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Everything posted by egoless

  1. And basically you are saying that 9-5 job can not be anyone's life purpose? Than why do I see some people so into their careers and 9-5 jobs? Some of them are way to motivated. How do they do that if it is not life purpose for them? Some of them even work extra hours even if they don't get extra payment. I've seen such people in Finance field. How do you explain that. And also you explanation of LP also seems against the non-duality ideology to me. You are making clear distinctions of what is good LP and what is bad. In the end of the day isn't it all the same if you stay present?
  2. @Leo Gura it all seems like dreamer's perspective. Good on paper and luck dependent. Gotta be more realistic sometimes. Anyways when you achieve presence awareness mastery it all should feel the same does not it?
  3. I always feel that I have valuable wisdom and knowledge to share with the people but sometimes I can't. As an introvert it is hard for me to accept the spotlight and be comfortable in public speaking. I have tried many times to work on this skill but it seems like I lack some techniques, discipline. What kind of effective exercises do you know? Maybe book recommendations, Youtube videos, courses anything really.
  4. I am totally addicted to James Marshall's videos. I think that's in my style. Mastering my body and PD to attract females naturally. I love how he emphasizes meditation significance in mastering your emotions and becoming naturally anxiety free with females. Does anyone know anybody similar to James Marshall? I want to be zen alpha male - unbelievably chill and anxiety free.
  5. Yeah Leo I understand your point and you are right. But in the beginning I was pretty passionate about Finance. But then I started working in major international company which was really close minded and corporate. Even though I eventually became head of financial department they did not allow freedom of decisions. Even though I knew when the management was fking up they did not listen to my points. Almost similar story happened to me in the previous company. So that's why I lost passion in Finance. This experience sort of imprinted in my mind that Finance is always that corporate and limited. I love making analytical decisions and I am pretty good at it. But, I love novelty and freedom at the same time. So that's why I am stuck with my LP now. I know it sounds like I am just complaining. But that's my reality unfortunately.
  6. @Leo Gura Leo, me and you are friends right?
  7. @Revolutionary Think don't drop your passion for creating motivational movement. Continue experimenting with your youtube channel while searching for another job. You can always do youtube even when you work full time.
  8. How Finance is not important? Business and Finance field in particular creates the Economy (local and maybe even global) which is one of the essential pillars of development and advancement. However, I find it way too repetitive and sitting whole my life in one office just does not suit me. I love movement, novelty and creativity. I have very analytical mind as well. That's why I am thinking about Financial Audit because it is more lively and you get to travel a lot and investigate lots of different Businesses.
  9. I've become pure consciousness with no limitations during my ego death experience while tripping. I even experience same during very powerful meditations. But in my regular state I feel otherwise. Thereby, my answers are from my current perspective - Now. However I did not fully see how time works during my ego death experience. It seemed like observing figures from the different "angles" created their actions and movements - thus the change was happening not in the time but through the observation from different "angles". However still, how does awareness experience all at once? Is my life and your life happening simultaneously? Or "we" play every role one by one.
  10. I am existence In order for existence to exist it should be self aware everything which is part of the existence is self-aware. From the least particles to the vast galaxies. Those are the answers I got right now.
  11. Leo, you worked so many years in different fields to find your passion. If it was so linear instead of game design you would dream about being life coach in your childhood. The problem is some people are just passionate about many different topics and fields. What is the strategy then? You can't master every single one of them. Thus, you should stick and concentrate on the field you have currently the most experience and knowledge. That way you are already on your way to master it and then success and mastery yields passion. Don't you agree that when you become master of something and become valuable person it sparks passion in your life? As I understood there are two opposing views on that matter. You are proponent of the opposing idea. You first advise to search for passion which may take decades of trial and error for people like me and @Joseph Maynor . What if none of them are universally true and it all depends on your personality... P.S. If I had as much information about careers and my personality as I have now I would definitely choose other career than Finance. But what can I do about it right now. I already have 3 years of work experience in it and Master level double degree. Should I waste all these years and start "heroic" journey for passion? (which I have for many different fields). Being a dreamer is good when you are asleep but reality requires you to work your ass off to sustain yourself. I've seen many people who took risk and followed their passion - eventually ending up in poverty and regretting it all. It's all about risk to reward my friend.
  12. very nice suggestions. I checked some of his videos and this guy seems to be more grounded in his personality and does not act. I love the idea to work through PD to attract females. I would appreciate if anyone suggested another channels like James Marshall's.
