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Everything posted by egoless

  1. Exactly! That was my point there. You can't escape from existence.
  2. I know you. You are not. You're just being lazy
  3. Man that was not my question at all you are completely off topic
  4. @Nahm Stop misunderstanding my words please. You judge who I listen to without knowing who I listen to. If I were you I would try to become more aware of my biases. you speak about achievement of a man as if man achieves enlightenment. No there is no separate self in the higher dimension you are just piece of one unseparated life (existence). It's just in our dimension we make these distinctions and it all seems real.
  5. Read previous conversation and you will know the reason behind my questions.
  6. @Vignan what do you mean created by shiva. If he is formless god how did he create yoga teachings? Or are there two notions of shiva - one human , one god?
  7. @Vignan what does adiyogi shiva mean than? Sadhguru is constantly talking about hims as a first yogic teacher.
  8. I know - the strange start but... During my shroom trip I had several big insights. One of the most precious of them was coming straight from the nature. I felt this unshakable harmony with the nature. Trees outside were "whispering": Solution to the humanity problems lies between the synergy of people and the nature. Concentrating only on the technological development will bring no good... So then I was contemplating about my life purpose and I got really interested in the farming. Currently I am doing Business studies and I think farming aligns perfectly well with this. As an INTP (Myers Briggs) I always struggled to find my passionate career in the business field. I tried finance but was too repetitious for me. It seemed like I needed more freedom and creativity. As an INTP I am not sure whether farming will be the suitable life purpose for me but at least in theory it sounds very appealing to me. In addition I think that it is very beneficial work to do for the surroundings and society in general. Combining farming with Enlightenment work seems also a good possibility to me. Any actual farmers here who may give me recommendation on this?
  9. Can someone very experienced make a list of potential damaging effects of shrooms if used consistently for Enlightenment work? For example, I've heard that after shroom usage weed becomes more psychedelic and it is more panicky. You can't handle weed like you used to - how true is that? Are there any brain damages possible with shrooms or truffles? Let's say if you use it once or twice per month for some time. Does it damage serotonin receptors? What other possible adverse effects should be expected?
  10. Have you ever heard smth about natural talent of meditation? My recent meditations have been very very powerful and it comes out more and more naturally for me. I've heard people can't achieve that in years.
  11. I see, I see and I agree... But... Lots to tell.
  12. It is personal development and spirituality I could do both of them whole my life without getting bored or lazy ever. Both are infinite...
  13. @How to be wise Jesus Christ. Get inspired
  14. @Nahm @Leo Gura I am not just talking about Enlightened ones. I mean the degree of understanding that Sadhguru has. I consider Eckhart Tolle on the same level. Yes maybe there are some hidden ones as you say even some who have more understanding but thousands upon thousands - still seems a big number. If there were that many at least hundreds of them would do great marketing.
  15. @Key Elements I did not quite understood your last question but If you mean what I would actually do is study because I am doing Master's. But what I would like to do is explore the world and experience new interesting things. I love searching for information on different topics of my interest.
  16. @Leo Gura Thousands such seems way too exaggerated to me. Do you know them or is it just your guess?
  17. @Leo Gura Who other than Sadhguru do you consider at that high level? Today and in the history? P.S. I don't want to start religious debate here but I can't agree on your point about Jesus. I don't see anyone like him in modern days and in the history.
  18. Maybe I misunderstood it as I don't know Hindi. Shiva is translated as Absolute or Truth in Enlish? Does Shiva has direct translation in English? Is not there a separate word for that in Hindi?
  19. Lol BS I see practicality in almost every word said by him. You just need to reach his meanings.
  20. @Leo Gura You mean it is just a Hindi word? What is the origin of word shiva I wonder then? Why couldn't people just call it Absolute or Truth?
  21. @Leo Gura Leo who do you consider more advanced in his understanding Sadhguru or Eckhart? Or maybe Peter Ralston?
  22. Nothing fades away it is ever going infinity. Imagine you go to sleep and never wake up? consciousness always experiences something to the infinity.
  23. I am not chasing Enlightenment as it is not something to achieve. Everything is here - right here. I had very powerful insights my friend. It does not matter where you go. The only thing which matters is life constantly experiencing new things infinitely and as a relative manifestation you should be always striving to develop yourself and experience the life.
  24. Because of this pickup mindset there exists huge misunderstanding between male and female in modern society. That is why girls also make barriers and that is why really good guys stay unnoticed... Pickup mindset is destructive to the whole society. Women and men in general don't understand each other authentically anymore...