ajasatya he existed it is unquoestanable and he was cruicified. There are many proofs for that. Majority of his life story which reached our time is real. The main issue I see is possible miss understanding of most of his teachings and the fact that there is not much known about his adolescence.
  6. @Zephyr What makes you say that. Is this only your guess or is it based on some proof?
  7. @Leo Gura Leo what do you think about rice and buckwheat. I consider buckwheat as the best alternative to them it is certainly one of the super foods.
  8. @Leo Gura Sardines usually come in cans. Is canned food safe? I think they are covered in the oil so that makes it relatively safe.
  9. @WelcometoReality I don't think full veganism is suitable for me actually. I am naturally inclined to meat products. I am quite large but not fat and to get enough vegan food I will have to eat whole day long I want to devote that time to something more useful. When I was trying veganism I was thinking about food whole day long and I found it really unproductive. I find idea of veggies, fruits, rice, buckwheat, eggs and fish the best. I will try it.
  10. I don't care much about building muscle. I am quite bulky naturally I wanna get lean actually. Also I am quite high. My main problem is belly fat. Rest of my body is middle between bulky/lean
  11. I love this idea so much. But how economically practical is it? If I become farmer and I invest everything I have in it this will be my main source of income. Also what is the minimum size of land where permaculture could be profitable? 10 acres, 20 acres?...
  12. @Leo Gura Which fish do you find the healthiest? As I know there is mercury in some which we need to be aware of. Nice. I will try to avoid dairy from now on! @WelcometoReality Yeah but because of my job schedule I could not manage to eat so much and prepare so much. Now I am student but it's even worse
  13. But why milk is so notorious. I thought it was high in calcium and proteins yet it may be high in fat but who said that fat is bad for us. Cholesterol is building block of male sexual hormones. And new studies show that our liver adjusts secretion of cholesterol according to how much we take from the food source. What about eggs? eggs contain all the vitamins and egg white is the healthiest protein with all amino acids.
  14. yes I tried that too. But my energy levels were very inconsistent. I had to eat almost twice as more than my regular previous diet. And it was highly unmaintainable.
  15. I tried twice raw food vegan diet but I became very weak. I think some body types just naturally need animal protein. That's why I eat 2-3 eggs daily in the morning.
  16. Maybe this part was misinterpreted. Or maybe Jesus intended these teachings for unconscious people who needed strict rules. At least this is my opinion... I think teaching about seven deadly sins is actually beneficial for some unconscious people. Some people just are inclined to bring chaos and suffering unless something stops them. Try to explain to those people that life is pointless and there is no hell or heaven and they will completely misunderstand that. They may become even more egoistic and do much more suffering in order to fulfill their ego desires.
  17. So basically what's left is fruits. It will definitely not withstand daily schedule of our modern fast paced chaotic lives unfortunately. There is huge controversy on the eggs. Some doctors say eggs are one of the healthiest foods and source of protein. I observed that to be true. I eat 2-3 eggs almost every day and I feel more energy throughout the day. Also what do you think about oatmeal? What is the best substitute for milk - coconut or almond milk?
  18. Yes it is very time consuming. But doing solo void with all it's enchanting music was always something mystical to me. Design of this game is amazing...
  19. Warning. Just out of the trip so expect lots of grammar mistakes. My hands are shaking right now! What I've seen can not be unseen. Part of me wants to but part of me is grateful for it. I started trip with powerful meditation and determined mindset to experience complete ego death. It happened. It hit me hardest possible and I completely surrendered. I could not even imagine that I had an ability to surrender so much. It completely destroyed me - I vanished. I had no past no future - only present. My consciousness become awaken. I was no longer body - I became awaken from my body. I saw all the figures and possibilities - it is limitless. I can't even describe all this as much as I want to. I experienced the unity of all the forms. I also saw how time does not exist - it's all about from which "angle" consciousness becomes aware of the form. In the middle of my trip I started to write in the trance. It was happening without me involved this is what I wrote: "all kinds of forms offer me hands to shake from all sides. They smile at me, they laugh at me some of them are sad. All there is is limitless game of forms. It has no beginning and no end... Time does not exist in this game of forms only "viewing" angle changes from which consciousness experiences these forms. Time is frozen - all there is is NOW! that is the only thing that exists and it is infinite! This game of forms is the most real thing there is and pointless illusion at the same time. It all happens in me. Who am I? I am all there is. why do I exist? only to exist. Experience is being! This is all pointless. does it scare me? it does not because pointlessness equals to absolute freedom. When there is no ultimate goal there comes the only, true unconditional freedom! Am I alone? No because there is no me and only thing there is - absolute infinity. Figures offer me hands to shake they are all me and they all have their ego sides. We met here in this dimension and we are all one. I am in the bliss and unconditional love to the unity of forms. It is such a bliss that it is killing me and I can't stay here infinitely - I need my form. Can I describe all this for ego dimension? No it is impossible : ( " I've seen there faces and figures which I've never seen in my life. Forms and figures were shaking hands and hugging each other. Everyone and everything was celebrating freedom from their ego sides including my true self. We all had understanding of our unity and that we are same consciousness. for solid 4-5 hours I was in this trance state and time to time I was coming back to my physicality. In that other dimension I also felt the unbreakable link and connection to my physical world sort as these two dimensions are one and ultimately connected. They are the two sides of the same coin! When I came back from this trance I hugged my room walls and felt unconditional love to them. I was so grateful that my reality exists in the exact form as it is.
  20. So basically my question is - when somebody fully realizes that he is the pure consciousness and not body why does not he gain ability to change the rules of the "game"? Is realization and being what you truly are two separate things? If you realize that you are the whole universe why can't you bend and distort the reality? Why everything remains the same for Enlightened people?
  21. @Vercingetorix warframe. It is online game and the most amazing one I've ever played. It is about awakening from the dream. It is in the distant future. Graphics are amazing and gameplay incomparable.
  22. I've seen there faces and figures which I've never seen in my life. Forms amd figures were shaking hands and hugging each other. Everyone and everything was celebrating freedom from their ego sides including my true self. And... we all had understanding the unity of us and that we are same consciousness.
  23. I saw you there and shook your hand
  24. I'll save that for another time haha. You troll Right now I feel like I don't wanna go back there anytime soon. This state is deadly I got this insight that we need this form it is unseparated part of that dimension of infinity and the only lens we can exist through. I appreciate my form of life so much more right now. What is Enlightenment you get stuck in that state permanently? I think it is impossible to stay there so long it will literally kill the body. You are spiritual leader certainly one of them!