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Everything posted by egoless

  1. So few INTPs here? I don't believe that haha. I thought this forum would be INTP magnet We are real Truth seekers!
  2. @Spiral yes I also use the newest version they have. It is called simply OneNote but there is also one called OneNote2016 and I don't quite understand what are the differences between those two. Will my book automatically transfer to newest versions Microsoft is going to release in the future? Is there a chance to loose everything? Because I think this is the main consideration when creating this valuable treasury. You want it to be safe forever.
  3. @AndreiC Creative! Keep up the good work man!
  4. @Epiphany_Inspired I don't know. But I find the idea of agricultural business very interesting and emotionally rewarding as you said. I just don't understand why this business is considered low profitable. This is food industry and there is always great demand on food. Why do farmers struggle to make ends meet?!
  5. @BjarkeT The Thing is I like Financial analytics as a work to do. I don't feel passion to it but It is interesting. I am quite good at Finance and I think I can Master it if I stick. But... I dislike the corporate environment. Maybe I was unlucky with the organizations I had practice so far but it seems like your creative mindset and free spirit is murdered in these corporation environments. The freedom and creativity are my core values.
  6. I am an INTP (Myers Briggs) with the educational and professional background in Finance. I already invested lots of effort and time in that field. I am good at doing financial analytics - but the problem is I don't resonate with it. I've did VIA character strength test adviced by @Leo Gura Blueprint. My top 5 Strengths are: Creativity - Thinking of novel and productive ways to conceptualize and do things; includes artistic achievement but is not limited to it. Judgement - Thinking things through and examining them from all sides; not jumping to conclusions; being able to change one's mind in light of evidence; weighing all evidence fairly. Bravery - Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; speaking up for what’s right even if there’s opposition; acting on convictions even if unpopular; includes physical bravery but is not limited to it. Perspective - Being able to provide wise counsel to others; having ways of looking at the world that make sense to oneself/others. Honesty - Speaking the truth but more broadly presenting oneself in a genuine way and acting in a sincere way; being without pretense; taking responsibility for one's feelings and actions. Curiosity - Taking an interest in ongoing experience for its own sake; finding subjects and topics fascinating; exploring and discovering. Love of learning - Mastering new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge, whether on one's own or formally; related to the strength of curiosity but goes beyond it to describe the tendency to add systematically to what one knows. Prudence - Being careful about one's choices; not taking undue risks; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted. I am struggling to find my career path. I consider myself as entrepreneur or inventor in the heart but I need to do lots of self development until I get there. I don't feel I am ready to become entrepreneur yet. I need to work on my social and management skills. That's why I consider to find professional career at first and mastering it. In my vision this career must be useful in my entrepreneur work later on. Finance could fit this role but I don't enjoy doing it. I was thinking about auditing or consultancy, strategic management. Any recommendations?
  7. @Leo Gura Can you tell us which version of OneNote you consider the best and where did you get it? I started using General OneNote (also for smartphones) it's free for windows I think and it has cloud feature. Is there a way to export all of my book in pdf form or something like that? What if Microsoft shuts down its OneNote service in the future.
  8. Have you ever felt frozen in stressful situations? You want to stay relaxed and take it in humor but your mind completely shuts down. You want to make a joke but you can't say a word and look stupid. Let's say you are in conflict with someone and you had argument. There are two ways whether you become aggressive and attack or another way (better Imho) you turn it in humor and distress the situation. Or maybe you are dealing with dysfunctional people and humor is the best weapon against those sometimes. It is so hard to stay cool and chilled. Is there a way to develop this ability to stay relaxed an humorous in any situation?
  9. What are dreams? Who are you when you sleep? Does your body still exist? Is that your true self who wakes up in your dreams? Is that pure consciousness?
  10. Yeah I agree. I consider sleep a semi-Enlightened state. It is like powerful partial ego death.
  11. @Key Elements yes but sometimes you can't. And better to be ready for those times.
