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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @ppfeiff human diet is individualized... Everyone sees and says what he wants or believes is good for him. I don't believe those nutritionists any more... neither do I believe to vegan researchers. I believe to what my body says. I believe that more raw food diet is best choice generally. But yet again it depends on personal body type. For example my skin has bad reaction on dairy products. Egg is very healthy source of protein and vitamins. You wouldn't last long solely on fruit diet. Except you are extremely adapted to it. In response to your example children would most likely choose mcdonalds lol! Even if they tried it once.
  2. @Arman wow interesting! can you post the link?
  3. @Joseph Maynor you can't be both as there is quite noticeable difference for the professional eye between those two. I advise you to take test once again with great honesty and attention. This is essential to discover our true personality. Are you more practically oriented or love to think about abstract ideas and concepts? Are you decisive or overthink when taking decisions? Do you love being organized always or you prefer to be adaptable?
  4. @Arman agree. From now on OneNote will be free? Commonbook is just way too valuable to lose it for unforeseenable reasons that's why we need to be 100% safe. I hope sync will happen with any new version of OneNote Microsoft releases in the Future.
  5. @Arman are you sure it saves locally? Is there a function to export my book in pdf format or any other format to save it on flash drive or smth?
  6. @blazed Lol DEA could visit him long before if they wanted to...
  7. No worries Leo! Thank you for the amazing content once again!
  8. @blazed Yeah there was maybe some of his private life details leaked. Anyways it's up to Leo to decide. We already got cool insight from him.
  9. Some guys were disrespectful towards Leo and that is not cool. That is why the video was taken down I guess. But that is only my opinion. Maybe Leo had other reasons.
  10. So basically Microsoft is not going to release newer versions like Onenote2019 etc... They will just upgrade OneNote free ?
  11. @blazed Leo's private life I guess Pity that it got deleted. It was a great video tbh. Very informative and one of the most practically useful ones.
  12. @Spacious yeah I've seen it too but you can only install online version on iphone. I wonder if OneNote has save on hardware as well in case something is wrong with cloud services
  13. @Spacious yes but I am bit confused what's the difference between OneNote and OneNote2016 which is paid I guess. Will OneNote carry our progress to newer versions?
  14. What are you talking about man... Ebooks and audio books are the future!
  15. @stevegan928 I am using it free. It is included with my laptop windows. This may not be for everybody but those who like to hoard knowledge and information.
  16. @stevegan928 watch video and tell me if that has all these functionality mentioned in the video.
  17. @Leo Gura BTW I've just noticed you leveled up to Etherial Ape congrats! @Dominik Drums Idk about you but I make better analysis while typing.
  18. @Leo Gura But Leo...
  19. @Leo Gura Leo, which version of OneNote do you use exactly and where to get it? I did not find it on ebay so I just use free version simply called - OneNote. There is also OneNote2016 but I think it should be purchased. The one I am using currently came with my laptop windows and it is also linked with my smartphone app.
  20. Mac is ridiculously overpriced and is not worth it imho. If you don't do gaming (no need for strong laptops) windows ultrabooks are best choice. Dell xps is considered one of the best right now.
  21. @Shin I already settled that for myself. I am doing meditation Self inquiry was always natural for me so I just do it effortlessly everyday too.
  22. @Greatnestwithin I don't know whether mac has OneNote I doubt that most likely you will have to write windows on it. I would recommend to look into Asus Zenbook series or other ultrabooks.
  23. @Greatnestwithin I dislike mac I would not buy it. Windows is just overall better platform imho. Hate mac's limitations and overpriced hardware.
  24. @Dominik Drums However, there are plenty of disadvantages for paper version commonplace book. Did you listen to Leo's video? everything is going digital with time - including the information - you can't escape that. You can't attach videos, pictures and voice recordings to your paper. Also digital version is easier to protect and backup. If something happens with your paper (whether you spill coffee over it or loose it) you are done. All your work is lost. I agree with Leo and also consider digital version to be more effective and productive for this matter.
  25. @HII Sometime underground techno party helps me to relax and forget everyday problems. flirting and easy relationships with girls is also great relax for me. I also love watching movies, TV series or youtube while eating junk food sometimes Yeah and hot shower is great!