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Everything posted by egoless

  1. @How to be wise I know I will stay here, because life is not going everywhere - it is right here
  2. I hate when these pickup artists teach young guys that girls are just objects. Girls are humans like you and me and very complicated beings like us. Do you treat your friends as objects? Sure you don't. Where is the difference? This pickup mindset is really destructive. I wonder why did you decide to practice it in your older days.
  3. So for you that name only implies metaphor. But what about the second part of the question? Do you have any information where does yogic teaching come from then? (what, who, where is the source)
  4. So your point on that is - Shiva did not exist as a human ever? Do you have any information where does yogic teaching come from then? (what, who, where is the source)
  5. Great info! Which binaural beats do you use for meditation? I consider these sounds very important for me as I notice significant difference when I'm listening.
  6. But sadhguru mentions him as a human - first yogic teacher - from whom comes yogic teachings. Do you also consider that a part of religion? Sadhguru does not belong to any religion as far as I know.
  7. Too much information contradicting each other.
  8. Are they interconnected or why does name Shiva appears in every of those? Which is the first source of this word?
  9. So basically you are saying it is just another word for Truth? But what about Adiyogi - the first yogi. Some people also call him shiva? Where does name Shiva come from then?
  10. Right now I am doing Master's degree but I used to work in 3 top 100 major international companies. In one of them I was head of Finance department in my country. I am also thinking to become a life coach. Thinking to specialize in career and personal development coaching.
  11. yes but you can not neglect practical matters.
  12. Because Leo will never "reach "Enlightenment", neither will you. It is just realization that happens without you or any personality involved...
  13. @Ether That is highly debatable statement so I don't really want to discuss it here.
  14. Admins move this topic to life purpose sections It was my mistake to open it here.
  15. @vizual Generally INTPs are good gamers because that is part of abstract thinking.
  16. Hello my fellow INTPs. We are recognized as one of the most intellectual people among other 16 Myers Briggs personality types. the main issue we have though is to use our intellectual abilities in a practical way. We often tend to overthink abstract ideas and possibilities and neglect our daily practical lives. We also struggle to find our life purpose because we tend to overthink so much. Let's share our stories, ideas and give each other recommendations on how to develop ourselves. What struggles do you face as an INTP and how did you overcome them. For those who don't know their personality types yet - you can complete the FREE TEST. This is highly precise personality test used in many western countries for human resource management and personal development.
  17. I am lost here - if Enlightenment notion is true and we don't exist as separate self than why LP should be connected to contributing to the world? Enlightenment makes it meaningless somehow and that's sad. Does that mean that Finance can't be considered as someone's LP because there is little contribution to the world in this career?
  18. Yes we INTPs are weirdly weird
  19. @Noego2020 then you could buy OneNote2016 instead as it has both local and cloud syncing I think they all have both. You can turn of syncing if you wish so
  20. @Noego2020 But notice that we are talking about Microsoft here - Mega corporation with mega security. It is more likely that your laptop will be hacked or destroyed tonight than someone hacks whole Microsoft cloud system. Also you risk to be outdated if some major changes happen and you can't install OneNote 2010 on newest hardwares. Commonplace book is a very long term investment so to be always up to date is significant. Someone posted link where Microsoft declares that OneNote will be free forever... It is more likely that your local files get destroyed than Microsoft cloud system ereases everything - which is highly unlikely. Plus people mentioned here that new OneNote also saves it locally and if you wish you may turn off autosync. You can also export it in pdf as far as I know.
  21. @ppfeiff ok that's interesting. Can you link notable scholarly articles about these implications? So far I've heard that frugivores eat vegetables, fruits and nuts. Even if we are frugivores why do you limit it only to fruits? If we were not designed to eat meat how did we survive so long on meat based diet? You see? You can't rely only on research and science because sometimes common sense may turn out to be right. We don't know anything even about human biology yet we like to show otherwise. Scientists can't even proove that the universe is matter. P.S. if you look into history you'll notice that the people who had the strongest warriors generally were on meat based diets - Vikings for example.
  22. @ppfeiff you are making good points but you limit empirical evidence to your perspective. Your niece may prefer fruit over mcdonalds but that does not mean that generally children prefer fruits. I can agree with you on some points but living solely on fruits - I doubt that. What is your proof of that? Again linking only one youtuber or research explains nothing. You don't know how subjective or objective they are. Eating meat is considered something bad in vegan community - yes I understand that in regards to mass farming where animals are kept in horrible environments. But bio and free range meat is not something negative imho. Other animals eat meat too do we judge them? I believe there are body types which need animal protein.
  23. I know... I've read it as I am quite curious guy. But it only made Leo more human and authentic in my eyes.
  24. Detailed comparison of Evernote and OneNote