  12. @Key Elements This advice is too idealistic to be true you know : ) There are times when you can't avoid stressful situations. Maybe it happens at work or other institution with closed system. Escape is never good answer in my opinion. It is better and more beneficial to work on yourself and your coping mechanisms because that is life.
  13. What can I say I am creative They see me rollin', they hatin'...
  14. @Dominik Drums Enlightenment path is very advanced topic. It is not a child's play. Leo warns you that it may cause depression, irritability, nihilism in his videos about Enlightenment. He also warns you to be at a self actualized point in your life before you start engaging in consciousness work. He warns you that this is the absolute deepest work one can do - and it is heroes journey - requires from you to be strongest version of yourself. It will require from you to surrender almost whole of your materialistic life and desires to reach high success in this work. So don't blame Leo because he literally warned you evertime. however I agree that if you do this work mentally and physically unprepared it will bring you more harm than benefit. Apply this information only with greatest caution!
  15. @Outer I meant taste texture. There is nothing closer to the meat than shrooms.
  16. Who are you? And why do you like us
  17. @Serotoninluv Exactly I was addicted to the thinking. I think it is general issue of INTPs. How did you solve the problem? Did you already find your life purpose and career? I struggle with that.
  18. @RichardY Join our community and let's get it started. We INTPs need to stick together and support each other. We have hard time integrating with this world. Back to the subject though, did you find your life purpose? How did you find it. My main problem with my INTP personality is that I get bored rather quickly in certain subjects. I started my career in Finance but I got rather bored after I acquired some knowledge and understanding. I am in the constant search of novelty. Novelty and knowledge thirst are my drugs and I am addicted.
  19. @Spacious Instead of binaural beats I sometimes listen to the Techno music while meditating.
  20. You mean to actually start doing it? Right now I am studying abroad. But I am constantly thinking about those two. I am doing research and developing my plan for the future.
  21. For my very end goal I was thinking to establish special school for gifted and more introverted children. Growing as an introvert modern school systems were not suitable for me to develop my self in the best possible way. I had friends and I was pretty popular in the school maybe because I was so mystical idk. But... I still struggled to integrate with systematic and close minded study process. In my school heavy emphasize will be on personal development, psychology, understanding emotions, developing personality understanding and finally the consciousness work. instead of breaks there will be meditation sessions with instructors teaching children how to meditate properly. I also want to teach them how to find suitable career and develop their skills specifically towards this career in the ending classes. This is what kind of impact I want to make. But I will do it when I get more older and little bit wiser About farming though I just find it very pleasant work to do in addition to consciousness work. Working with nature helps me to calm and still my mind. I also like to analyse markets and supply demand trends for agriculture products. Right now I like the idea of mushroom farm. Impact with farming could be delivering organic and healthy food to society.
  22. Who was Jesus in reality and what were his true teachings? He certainly left the greatest wisdom and showed the right direction for humanity. People living in his times most likely did not understand his true meanings and created yet another religion. Direct parallels with Enlightenment can not be unnoticed! We were told that we should seek the divinity within us and not in the external, materialistic world - "The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21, KJV). Holy trinity might be representing the unity of our egoic self, higher self and god himself as absolute infinity. Jesus was teaching everyone to love one another as they loved themselves. Mark 12:31: "Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” He also encouraged us to love our enemies and be forgiving. Jesus was the greatest teacher in my opinion. I would be so grateful if someone did full analysis of his true teachings and hidden details of his life. I think that there is potentially misinformation in the history as well. Majority of his life details did not reach to our times. Why was he fasting in the desert for 40 days? What was the genuine reason behind this? Did he really travel in India during his young adulthood years? Was he truly a yogic master and teaching people yogic and meditation techniques? Much of speculation can be done here but in this topic I want us to bring solid proofs and arguments. Let's find out together the hidden details of Christ's life and his true teachings. Jesus is the greatest teacher for me, he is my inspiration! I also found this video. It is very interesting but I am not sure whether all the information mentioned in the video is authentic. Can someone confirm?