  13. @aurum I just used term PUA so it's easily understandable but I guess I should have just said woman attraction and seduction. You don't require game and acting classes for that. I mean authentic attraction of women for who you really are without playing random asshole roles. I also understand your point. But game and "traditional pickup" just does not resonate with my personality. I tried though.
  14. @Joseph Maynor As the one who really resonates with you in that - my life purpose is being absolutely freedom. I will tell you that the only way to achieve that freedom of choice is to become financially stable and independent. When you generate enough financial security in your bank account you will be more daring and risky to take chances. Plus I was reading the book "So Good They Can't Ignore You" and I agree with author's main idea. Don't follow your passion and Be so good they can't ignore you (or the importance of skill). Mastering something and becoming successful at what you do sparks passion in you and not vice versa (for most people). I am like you, unfortunately I don't have pre-existing passion I just love to explore new ideas and new fields. I love constant novelty and freedom. But wandering around like this will do no good in the end for us. We need to concentrate on one skill and master it. Eventually the value we create with this skill will be so good that they can't ignore it. When you feel valuable, you feel happy and passionate.
  15. I love listening to girls and I love engaging in deep conversations with them. If that's what you mean.
  16. Yeah that also but I usually drink beer only when I go out with friends. I don't like drinking beer alone I prefer whiskey or wine.
  17. Currently I am a student studying abroad. This is my current cheap and healthy diet which I invented myself: Morning: pasture-raise eggs with spinach or oatmeal with honey & banana. Then till 6 PM I eat mainly: Ananas (costs 1 euro lasts me 2 days), grapes and apple. OR guacamole with organic vegetable chips. Dinner at 6-7 PM - several options: vegetables with rice, mushrooms with buckwheat/rice or vegetables/rice with pasture raised chicken fillet. Unfortunately Salmon fillet is very expensive for my budget. At night if I get really hungry I usually drink tea and it diminishes my hunger. I found this diet to be perfectly budget friendly and healthy at the same time. @Joseph Maynor Sometimes I drink quality whiskey or red wine in the evening.
  18. Yeah but this advise is for people who don't know what they are passionate about or get excited by many different things. Then you actually need to start doing any of them but stick to it before you master it. Even if it will seem to you that this is not your LP and you should continue search. That's what creates disaster. Grass is always greener on the other side... Mind loves to trick us in every possible way.
  19. Watch the video! Many many people waste theur lives doing nothing while waiting for that LP to miriculously appear. passion comes with mastery and success...
  20. What do you mean?
  21. I have been into human psychology and personal development since my early childhood. I always got fascinated by human possibilities and potentialities to achieve greatness. Since in my country psychology and life coaching was not really a good career (there is no market for it) I decided to study Business Administration. I worked in Finance field and it does not resonate with me at all. Now I study abroad and constantly thinking about finding my LP again. I have been always great adviser in 1 on 1 conversations with my friends. I have this natural talent to motivate and inspire others when they feel down. I am very bad at public speaking though and I struggle to motivate and inspire myself sometimes. I am however good at providing that service to others. I see other's problems vividly and am able to analyze possible solution for them. Since my childhood friends usually came to me when they were feeling down to get motivation or advice. I always wanted to have my own school where I could develop people and give them life and career advises. The problem however is my mind - which is my enemy right now. It creates these barriers in my head that it is too late or it is impossible. I know I need to overcome myself but I am kinda nervous to make the moves. I don't know where this career change would bring me. Where should I start? Will I go back to my country or stay where I am currently studying? All these issues overload my brains and I struggle to make final decision!
  22. Recently I have been meditating 3-5 times a day. Not every time one hour but still... I think I am mastering meditation quite fast. Usually after first 5 minutes I go in trance like state of being present and I have still mind with almost 0 thoughts. Also I used to have some black figures popping with my eyes closed in the past but nowadays the third eye area seems to be just light and still without any images. I sometimes meditate several times a day as a way to escape some kind of stress and everyday problem or anxiety. It seems like I am getting addicted to meditation. I also became somewhat unproductive because instead of studying I prefer to meditate. I am very hardcore in my meditations. I always burn incense cones - called 7 chakras ( I don't know how safe it is) and I also listen to binaural beats ( called third eye opening) which greatly affect my brain function. I sometimes feel dizziness and fatigue after meditating.
  23. Why do you think I'm trolling lol
  24. Mario eats shrooms and grows big